I can only think of two notable geocentrists off the top of my head. One is Gerardus Bouw, who has an earned Ph.D. in astronomy. The other is Robert Sungenis, who is a Roman Catholic apologist, and has no credentials in the sciences.
That said...
Internationally known astrophysicist Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D, was the first scholar to document evidence that huge clusters of galaxies rotate. He writes regarding the book New Age Bible Versions,
"A monumental piece of research work. I've sent copies to over a dozen skeptics and none have come up with any substantial arguments against Riplingers work."
(G. A. Riplinger, Blind Guides [AV Publications, 1995], 30.)
Riplinger is citing Bouw in support of her ridiculous "acrostic algebra." If he actually found her work unassailable, it doesn't say much about
his critical thinking, either.