live stream of ukraine cities under attack by russia....

you are very welcome...:) . i keep having to reload the main live youtube channel coz
it kept getting cut for a number of different reasons.... . but they say now it is back for
good.... . so i reposted it again below.... ...

also here is the flghtradar24 link again.... i zeroed it in on ukraine...


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more ukraine civilian men and even some foreigners living in ukraine
are taking up weapons to fight the russian army... which is advancing
with a 40 mile long convoy of tanks and equipment towards kiyv...

and when stories first starting appearing about the ghost of kiyv. many..
people thought it was just another wartime myth meant to inspire both
soldiers and citizens of ukraine to fight..... but apparently it is not a
myth... .in the first days of the russian invasion a ukrainian fighter
pilot in a Mig-29 really did shoot down 6 invading enemy fighter jets
within a space of only 30 hours.... but there have been no reports of him
since then... so we don;t know if he is still out there or was shot down...


edit - march 2nd... noon hawaii time... breaking news on the ghost of kyiv story
one of the ukraine citizens living in kyiv who provides one of the live streams used
in the above situation room.... says the
"the ghost of kiyv" is a fake story...... truth to it at all.. :( ....
if you watched the live stream march 2nd in the
afternoon you might have seen him actually interviewed on the channel.... very
interesting... propaganda on both sides on the war continues.... :cool:

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statements made by captive prisoners of war are always suspect... and most countries..
(unless they are bent on spreading propaganda)... will refuse to publish videos like this
one ... and for a great number of reasons.. .... but ukraine is doing it, never the less..
and videos like this are where our own state department is getting the idea the average
russian soldier was deceived into invading ukraine... .. but whether these statements are
truthful or not... spontaeous or coerced.. .. one thing is painfully clear... . none of these
guys can ever go back home again....

unfortunately the live stream videos keep getting cut off..... but here is another good resource for
understanding exactly where russian forces involved in the invasion are located... and what has been
happening with them.... this is the same one the nightly news guys on the various channels refer to

if you click on the individual bubbles on the map it will bring up either a news story or a video of
what is happening in that area..... it;s fairly well up to date....

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putins statement... made this morning.....
note... video will not embed... but it can be watched by clicking on the link that says
watch on youtube.... in the big black and blank square below.....

and what zelensky had to say on the matter.......

and some history as to why both sides in this conflict feel betrayed by the united states and NATO....
what the mainstream and left wing news media is simply parroting the propaganda of the biden
administration... which is following examples set by barak obama.. g-dubya bush.. and bill
clinton... they have all gone back of agreements and broken promises made to both
russian and ukraine during conferences discussing the re-unification of germany in 1990
and de-nulcearization of break away states after the fall of the soviet union in 1994

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visible on one of the last live stream cameras left... upper right hand camera...
the nuclear powerplant at zaphoriszhia is under attack at this moment.... at
around the 01:12 mark on the center clock... tanks and other military vehicles
were seen entering the parking lot... and at the 01:34 mark flares began falling
followed by more armored vehicles entering.... at around the 02:38 mark tracer
rounds were seen streaking across the parking lot... there is no sound on that
video.... and no indication of what else might be happening there.. but the
reactor building on the far right was on fire at one point.. ...i was watching
this live when the battle began and got this up as soon as i could....


here is a better view of the attack when it started

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it's absolutely amazing seeing war play out right in front of our eyes, in live time. With all of the video coverage of every movement of things in this high-tech society, and surveillance techniques from high level powers like Russia, it's hard for me to understand how they're not able to track zelensky's movement (especially the way he has been out publicly in press conferences so much) and successfully pull off the assassination that has been planned but spoiled supposedly three times now. I'm thankful that he is able to avoid such attempts, but wonder about the wisdom of continually appearing publicly.
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it's absolutely amazing seeing war play out right in front of our eyes, in live time. With all of the video coverage of every movement of things in this high-tech society, and surveillance techniques from high level powers like Russia, it's hard for me to understand how they're not able to track zelensky's movement (especially the way he has been out publicly in press conferences so much) and successfully pull off the assassination that has been planned but spoiled supposedly three times now. I'm thankful that he is able to avoid such attempts, but wonder about the wisdom of continually appearing publicly.

