Jimmy Carter: Saved by the Blood of Jesus

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LOL. When thinking of heroes of the faith, Jimmy Carter has never entered my mind. And it's still a bit of a stretch...weakening a nation just doesn't jive with "love thy neighbor as thyself"
LOL. When thinking of heroes of the faith, Jimmy Carter has never entered my mind. And it's still a bit of a stretch...weakening a nation just doesn't jive with "love thy neighbor as thyself"
Remember that presidents are ranked by historians, sometimes not accurately until some years after their demise. However, currently Carter is ranked #26 or #24 (depending on the year’s ranking) and Trump is almost dead last. I give Carter and Trump credit though: both kept the country relatively safe and out of war while in office. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pictures/presidents-ranked-worst-best/
CNN……Carter’s Christianity, lol
So, in a quandary like that about people who don’t know about Christ, what would be their fate? I’m inclined to believe that they will not be condemned or punished by God.—Carter
CNN……Carter’s Christianity, lol
I have to fully endorse that statement by Carter. I believe those who are not introduced to Christ will not pay the ultimate price like those who reject Christ.
I have to fully endorse that statement by Carter. I believe those who are not introduced to Christ will not pay the ultimate price like those who reject Christ.
I’m sure you’re very familiar with this

ignorantia juris non excusat

And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭KJV‬‬
I’m sure you’re very familiar with this

ignorantia juris non excusat

And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭KJV‬‬
Yes, but I’m not going to conflate human law with spiritual. The Fate of the Unlearned is not monolithic. Different denominations have different interpretations about this doctrine, as I’m sure you are aware.
Yes, but I’m not going to conflate human law with spiritual. The Fate of the Unlearned is not monolithic. Different denominations have different interpretations about this doctrine, as I’m sure you are aware.

Yes, there are differences of opinion on various aspects of theology. The point of course though, is that you are on a fundamentalist website espousing theology that leans towards progressive liberal protestant mainline teaching.
Yes, there are differences of opinion on various aspects of theology. The point of course though, is that you are on a fundamentalist website espousing theology that leans towards progressive liberal protestant mainline teaching.
Alayman - I don’t think that was really your point, but from what I can tell, you and I might be the only active members who actually attend an IFB church. In fact, I believe I’ve even had members (you?) describe the site as a place for mostly ex- and recovering IFB. 😉
Alayman - I don’t think that was really your point, but from what I can tell, you and I might be the only active members who actually attend an IFB church. In fact, I believe I’ve even had members (you?) describe the site as a place for mostly ex- and recovering IFB. 😉
OK, so what was my point then?

And even though you are actually conflating stuff now by pedantically insisting on the concept of fundamentalist by defining conservative Christian theology narrowly per Bob Jones or Hyles Anderson I’ll overlook that for now, and assume that you don’t grasp that the people who are here have a working knowledge and affinity for fundamentalist interpretations of doctrine. Even if they are in a place that might not be identified by your church or my church as a fundamentalist church in the same way that you are using the term, they are nonetheless mostly functional fundamentalists, and at least conservative evangelicals properly defined. And of course, the real irony is you claiming the Pedegree of independent Baptist, yet standing in firm opposition to what your own church would teach on a variety of issues that you have libertarian leanings on.
OK, so what was my point then?

And even though you are actually conflating stuff now by pedantically insisting on the concept of fundamentalist by defining conservative Christian theology narrowly per Bob Jones or Hyles Anderson I’ll overlook that for now, and assume that you don’t grasp that the people who are here have a working knowledge and affinity for fundamentalist interpretations of doctrine. Even if they are in a place that might not be identified by your church or my church as a fundamentalist church in the same way that you are using the term, they are nonetheless mostly functional fundamentalists, and at least conservative evangelicals properly defined. And of course, the real irony is you claiming the Pedegree of independent Baptist, yet standing in firm opposition to what your own church would teach on a variety of issues that you have libertarian leanings on.
The ultimate irony of belonging to an Independent Fundamental Baptist church would be for me to eschew the Independent aspect of the label. As a Christian, I must search the Scriptures for insight into some matters. I may have a different opinion or interpretation of a particular doctrine such as the Fate of the Unlearned, but if I’m going to treat my pastor as if he’s the sole interpreter of Scripture, then I might as well become a Catholic and acquiescence to the Pope and Council. However, that doesn’t mean I’m my own final arbiter of truth since I fully recognize I can have a different leading by God at a later date as I grow in understanding and age.

