HAC chapel preachers & their sermons


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2013
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Walking among you.
I found some old files from my years (77-81) at HAC today. I took notes in chapel back then as it helped me stay awake & besides I had a desire to learn.

I've copied some of the sermon titles by the different preacher & will list them 1 preacher at a time.

Fell free to post any that you may have also saved.

Since we recently found out that he is deceased...............

Joe Combs
How a Christian should respond to the sins of others.
When we all get to heaven.
Only one pretty much stuck with me to this day:

Jim Delaschmidt preached on "The 6 Ships in Psalm 1."

I felt that although gimmicky in presentation, the message was good.
Bill Grady:
The Devils Pool Party
Toby's Tattoo (my favorite)
Lessons from a Praying Demon
Lessons from a Praising Beast
The Gunpowder Plot II
2 Brothers Set Apart by a Cart
The Texas Tornado and the Hammond Hurricane
The Knives of the Ustase
The Pool of Bethesda
The Cycle of the Home
How to be Used Despite Yourself
Holiness!  Larry Smith around 1988  All about why girls should not wear panty hose with designs? Apparently if you do this then you have entered "Holiness"!
I was there for four years and missed very little. Chapel was always exciting with people hollering and waving Bibles but I remember very little about any chapel sermons. The one I remember the best is Jack Hyles on "Does the devil know who you are?". It was about how the devil says Paul we know but who are you? It went on to talk about how JH was the devil's mortal enemy etc. etc. It was unavailable for duplication.
"Everything Rises and Falls on Followship"
Bill McSpadden

"Bring Me Yet a Vessel"

...a wonderfully preached message that was simply a motivational/manipulation to get students to call their friends to enroll for late registration.
Ray Young

"Is God With You?"

...one of only about two or three chapel sermons I ever bought the tape of.
Jack Hyles

"Now is the Time, This is the Place, We are the People"

Why wait for God to use you? Why wait for revival? Good sermon...
cpizzle said:
Bill Grady:
The Devils Pool Party
Toby's Tattoo (my favorite)
Lessons from a Praying Demon
Lessons from a Praising Beast
The Gunpowder Plot II
2 Brothers Set Apart by a Cart
The Texas Tornado and the Hammond Hurricane
The Knives of the Ustase
The Pool of Bethesda
The Cycle of the Home
How to be Used Despite Yourself
I was there for several of those.

Ditto for that list.

earnestly contend

Tom Brennan said:
Jeff Owens

"Are You a Life Changer?"
Still one of the great inspirational sermons I've ever heard in my life.

I saw myself this regularly.

earnestly contend

Ron Talley:
"Man overboard for the Lord"
About Peter walking on water.
He had to get out of the boat.
I got out of the boat.

earnestly contend

"knew ye not that they would shoot from the wall?"
William P Grady
earnestly contend
"What will you do when the horsemen come?"
Doug Kalapp

earnestly contend

"When he saw the wagons"
Doug Kalapp

earnestly contend
