I Told You So

Didn't say it was and I agree with you about their "character." With that said, the world in general has a profound hatred for the nation of Israel. As Michael Medved has often stated: Evangelical Christians are Israel's best friend! This is quite profound coming from religious (non-Christian) Jew!

Did you skip out and smoke pot during your history class? Do I really have to remind how they have been persecuted relentlessly by both Muslims and the Roman Catholic Church? How about Hitler and his "Final Solution?" The entire Middle East wants to "Wipe Israel off the map!" How do you account for such rabid hatred?

No disagreement here but this was not my point. I am talking about their cultural identity as a people. We just finished up Judges in our Sunday School class and I posed the question whether there ever was some sort of "Golden Age" where everyone in Israel were believers and followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

Throughout their history, Israel has been looking for "Messiah" to be some sort of political leader that would issue in such a "Golden Era" as I have mentioned. It is very rare that sin, redemption, and repentance are discussed among the Israeli people aside from the prophets whom they have largely rejected! As Paul stated, "They are all Israel which are of Israel (Rom 9:6).

Who's to say what the ancient Jewish people looked like? There are some very distinct features of middle-eastern Jews along with many Arabs and North Africans who look rather "Caucasian." Are Jews largely "mixed" today? Quite likely but they still have not lost their cultural identity.

There are no native groups adopting Judaism and learning Hebrew. Islam has spread around the globe with converts learning Arabic in order to read the Qu'ran in the original language. Same with Latin for the "Western Church" but not so with Judaism! There may be "proselytes" to Judaism but they usually align themselves with an established community of ethnic Jews.

You're getting warmer doc! I also agree with you about the preservation of the language being for our benefit. I am also not convinced that God has any special "Favor" towards any specific biological line. God's heart is towards HIS ELECT which are chosen from before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4) with include both Jew and Gentile.

Nevertheless, the New Testament scriptures still make a very clear distinction between Jew and Gentile especially Rom 11:25.

Christos (Messiah, Annointed) was used throughout Jesus's earthly ministry with Jesus himself using the term asking the pharisees "What think ye of Christ..." (Mt 22:42) and they clearly understood of what he was speaking. Messiah (Messias) is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word Mashiach and is synonymous and interchangeable with Christos but I believe it is clear to all (or most, perhaps) that "Messiah" is distinctly Jewish and since the Jews have rejected Jesus as Messiah, and are looking for "another," any talk of "Messiah" among Jewish folk would undoubtedly pertain to the one they believe is to come (and of whom Jesus said, would "come in his own name" (Jn 5:43).

I think we both agree that "Not all are Israel which are of Israel" and yes, unregenerate blood descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will die in their sins just as they have died in their sins in Egypt, in the wilderness, throughout the period of the judges and kings, and so forth. They blasphemed God every time they forsook him and served Baalim and every time they rejected and killed the prophets! The Jewish people most certainly are a monument of unbelief and are largely vessels of destruction which God has endured with much longsuffering.

With certain qualifications, we are 100% in agreement with the first part of your statement. Paul's exact wording (in paraphrased "King James English") is "He is a Jew inwardly whose circumcision is of the heart" (Rom 2:29).

Is the ancient nation of Israel (which was often filled with blaspheming, idolatrous, God-hating apostates) any more legitimate than the Israel we know of in modern times? Who are you to say what nation is and is not legitimate? Plenty say the very same thing of the United States and other lands which were conquered and presently occupied by "white people" so what are you trying to say?

What should be done with this "illegitimate geo-political state?

I can fully appreciate this and thank you for clarifying. I too share a good deal of disgust with today's "Pop-eschatology" culture promulgated by Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, and many others. I did come to Christ in the early 80s at the height of the "End Times, Late, Great Planet Earth" craze so while I share a great deal of disdain, I also have a good bit of gratitude as well because this is where everything made sense to me and God brought me to his saving knowledge.

I often tell my Reformed friends that "I am trying hard to have you convince me that amillennialism is the correct eschatological view." I really would love to believe that there are better days ahead for my kids and grandkids. I have tried to let go of the premillennial view but it just will not let go of me! For me, it seems the futurist approach to Revelation makes the most sense and I see with greater and greater clarity how God will likely bring everything to pass! I am more of a "Historical Premillennialist" these days. Romans 11:25 will one day become reality although I am not 100% certain how this will look exactly. Israel will not be "Blind" forever and one day, God will find his elect among the nation of Israel once again. Since I reject much of the "separate people with separate destinies" nonsense promulgated by Scofield and Larkin, I no longer see the necessity of a "pretribulational rapture" but I hope they are right nonetheless! I do not think either of us actually want to be martyrs!