As to Carter’s position that you originally quoted, that’s where I’m at now, but perhaps that viewpoint will change in time. I’m not aware of the stance on every aspect of faith my church has, so I’m sure there may be some others my pastor would disagree with me on, but I’d imagine the vast majority of our views would mesh.
President Carter should not be judged by an article written about him but rather, how he's lived his life for 98 years. Articles can and will be slanted - facts don't lie.

His presidency aside, and his faith aside, his good deeds can't be disputed.

I also don't consider him a "hero" of y'all's faith but I would that when I'm 99 years old, that I could claim a small fraction of the good deeds that he has done.
President Carter should not be judged by an article written about him but rather, how he's lived his life for 98 years. Articles can and will be slanted - facts don't lie.

His presidency aside, and his faith aside, his good deeds can't be disputed.

I also don't consider him a "hero" of y'all's faith but I would that when I'm 99 years old, that I could claim a small fraction of the good deeds that he has done.
I will slightly disagree agree with you in that I absolutely do consider him a hero of the faith (in a 21st century sort of way, not in a biblical prophet sort of way). He’s lived an absolutely noble life and I think the world would be a much better place if we learned to mimic his wisdom and life.
I will slightly disagree agree with you in that I absolutely do consider him a hero of the faith (in a 21st century sort of way, not in a biblical prophet sort of way). He’s lived an absolutely noble life and I think the world would be a much better place if we learned to mimic his wisdom and life.
And while you disagree with me a little, I absolutely agree with you that "the world would be a much better place if we learned to mimic his wisdom and life".
….He’s lived an absolutely noble life and I think the world would be a much better place if we learned to mimic his wisdom and life.

So did Ghandi and Mother Teresa. I wouldn’t advocate for either of their theological worldviews just so that people could go to hell from a nicer earth.

And as far as your “ultimate irony” of claiming independent thought at the expense of fundamental elements of church virtues, values, and emphases, go tell your pastor that you are all for allowing gay marriage, abortion, legalized recreational use of marijuana, women pastors, and salvation for those in the deep African jungle who’ve never heard of Christ and see if he asks you to sign up for any teaching ministries. 😉

Oh, you never said what you thought that I originally meant.
So did Ghandi and Mother Teresa. I wouldn’t advocate for either of their theological worldviews just so that people could go to hell from a nicer earth.
I’m not sure about Ghandi, but I fully expect to find Mother Teresa in heaven.
And as far as your “ultimate irony” of claiming independent thought at the expense of fundamental elements of church virtues, values, and emphases, go tell your pastor that you are all for allowing gay marriage, abortion, legalized recreational use of marijuana, women pastors, and salvation for those in the deep African jungle who’ve never heard of Christ and see if he asks you to sign up for any teaching ministries.
I’m not involved in any teaching ministries, nor would I sign up for any such position because I respect the fact that it would be hypocritical to do so while not being in lockstep with some of the biblical interpretations. However, I probably do spiritually agree with them on most of these issues, I just don’t politically in some of them.
Oh, you never said what you thought that I originally meant.
The point was that from the outset, you didn’t take umbrage with me posting a “liberal” viewpoint, but rather you sneered at the Christianity of another human because he’s liberal and the article is from a liberal news medium…or did I misread you?
I’m not sure about Ghandi, but I fully expect to find Mother Teresa in heaven.

I’m not involved in any teaching ministries, nor would I sign up for any such position because I respect the fact that it would be hypocritical to do so while not being in lockstep with some of the biblical interpretations. However, I probably do spiritually agree with them on most of these issues, I just don’t politically in some of them.

The point was that from the outset, you didn’t take umbrage with me posting a “liberal” viewpoint, but rather you sneered at the Christianity of another human because he’s liberal and the article is from a liberal news medium…or did I misread you?
Yes you misread me, 100%. I’m not judging the salvation of Teresa or Jimmy. I merely was pointing out that CNN would obviously take the left-leaning political and theological hot-take in favor of Carter at the expense of us mean ol’ fundies and white nationalist nazi wannabes. On the other hand I will judge their Biblical fidelity to what I own as evangelical theology.

And secondly I was pointing out that it is Carter who is out of step with historic evangelicalism.

Thirdly I was pointing to the obvious hypocrisy of a media outlet who could not give 2 rat’s behinds about orthodox Christian theology at all but will exploit that issue when it serves their greater liberal good.