Geocentrism: What's It Hurt?

Eienstein did get some things wrong, I agree. Tell me, specifically, what you think he got wrong, and, more importantly, how you know. Then I will tell you.
Eienstein did get some things wrong, I agree. Tell me, specifically, what you think he got wrong, and, more importantly, how you know. Then I will tell you.
Bro…can you read? I literally gave you two examples.
Eienstein did get some things wrong, I agree. Tell me, specifically, what you think he got wrong, and, more importantly, how you know. Then I will tell you.
What a "bait-and-switch" tactic. UGH!
It’s well documented and he even has quotes you can search for. There are other examples, I only named two.
Oh, wait. You're not saying you disagree with some of his postulates. You're just saying he admitted to being mistaken about some things.

I disagree with the linchpin of his Special Theory, that the speed of light is constant relative to the observer.

You know the old train car example? There's a train car with a passenger moving at near light speed. There's a single lamp in the center. The light is switched on. The passenger will see both ends of the car light up simultaneously.

At a RR crossing, another observer, in relation to the earth but moving with it, watching the car go by at the moment the light is switched on, will see the back end of the car light up before the front end of the car.

The first time I heard that, my question was, "What would really happen in truth? Would light hit each end simultaneously or not?" The answer was both are 'true' descriptions of what happened, because the speed of light is constant relative to the observer.

Not only that, the Special Theory, by requiring the speed of light to be constant, means that an object in motion is required to change in mass, size, and time. And that's just crazy.

In addition, it appears GPS navigation systems have falsified the Special Theory.

Contrary to the assertion of Special Relativity, the speed of light is not always constant relative to a moving observer. The Global Positioning System (GPS) shows that the speed of light in the Earth Centered Inertial (ECI) non-rotating frame remains at c relative to the frame—but not relative to an observer or receiver moving in that frame. When a GPS receiver changes its translation speed relative to the ECI frame, the speed of light measured relative to the receiver changes.
The calculation using the GPS range equation and the results of a Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) differential GPS test have shown that the constancy of the speed of light relative to moving airplanes is not correct. The change of the time difference could reach about 10 ns for subsonic airplanes and 30 ns for supersonic airplanes. The result of this crucial experiment is not only important scientifically, but also indicates the possibility of a new way to directly measure vehicle speed relative to the ECI frame.
Oh, wait. You're not saying you disagree with some of his postulates. You're just saying he admitted to being mistaken about some things.
No, he didn’t know he was mistaken. My point is that his mistakes have been discovered since he passed away.