I am in a far better place than you would know and I hope you realize now that you have seriously misjudged me! I agree that those thinking that they will be "Raptured" out of their corporate corner offices and luxury BMWs are not in a good place! There is a storm coming and people had better be ready to face it!

Now, as promised, here is my reason why I believe God has preserved the Jewish people and has allowed them to re-emerge as a nation once again:

As you have said, the word of God was given to us by the Jewish people living in the land we know of today as Israel. God's word therefore has a historical connection to this land and to the Jewish people. Everything recorded in God's word actually took place in this part of the world and the Jewish people are (even in their unbelief) a testimony to this irrefutable fact. Understanding it from this perspective, I can understand the world's blind hatred towards the Jewish people and especially towards those who are living in Israel today! They would love nothing less than to "wipe Israel off the face of the map" and pretend as if they never existed!
There's a lot of meat in your reply, and I appreciate that. My reply was becoming interminable.

Even Paul has been accused of antisemitism and misogyny.

What hope have I?

Let me make this proposal. God is glorified not only in His mercy, but also in His judgement.

The preservation in earth of an identity that is defined by the testimony that Christ has not yet come, that Jesus of Nazareth was an imposter, a liar and demon-possessed could actually serve as a warning to those tempted to adopt the same mentality.

There are a couple points you raised I would like to respond to, and will shortly.
Good luck getting Egypt, Jordan, Syria or any other nations to take in millions of non-citizens that they do not want to accept. If we Americans do not want to take in millions of illegal migrants that the Latin American countries want to dump on us, then why should we expect other nations to do what we are not willing to do, and how can we force them to do so?

As I understand it, the motivation for our taking over Gaza is to help provide better safety and security for Israelis. I'm not sure why this is an American responsibility, but assuming that it is, our involvement in forcible expulsion of unwilling Gazans (and yes, that will take a war, whether the fighting is done by American or Israeli troops) may be counter-productive in terms of safety for Israelis, by stirring up more rage and violent efforts by the Palestinians to get revenge on Israel.

President Trump has stated that Palestinians, once they have been "cleared out" from Gaza, will not be allowed to return. I suspect that Gazans are aware of this, even if they don't read the New York Post.

suspicions... assumptions... and total pessimism ... ......ok... so it;s obvious you are not an expert in international diplomacy.... .(if you are then why didn;t you run for president yourself?...... congress maybe?.... a cabinet position?..)... you probably weren;t the valedictorian of your class either.... ... but i still can;t believe you;re really this clueless concerning trump and how he operates in negotiations..... . if you are just trolling - fine..... but if not... then maybe it;s better to just admit you don;t understand.... . and leave it at that.. ....
You mean the immigrant Asians?
i;ve seen you post some really stupid and unnecessarily nasty things here... even racist things... . but this one tops them all......... i am not an immigrant asian...... i have lived with a white family of scottish heritage since i was 10 years old but i am navajo by blood... and was born on the navajo reservation in arizona.... on lands that were owned by native americans like my birth family since long before any of your "pasty white" ancestors...(to quote your buddy ekk).... ever put their first dirty little feet on the american continent.... as far back as thousands of years before..... back to the time of the tower of babel ... when God confused the languages of mankind and scattered them around the world to place them apart........

in my opinion if i can tolerate your ilk ....in the name of peace ... on lands my ancestors once owned ... and if hawaiians can tolerate me and my family on an island they owned less than 2 centuries ago.. . and even treat us like members of their own families... .. . then the palestinians should be able to live peaceably side by side with jews on lands the ancestors of both of them owned at different times in history as well... ...
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When one's land is promised to another people by a foreign government, it would seem to be the understandable reaction.
there are far more precious things in our lives that can be taken from us than land...... .. but then i guess you wouldn;t understand that since you seem so willing.. and even eager.. to see one race of people blast another into oblivion over real estate...
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Correction... I was confusing the WWs. I shouldn't post while at work. Anyway, the Ottomans were allied formally with Germany in WWI, but fast forward to WWII where a people would naturally collaborate with the enemies of their oppressors. Yet no one in Palestine was goose-stepping to Deutschland Uber Alles.
no?.....maybe not "goosestepping".... but definitely collaborating with hitler prior to and during world war 2..... below
is a photo of the palestinian mufti of jerusalem - haj amin al-husseini, meeting with hitler in 1941 to discuss the "final
solution" hitler had devised for the jews...... he and other palestinian leaders had been in league with hilter since he
first rose to power in germany....

no doubt you will play your usual shell game of shifting semantics to say you meant something other than
what you said and that you knew about this all along.... :rolleyes:. ...whatever... your opinions have been irrelevant
in my opinion for a long time...... but the fact is palestinians were supporting hitler and the nazi party for a long

time before jews were actually moved into palestine.. and all during the war as well... ... intellectually honest
you are not.....

The mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, meets with Adolf Hitler in 1941.jpeg
there are far more precious things in our lives that can be taken from us than land...... .. but then i guess you wouldn;t understand that since you seem so willing.. and even eager.. to see one race of people blast another into oblivion over real estate...
It's okay when the Zionists do it.
no?.....maybe not "goosestepping".... but definitely collaborating with hitler prior to and during world war 2..... below
is a photo of the palestinian mufti of jerusalem - haj amin al-husseini, meeting with hitler in 1941 to discuss the "final
solution" hitler had devised for the jews...... he and other palestinian leaders had been in league with hilter since he
first rose to power in germany....

no doubt you will play your usual shell game of shifting semantics to say you meant something other than
what you said and that you knew about this all along.... :rolleyes:. ...whatever... your opinions have been irrelevant
in my opinion for a long time...... but the fact is palestinians were supporting hitler and the nazi party for a long

time before jews were actually moved into palestine.. and all during the war as well... ... intellectually honest
you are not.....

View attachment 6610
Stop trying to make this about Hitler and Nazism. The Arabs aren't Nazis, and they aren't Communists either, though there has been some recent collaboration with Russia and China. It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing, that is exploited by every power engaged in conflict without exception. And the enemy for the Palestinians is the superpowers facilitating Zionist occupation and expansion more than the Zionists themselves.

What? They thought they could irradicate the Jews on Oct 7? That was something else...more like exploiting American weakness at the time and attempting to trigger a superpower conflict. I'm of the opinion that Netanyahu wanted a superpower conflict too, to propagate his expansionist agenda.

The Ottomans were allowing limited Jewish immigration into Palestine in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and the relationship was amicable. They weren't about the extermination of the Jews. When it became about the establishment of a Jewish state after the dissolution of the Empire, that's when things got hot. And still, it's only radical and fringe elements that are about the kind of genocide that you're insisting is at the heart of the conflict. It isn't.

The meeting above wasn't about the 'Final Solution.' Maybe it was talked about. Maybe it wasn't. A cursory internet search reveals that there is debate about that among historians, as it's in none of the documentation about the meeting. What was being discussed was resistance to British Colonialism and Zionism.

Israel exists now because of the forced implementation of the 'two state' solution. But on the part of the Zionists, it was always about a one state solution. It's so close now that they're licking their chops.
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Them filthy Joooooos are the real Nazis. Probably holocausted themselves just for sympathy.
Them filthy Joooooos are the real Nazis. Probably holocausted themselves just for sympathy.
Right. The Jews have been angels all through history.

Once the card house of secular arguments falls, it's going to boil down to divine right and entitlement based on the Abrahamic Covenant and Sinai, i.e., Jewish Supremacy.
... when God confused the languages of mankind and scattered them around the world to place them apart........
Thanks for agreeing with me. Unless your family tree is strictly from the Middle East, everyone has immigrated from somewhere. "Native Americans" didn't sprout out of the ground from nothing. It's interesting that when we visited a Navajo museum in Tuba City, AZ, the Navajo have a story of a great flood in their history.

How about Hitler and his "Final Solution?"
What is your opinion about the Romans and their Final Solution in 70 A.D.?

The entire Middle East wants to "Wipe Israel off the map!" How do you account for such rabid hatred?
I touch on that here.

Christos (Messiah, Annointed) was used throughout Jesus's earthly ministry with Jesus himself using the term asking the pharisees "What think ye of Christ..." (Mt 22:42) and they clearly understood of what he was speaking. Messiah (Messias) is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word Mashiach and is synonymous and interchangeable with Christos
Yes, I understand that Christos=Messias (as rendered in the Gospels). But we have taken the Greek word, not the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word. We are called Christians, not Messians. I don't mean we non-jews. I mean we believers, jew and gentile alike.

