He is......the most interesting Hacker in the world!

He is sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic ... all at once.
His Activity Report requires no signature.
When he passes out a tract on a street corner he is immediately given a standing ovation.
His verdict demanded no evidence.
When he arrives in a town to preach they immediately put "Fresh Oil" signs on all the streets.
He once took a test that was graded on a curve.  Everyone failed except him.
The words "kwit" and "kompromise" have been cut from his dictionary.  So have the words "quit" and "compromise."
When he buys a dictionary he doesn't have to cut out the words "quit" and "compromise". His dictionary never had them to start with.
The Cubs came in 1st place, just because he said so.
He was born with a silver bottle of Binaca in his mouth.
One Sunday evening while ushering he refused to wear the golden usher coat..................and no one cared.