from what they say.... zelensky is being moved around constantly and his people are constantly changing the vehicles they move him around in.... plus those guys protecting him are a hard core group of professionals that are very astute at picking out who might be trying to get too close to zelensky for the wrong reasons.... and they won;t hesitate to shoot anyone they think is suspect.... if they operate anything close to the way some of our own close protection professionals operate then they know the where abouts of every live streaming camera in the ukraine.... know who is operating them... and can shut them down prior to moving zelensky...;s all part of that 99% boring homework vrs the 1% of real action i told you about in a message..... it;s the homework that keeps the objective safe more so than the guys with the body armor and the guns.... :cool:
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from what they say.... zelensky is being moved around constantly and his people are constantly changing the vehicles they move him around in.... plus those guys protecting him are a hard core group of professionals that are very astute at picking out who might be trying to get too close to zelensky for the wrong reasons.... and they won;t hesitate to shoot anyone they think is suspect.... if they operate anything close to the way some of our own close protection professionals operate then they know the where abouts of every live streaming camera in the ukraine.... know who is operating them... and can shut them down prior to moving zelensky...;s all part of that 99% boring homework vrs the 1% of real action i told you about in a message..... it;s the homework that keeps the objective safe more so than the guys with the body armor and the guns.... :cool:
For the first time on the news that I listen to, yesterday I heard calls for zelenskyy to stop being quite as high profile and move out of Kyiv. His argument, in my opinion a persuasive one, was that in order to successfully continue the Ukrainian resistance he was going to have to stay alive and not become a martyr.
For the first time on the news that I listen to, yesterday I heard calls for zelenskyy to stop being quite as high profile and move out of Kyiv. His argument, in my opinion a persuasive one, was that in order to successfully continue the Ukrainian resistance he was going to have to stay alive and not become a martyr.
he;s right.... plus i think he understands that russia is who will benefit most if he leaves kiyv.... and they will spin it as if he is running away no matter what the real reason for him to leave might be..... ........but there is something else he understands too, that most americans don;t even understand... and that is how utterly clueless our own u.s. news media is.... and how they easily they become the tools by which propaganda from both sides is spread... ..though they are too stupid to realize it themselves - the news media today is just another branch of the entertainment industry.... ...zelensky was in the entertainment industry himself for many years..... he understands it very well, and knows how it works.. ..knows how to use them as well as anybody does....
... ..though they are too stupid to realize it themselves - the news media today is just another branch of the entertainment industry....

a few days ago... in a previous post in this same thread.... i posted a video review on the
ukrainaian army combat 24 hour MRE....... i was looking for the MRE used by russia for
comparison and found out that belarus uses almost the exact same one..... i posted
a review of it below by the same person who reviewed the ukraine rations..... me it
appears the ukrainian guys are much better fed... ..the russian MRE seem to very heavy
on crackers and canned meat..... and some of the canned meat looks no better than dog
food... it also contains a lot of pate' (emulsified liver.).. but if you watched the previous
one on the ukraine MRE i hope you will watch this one and see what you think of it....

and the MRE reviewed below is a light weight ration for russian special forces... to me it
looks better and a much more healthy alternative than the canned meat and soda crackers
of the standard russian army ration..... but still far short of the ukrainain fare...

note*... the guy doing these videos is always very upbeat and positive.. he literally comes
off like he never met a combat ration he didn;t like.... but i wonder sometimes.... .

below is a picture of the current russian combat 24 hour MRE pack.... it;s basically the same
stuff in the belarus combat ration pack just packed in a more modern container..... as you
can see.... lots of crackers and canned meat... no wonder the russian soldiers are raiding
super markets and grocery stores......

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thanks... it was a rare moment of heightened mental acuity for me.. :)..
i am trying to make those moments less rare......;)

in zelenskys latest statement..... he basically tells the west.. NATO... and especially
the united states... that it is our obligation to do whatever is necessary to provide
military support for ukraine...... ... a nuclear WW3 could very well happen due to
all of this.... and it will be what biden is remembered for most... ..unfortunately
not much of the blame will likely stick to obama... though he is equally responsible
for it by reason of the agreements he broke with both russian and ukraine.... it;s
scary to realize they don;t seem to care... and to think of what the reason could be..

interesting.... it was availabe until this afternoon... 2 pm hawaii time.. on 03-11-2022.
i wonder who decided to censor it from the eyes of american viewers... and why?...

blocking this video from being seen by american audiences is nothing more than old soviet style censorship... being practiced in america.... ..our own people in power condemn russia for it;s authoritarianism, then practice their own equally intrusive version of it.... kinda hypocritical to say your opponents are running a dirty game when you have copied their playbook.... ... but being hypocritical doesn;t seem to bother people anymore... as long as they are in charge.....
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thanks... it was a rare moment of heightened mental acuity for me.. :)..
i am trying to make those moments less rare......;)

in zelenskys latest statement..... he basically tells the west.. NATO... and especially
the united states... that it is our obligation to do whatever is necessary to provide
military support for ukraine...... ... a nuclear WW3 could very well happen due to
all of this.... and it will be what biden is remembered for most... ..unfortunately
not much of the blame will likely stick to obama... though he is equally responsible
for it by reason of the agreements he broke with both russian and ukraine.... it;s
scary to realize they don;t seem to care... and to think of what the reason could be..

