BandGuy said:
[quote author=rsc2a]Why would I listen to a bunch of people tell me that the ticket to heaven (as if that's the main point) is that I vote Republican, avoid alcohol, and not use swear words?
I am sorry that is what you heard (even though I recognize it as a mindless redirect away from what is wrong with liberal theology). I never once in this thread, or anywhere that I know of, made reference to your "ticket to heaven", voting Republican, avoiding alcohol or not using swear words as a means of getting to heaven. It would seem to me that you don't recognize the difference between a theological and political liberal, although, I will confess that many times, there is a lot of overlap. You have falsely accused me of being a part of a works salvation theology. You seem to have a problem with either understanding this conversation or with telling the truth. Which is it?[/quote] don't seem to be following your own argument. You defined a theological "liberal" as one who...
...doesn't want to be told that something is wrong and therefore have to change their life, reads the Bible, doesn't like what it says, and spends their entire life trying to reinterpret or explain away the Bible to where it fits their sin and rebellion...
...yet the very same thing can be said about those you would label
theological conservatives. They just choose to apply these principles to different parts of Scripture.
[quote author=BandGuy]I haven't quite figured out yet what you are since you seem to be unwilling to respond to the actual question being asked. It is like you have something to hide. [/quote]
I'm arguing with the definitions you are using. If we aren't even meaning the same thing when we use the same words, it would be kind of hard for me to answer the question in a way that was clear, wouldn' it be?
[quote author=BandGuy]My enemy is sin and the Devil. God's enemies are those who are lost. [/quote]
You realize the dichotomy here?
[quote author=BandGuy]We have been called to love our enemies. Even Christ Himself recognized the "us vs. them" reality, but kept it within a Biblical perspective. God has indeed called us to unity, but not simply for unity's sake. We should not have fellowship with those who spread heresy and act as if sin is no big deal. We are to be unified around the Gospel. That is the message of 1 Corinthians 1. We are not to find unity around staying quiet about sin and heresy for the mere sake of maintaining peace and not offending the world.[/quote]
Then why are you only picking on "liberals"? Why not address the problems in your own camp instead of setting out to create animosity towards outsiders? You might find it a lot harder to point out specks in their eyes when you start paying attention to the beam in your own.
(I'll tell you why...because it is a whole lot easier to bash "those other people", especially when you have a cheer-leading section. It's fun to be popular. Of course, if you want to lose some of those popularity points, start talking about what's wrong with your own team.)
[quote author=BandGuy]Go start another thread about heresy preached in conservative theology and we can discuss it there. Otherwise, it is nothing more than a mindless attempt at misdirection meant to justify liberal theology, and quite frankly, I am not interested in that kind of garbage.[/quote]
It's sad when pointing out hypocrisy is painted as justifying bad behavior.
[quote author=BandGuy]I am sad you think everyone in the world who calls themselves "Christian" is part of us. Scripture disagrees with you quite strongly in several places.[/quote]'s not really that clear who belongs to which camp very often. It appears to me that individuals from each side have a habit of wearing each others' uniforms. Tell you have a 'Christ-o-meter' so that you can tell who is really a Christian or does God just tell you audibly?
[quote author=BandGuy]Also, you should be quite careful not to commit blasphemy by calling what is good, evil and vice versa.[/quote]
I have no problem with calling what I call good and evil. I'm not the one ignoring the evil in my own camp because it's inconvenient. I'm also not the one that's painting with such a wide brush that the good gets called evil merely by association.
[quote author=BandGuy]Liberal theology is a heretical, unscriptural lie of the accuser meant to deceive the religious to go down a path of destruction.[/quote]
You haven't even given us a reliable definition for "liberal theology". If you would be so kind as to start there...