That's no joke - some Baptist churches do ask prospective missionaries to certify that their wives will not be allowed to wear pants on the field:
"As previously stated, we believe that any missionary supported by Lighthouse Baptist Church should be of the same qualifications and convictions of any staff member or leadership of our church. Our staff and leadership all seek to lead by example in their daily living. For instance, our leadership does not attend movies, listen to worldly music or Contemporary Christian music, and the ladies avoid wearing pants."
Anybody remember how some years ago, Texas Bob Gray in his magazine "The Baptist" identified and exposed IFB colleges that allow female students in their dorms to wear pajama pants? He generated some controversy and angry replies, such as these:
"In regard to the May/June 1998 issue of THE BAPTIST, your article comparing 50 Bible Colleges in the United States, Mexico and Canada, our college is listed as one who allows our female students to wear 'slacks and shorts' in the dormitory. This is not true. . . . It grieves me that with our friendship of many years, an untrue statement of this magnitude was printed." - Tom Malone, Midwestern Baptist College.
"I must inform you that what you have listed about Fairhaven Baptist College was about as accurate as your inflated attendance and baptism numbers. . . . If you really want to nail down what your crowd's Bible colleges believe, why don't you ask what they believe about promoting whoremongers in the pulpit or pornographers? Ask them how much they swear, curse, or tell dirty stories. You guys act so tough and spiritual, yet you can't even stand against adultery. Why don't you ask how many girls were soiled at Hyles Anderson?" - Roger Voegtlin, Fairhaven Baptist College.
"We have worked hard to establish our testimony and credibility, you in one article have besmirched that testimony! . . . We have held to a no pants policy since the early '70s. . . . Bob, I'm ashamed of you. You are not fit to be the editor of a paper. This article lacks honesty and facts." - Fred Schindler, Landmark Baptist College.
"I am writing to you to refute the erroneous information printed concerning our Institute as found in the Bible College Survey. . . . Our lady students have never been given permission to wear shorts or pants on or off campus." - R.T. Rigsby, Norris Bible Baptist Institute.