Zelenskyy feels the pressure of the squeeze, knowing he is near the end, and in that desperation is calling for the west to essentially provoke WW3 (and humanity's near extinction) in order spare his own country's dissolution. It is understandable for someone in his position, and heartbreaking to watch the Ukrainian tragedy unfold, but we can't capitulate to that sort of thing, for the sake of our own interests, and the preservation of the existing world as we currently know it.
Zelenskyy feels the pressure of the squeeze, knowing he is near the end, and in that desperation is calling for the west to essentially provoke WW3 (and humanity's near extinction) in order spare his own country's dissolution. It is understandable for someone in his position, and heartbreaking to watch the Ukrainian tragedy unfold, but we can't capitulate to that sort of thing, for the sake of our own interests, and the preservation of the existing world as we currently know it.
what gets me is that they have called putin a madman and unhinged for threatening a nuclear first strike against NATO - if NATO continues to put the threat of nuclear first strike capability against him on his doorstep... ..(something NATO and also U.S. presidents in the past promised putin they would never do)... ... yet they hold back from calling zelensky mad or unhinged when he makes demands and a declaration to the effect that "if there can be no world with a free ukraine in it... then there should be no world at all".... .....wanting to escalate a war in a way that would guarantee the complete devastation of ones own country does not fall into the category of loving ones own country...... ..if i can understand that being a diagnosed schizophrenic then what diagnosis of mental illness does that qualify zelensky for?..... ...and how mentally unhinged should ukrainians be considered who want to follow him down that path?....
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there is a cost to war few people caught up in patriotic fervor take time to think about..

a situation many believe could have been prevented if previous agreements both
verbal and written had been adhered to.... .. and also if the right u.s. president
had been kept in office..
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more ukraine civilian men and even some foreigners living in ukraine
are taking up weapons to fight the russian army... which is advancing
with a 40 mile long convoy of tanks and equipment towards kiyv...

and when stories first starting appearing about the ghost of kiyv. many..
people thought it was just another wartime myth meant to inspire both
soldiers and citizens of ukraine to fight..... but apparently it is not a
myth... .in the first days of the russian invasion a ukrainian fighter
pilot in a Mig-29 really did shoot down 6 invading enemy fighter jets
within a space of only 30 hours.... but there have been no reports of him
since then... so we don;t know if he is still out there or was shot down...


edit - march 2nd... noon hawaii time... breaking news on the ghost of kyiv story
one of the ukraine citizens living in kyiv who provides one of the live streams used
in the above situation room.... says the
"the ghost of kiyv" is a fake story...... truth to it at all.. :( ....
if you watched the live stream march 2nd in the
afternoon you might have seen him actually interviewed on the channel.... very
interesting... propaganda on both sides on the war continues.... :cool:

The Power and Perils of Propaganda...

so..... as an addendum to the above story - which disputed the existence of the "ghost of kiyv"..... the host of the youtube channel spoke with the ukrainian citizen living in kiyv.. and who is supplying one of the lives feeds... again.. he was preparing to evacuate his family to poland... ... and he asked him one more time about the legendary - and unknown..- ukrainian pilo known as the ghost of kiyv..... who myth has it shot down 6 russian jets on the first day of the russian invasion....... ... and the resident of kiyv told him.. once again, the story was false....

but the host shot back at him... (sitting at his computer in the american midwest.)..... and said - "but we choose to believe he is real... it is important to us.. ...... and we believe it;s important to the ukrainian people too, to believe..... it helps inspire them .... that;s why we keep talking about it... "

the ukrainian citizen replied.... "please don;t.... it does not help us to believe lies.... it only encourages people to do things that could get them hurt or killed"......

the host of the channel sat there dumbfounded.... . literally did not know what to say.... after a few moments of silence on the channel, he changed the subject and moved on to something else....... since then he has not mentioned the ghost of kiyv again....

just thought persons interested would like to know... :coffee:
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i have said many times the propaganda on both sides of this conflict is irresponsible....
grossly misleading... and can be dangerous.. or even deadly.... to the very citizens of
the side propagating the false information... .. especially when that propaganda shows
pictures of ukrainian civilians... even women and children..... taking up arms to fight
..or shows interviews with captured russian soldiers making them read from scripts and
giving the ukraine civilians the false impression those russian soldiers don;t really want
to fight... or that they are really on the side of ukraine.... or when it shows pictures of
ukraine civilians using their own bodies like barriers and human shields against russian
tanks - and encouraging other civilians to do the same.. it;s a well known characteristic
of warfare that when civilians become combatants, civilians end up being targeted..
...... .
.and this is the result...


and this.... is both joe bidens response.... (sending the kackling clown kamala to meet
with NATO)
.. and what the news media in other countries is saying about it... ....

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