Acts 11:19-20, 26 Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only. And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they were come to Antioch, spake unto the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus. ... And the disciples [jew and Greek] were called Christians first in Antioch.
And there is a divine reason for that:

Isaiah 28:11-12 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.​
Matthew 21:41-43, 45 They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons. Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. ... And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
1 Corinthians 14:21 In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord.
It is a testimony that the old covenant is through, and has been replaced.

Hebrew is the language of the ministration of death. Greek is the language of the ministration of the Spirit. Hebrew, condemnation; Greek, righteousness. There is nothing left for the Jew except indignation and wrath unless he repents and is baptized and is called a Christian. The entire purpose of the Exodus, the Red Sea crossing, and of the conquest of Canaan, was for the establishment of the worship of Jehovah in that place, in the prescribed manner by a chosen family.

That way is no more. Circumcision is nothing. Sinai was nailed to the Cross. There remaineth no more sacrifice. God has fulfilled His obligations under the terms of that covenant, and it has been discharged, and that includes the land title. There is a new covenant now that engages a new kind of sacrifice, by a new kind of worshipper in a new kind of mountain.

John 4:20-21, 23 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. ... But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

What is it but the spirit of antichrist that seeks to re-establish the circumcision under the old covenant in the old land?

but I believe it is clear to all (or most, perhaps) that "Messiah" is distinctly Jewish and since the Jews have rejected Jesus as Messiah, and are looking for "another,"
any talk of "Messiah" among Jewish folk would undoubtedly pertain to the one they believe is to come (and of whom Jesus said, would "come in his own name" (Jn 5:43).
I agree. I will go farther and say that it is judaizing to call one's self a Messianic Jew.

What should be done with this "illegitimate geo-political state?
Well, the West certainly stepped in it. That's for sure. Maybe Trump hasn't gone far enough? Maybe the thing to do is for the U.S. to just take it all.
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Thanks for agreeing with me. Unless your family tree is strictly from the Middle East, everyone has immigrated from somewhere. "Native Americans" didn't sprout out of the ground from nothing. It's interesting that when we visited a Navajo museum in Tuba City, AZ, the Navajo have a story of a great flood in their history.

did you tell the navajo men you met in arizona that you see them as "immigrant asians"?.... or is that just an insult you make on the internet to navajo females living thousands of miles away?.... .

God moving my ancestors from the middle east into the southwestern part of north america ..after stopping their work on the tower of babel - does not make me or them either one "immigrant asians"........ nothing in scripture and nothing in navajo history says anything about any native americans coming from asia or even going through asia... nothing about crossing any artic ice age land bridge either.... ..if we are immigrants from anywhere then we are immigrants from the middle east like everyone else in the world.... moved from where they were to where they are by God... .

.... and i don;t think God took a million years to move people around the world on that day like scientists and faithless "christians" who lack the courage to oppose the scientists.. claim it did either... .... God did it immediately...... there was no great migrations of the worlds populations across thousands of miles as they relocated to new parts of the earth....... if there was that would be in the history of all the worlds cultures just like the story of the great flood is...... but as it is there is no such story.... ...

i agree no people anywhere sprouted out of the ground from nothing..... but they did all seem to understand they were made of the dust of the ground just like it says in genesis... didn;t they....... ..... that much along with the flood of noah - remained in their memories... all the memories of every culture in the world......

when God changed the languages of mankind He removed the memory of what their old languages were like.... they couldn;t even rmember it or recognize it anymore... it was a sudden and complete change..... .. and when He moved them to new parts of the earth He also changed their skin and their bodies just as suddenly - so they could survive in the new and unfamiliar hostile environments...

......after that they had no memory of what they looked like once before - or where they had come from either.. . ... if they had memory of any of those things it would have also been in the histories of their people..... but none of it is..... nothing the godless evolutionary scientists and faithless apologetic christians like to claim - is in any of the worlds native cultural histories.. ....

bottom line is - native americans are not and never were asians... and if you take the writings of a godless anthropologist like jennifer raff as "gospel" then you are likely no more christian than she is.... ...
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did you tell the navajo men you met in arizona that you see them as "immigrant asians"?....

bottom line is - native americans are not and never were asians...
As a matter of fact I have discussed it with members of other tribes. Fortunately, they are not as arrogant, rude, and defensive as you are about the subject. We've discussed why tribes never seem to discuss their ancient heritage, and also their thoughts on the flood in their history. For those who care about such things, Whites from Europe are free and encouraged to discuss their heritage and trace their family tree. For some reason (I have my theories), "Native Americans" find the subject taboo.

