David Eells: Unleavened Bread

I will tell you how this happens. David chose some brothers who had an influential social and religious position, and he also began to behave well, then turned into a monster.
How does UBM go global? Does Eells have henchmen he sends out? How is control exerted over those who are far away from the home base?
I will tell you about some things. He tries to choose people who are looking for peace first and who do not have any survey information or from other religions so that he can control them. He has followers in many countries and they were victims.
How does UBM go global? Does Eells have henchmen he sends out? How is control exerted over those who are far away from the home base?
How does UBM go global? Does Eells have henchmen he sends out? How is control exerted over those who are far away from the home base?
I will tell you about some things. He tries to choose people who are looking for peace first and who do not have any survey information or from other religions so that he can control them. He has followers in many countries and they were victims.
Yes that is correct. I am not sure how familiar you are with NPD - narcissistic personality disorder, but David is of the covert malignant type - that means he is not as overtly charismatic like for instance a Mark Driscoll or Donald Trump, but just as convincing and toxic.

And yes, I agree, it's hard to imagine this man that can talk you to sleep can have that influence, but remember that he teaches that he has found the truth of the Bible and convincingly relates how it proves healing from all sickness and diseases every time to even controlling the weather and performing creative miracles, all while becoming part of the elect group called the Bride that is awaiting an even more elite group of men called "The Man-Child" that will usher in perfect faith and everything else that comes with it. All of this is cleverly backed up by scriptures, personal testimony and hundreds upon hundreds of dreams from the Lord from his followers. He also professes hidden revelation of the end-times that through his personal relentless study of the scriptures he has decoded the exact sequence of events of the end and how it relates to US, Russia, China etc. All of this captivates the ones (like me) that had very little understanding of the fundamental and crucial Christian doctrines and thus could not recognise obvious red-flags, like messing with the Trinity doctrine and many others.
This is a simple thing, but he tried a more dangerous experiment than this. He put the brothers in rooms until the angel came to distribute food, and many of us died.
He has created many stored experiences for us
Is it true, or you are the spirit of the faction, or the angel sends Branch to kill you, just as he killed Kevin and Eve, and when the others know that you were not killed, he says that you are in the wrong timing, the timing of disbelief, or that you are a devil wearing a mask like the Pope of the Catholics or Biden.
And the "fear of falling away" and being "reprobated" if you don't hold fast to your faith for healing for a loved one or yourself is what caused quite a few to ultimately die under his watch/advice - refer to news articles regarding Dale Nuemann's daughter. The (majority of) people at the Jim Jones compound was there by choice too.
The pdf uploaded has some useful info, but orthodox Christianity can fall within these psychological profiles of cults as well. Discipleship is a form of indoctrination. There are standards of the faith, and certain kinds of knowledge that are forbidden. There is also a standard of behavior and certainly sexual morals and a qualification for marriage and/or companionship.

Jesus said very simply. "Ye shall know [false prophets] by their fruits."

For me to call some nominal Christian group a cult, there must be 1) a single authoritative figure who is seen to be God's sole prophet or apostle for the group; 2) a practice of isolating members from society, or, at the very least, from their families and heritage; and 3) teach a plainly unbiblical doctrine whether by epistemology or practice that manifests itself in the sanctification of some form of concupiscence or licentiousness.
You made fun of me one day, but you did not experience the pain and trials that we fell into
Nonetheless, even according to your 3 point list, which might be a bit simplistic as these things can be very complicated, the experience of ex-members combined, and feedback from the International Cultic Studies Association, David Eells and Unleavened Bread Ministries is a cult and is dangerous
It isn't that complicated, and yes, UBM is a cult.
You made fun of me one day, but you did not experience the pain and trials that we fell into
No, I mocked and jeered because I didn't feel you were being genuine. I'm sure you understand.

But your pain is no keener than mine except where the Muslim oppression is concerned.
Is it true, or you are the spirit of the faction, or the angel sends Branch to kill you, just as he killed Kevin and Eve, and when the others know that you were not killed, he says that you are in the wrong timing, the timing of disbelief, or that you are a devil wearing a mask like the Pope of the Catholics or Biden.
I need to clarify what is being said here. No agent of the cult is being sent to murder anyone. A 'prophecy' is being given that God will strike so and so dead for some kind of 'apostacy', and when the 'prophecy' does not come to pass, it's because of some quantum mechanical mumbo jumbo of being in the wrong timeline.
No, I mocked and jeered because I didn't feel you were being genuine. I'm sure you understand.

But your pain is no keener than mine except where the Muslim oppression is concerned.
I am not interested in making you believe, and I did not even ask for help from you or from anyone, but if we love the Lord Jesus, we must follow him. He did not mock anyone. The most you and I can do is pray, out of love for you.
I am not interested in making you believe, and I did not even ask for help from you or from anyone, but if we love the Lord Jesus, we must follow him. He did not mock anyone. The most you and I can do is pray, out of love for you.
Here we go again. I forgot how sensitive you were. Calm yourself, Zach. I won't get drawn into another go around with you.

And, whether or not you asked for help, you needed it, but you insisted on persisting in the publication of Eells own translation of the Bible.
What I wrote is David's previous teachings that we used to meet in the past
I am ready to prove my words and will give you some messages
Here we go again. I forgot how sensitive you were. Calm yourself, Zach. I won't get drawn into another go around with you.

And, whether or not you asked for help, you needed it, but you insisted on persisting in the publication of Eells own translation of the Bible.
Here we go again. I forgot how sensitive you were. Calm yourself, Zach. I won't get drawn into another go around with you.