For the others on this thread, the only reason I bring this up is to compare it with the Arab/Jew conflict over land. "Land" belongs to no one except those who take it and keep it.
As a matter of fact I have discussed it with members of other tribes. Fortunately, they are not as arrogant, rude, and defensive as you are about the subject.
that;s not what i asked you.... i asked if you called them "immigrant asians"... i challenge you to do that someday on a navajo reservation and see how far you get... .. you seem to love playing the victim here when it was you who gave the insult.... try that in a place where you would get a chance to be the victim for real.... and if that doesn;t set them off then be sure and call them arrogant rude and defensive when they take offense at your racist rhetoric..... ... you are really a sad piece of work... .

We've discussed why tribes never seem to discuss their ancient heritage, and also their thoughts on the flood in their history. For those who care about such things, Whites from Europe are free and encouraged to discuss their heritage and trace their family tree. For some reason (I have my theories), "Native Americans" find the subject taboo.

yeah?... well a lot of native americans have been sold the same bill of goods on evolutionary science you seem to have bought into.... .. atheist professors in college tried to sell it to me too a few years back.... for some reason it;s really important to the godless academic types to try and do that.... . however... none of those professors called me an "immigrant asian".. ...at least they had more consideration and common sense that than..... ..

For the others on this thread, the only reason I bring this up is to compare it with the Arab/Jew conflict over land. "Land" belongs to no one except those who take it and keep it.
and in that we agree completely..... land does belong to those who can take it and keep it....(until someone else comes along and takes it from them).... . history has proven that time and time again... .. but how does calling people like me "immigrant asians" lend any credence to it?...... how does it do anything beyond identifying the person saying it as a racial bigot who is both ignorant and possibily apostate to boot?...... you didn;t get that philosophy on native american origins out of scripture.....
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Stop trying to make this about Hitler and Nazism. The Arabs aren't Nazis, and they aren't Communists either, though there has been some recent collaboration with Russia and China. It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing, that is exploited by every power engaged in conflict without exception. And the enemy for the Palestinians is the superpowers facilitating Zionist occupation and expansion more than the Zionists themselves.

What? They thought they could irradicate the Jews on Oct 7? That was something else...more like exploiting American weakness at the time and attempting to trigger a superpower conflict. I'm of the opinion that Netanyahu wanted a superpower conflict too, to propagate his expansionist agenda.

The Ottomans were allowing limited Jewish immigration into Palestine in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and the relationship was amicable. They weren't about the extermination of the Jews. When it became about the establishment of a Jewish state after the dissolution of the Empire, that's when things got hot. And still, it's only radical and fringe elements that are about the kind of genocide that you're insisting is at the heart of the conflict. It isn't.

The meeting above wasn't about the 'Final Solution.' Maybe it was talked about. Maybe it wasn't. A cursory internet search reveals that there is debate about that among historians, as it's in none of the documentation about the meeting. What was being discussed was resistance to British Colonialism and Zionism.

Israel exists now because of the forced implementation of the 'two state' solution. But on the part of the Zionists, it was always about a one state solution. It's so close now that they're licking their chops.
you are lucky the former fff member hreb is not here.... he would have questioned your heritage and insisted you either had some arab blood ..or that one of your kids had crossed racial lines to miscegenate with the islamists... (actually he would have said "enemy").... i know that because he accused my family of all that when my sister and i defended people in mixed and interracial marriages..... .... yeah.... that was a hot topic here on the fff back in the day....... we were defending interracial marriages as hotly then as you are defending all things arab and anti-jewish now......

and yes.... the meeting shown in that photograph was all about discussing the "final solution".... it was the whole reason the meeting took place.... every history book that shows it says that.. .. . ... but i only brought that up as my own personal theory as to why americans in 1947 were willing to move palestinians aside to make room for jews... and i only brought it up once then defended against your denial once.... so far.... . . so don;t act as if if this is something you have been bombarded with throughout the whole thread and valliantly defended against....:rolleyes:....

i don;t know why things done in 1947 were done the way they were...... i wasn;t there and unless you are so old you have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel then you weren;t there either......and yet you act as if you are not only the end all authority on palestine and the jews but that you also have skin in the game... ... :unsure:.... .... i can;t help but wonder why..... :sneaky: ..