And, whether or not you asked for help, you needed it, but you insisted on persisting in the publication of Eells own translation of the Bible.
However, I hope you accept my apology. David has forgiven us and we do not bear hatred towards any person
I am a friend of Tappan114, and I have also left David Eells and the ministry. I know everyone there very well, including a good number of the many that have left in the past. My friend made me aware of this thread, so I have been keeping up with the conversation. I felt like I wanted to share a few things.

To the brother from the Middle East. We here are so very sorry for the things you have endured, and for your losses, and we continue to keep you all in our prayers!

I would really like to talk with you privately about some things that I think could help you to understand what has happened concerning your involvement with David and the ministry. He has brought much confusion to people. Those of us that are here would also greatly benefit from knowing what really happened there.

You sound like a very sincere person that just wants to serve the Lord. I want you to know that you are correct in saying that much of what David has been teaching recently is against what God says in His word. I would like to go into more detail with you about this, because there are so many things that are not right that he has been saying.

Most importantly, I want to encourage you to be at peace with your choice to leave David and his ministry, but also to continue on with God. Most likely David tried to put condemnation and shame upon you in an effort to change your mind, but that's not how God speaks to His children, especially when they're brand new! You are a NEW creation in Christ Jesu
After reading this whole thread I feel like we need to come back to the original question for the sake of those looking for the truth about this ministry:

I am an ex member of this group. My wife and I were part of it to various extents for more than 10 years. Before we left in 2023 we were more involved with the inner workings and we were heavily involved, but we were not local in TN. Since then we've discovered much as we've disentangled from this group. We still have friends on the inside that we love and pray for and hope that they will be set free too. Perhaps in the future I can share our full story if it might help anyone. At least, this UBM group is very tiny and David's reach is very small - hardly anyone knows about them or follows them - but the ones that do and have are still suffering from the damage of the spiritual abuse. Novertheless, the friends and family of those still in this mess needs to know the truth and be set free, by the grace of God

With regards to UBM, if you would like to know whether it is an authoritative high controlling group, whether your friends and family are indeed in a religious cult - then please go through my notes on comparing Steven Hassan's BITE model of criteria for over-reach with the methods of David Eells and Michael Hare's Unleavened Bread Ministries (UBM). I have attached in PDF with my comments in red - this would be a good reference and starting point and clear indication for what we are actually dealing with here.

Note: In order to keep the notes short I have not linked to the evidence. All notes are either our own personal experience or evidenced by others. If anyone would like specific evidence and can't find support for it on their own self-condemning ubm1.org website (which admittedly is very hard to navigate) please send me a message. There are lots of evidence for these comments on YouTube on the @TruthsBehindCults channel too. I am not associated with the channel but I am grateful for whoever it is that is making this available publicly and lifting the lid on the inner workings of UBM and the spiritual abuse that goes with it.

@FSSL - if you have a loved one in there then I will pray for them that God opens their eyes and sets them free. He has done it for so many.

God bless you all - let's be kind to and have grace for each other like our Lord Jesus would
How does someone get out of the group without all the slander and witchcraft and accusations etc?
How does someone get out of the group without all the slander and witchcraft and accusations etc?
That probably depends - like most groups with undue influence that don't physically hold members against their will, members are free to leave. For the ones in the local assembly it will be more difficult due to proximity reasons. To avoid the "struggle sessions" one would need to leave without telling anyone. But the slander will no doubt ensue promptly once they found out you have left. I would suggest though that you reach out to an ex-member and plan a strategy to exit that would have the least emotional and spiritual impact on you and your family. It can be very complicated to leave a group like this, but in practice is very simple and easy. The fear and struggles are real though. I'm not an expert, I suggest expert help is required too.
That probably depends - like most groups with undue influence that don't physically hold members against their will, members are free to leave. For the ones in the local assembly it will be more difficult due to proximity reasons. To avoid the "struggle sessions" one would need to leave without telling anyone. But the slander will no doubt ensue promptly once they found out you have left. I would suggest though that you reach out to an ex-member and plan a strategy to exit that would have the least emotional and spiritual impact on you and your family. It can be very complicated to leave a group like this, but in practice is very simple and easy. The fear and struggles are real though. I'm not an expert, I suggest expert help is required too.
I tried messaging you but I'm not sure if it worked
That probably depends - like most groups with undue influence that don't physically hold members against their will, members are free to leave. For the ones in the local assembly it will be more difficult due to proximity reasons. To avoid the "struggle sessions" one would need to leave without telling anyone. But the slander will no doubt ensue promptly once they found out you have left. I would suggest though that you reach out to an ex-member and plan a strategy to exit that would have the least emotional and spiritual impact on you and your family. It can be very complicated to leave a group like this, but in practice is very simple and easy. The fear and struggles are real though. I'm not an expert, I suggest expert help is required too.
Please pray for me as I live with my loved one in the "group". I cannot call it a church. Try to imagine living with someone in this state while you try to impart truth and scripture. Only to be met with many reasons why dreams, visions, experiences happen outside of scripture confirmation. They have been subtly teaching that all along but now are out and out teaching that. Latest Outreach call had discussion near the end about this. And in reference to past visions DE has had - I'm sorry, but I do not believe God gives pornographic visions to people. He is Holy.
Please pray for me as I live with my loved one in the "group". I cannot call it a church. Try to imagine living with someone in this state while you try to impart truth and scripture. Only to be met with many reasons why dreams, visions, experiences happen outside of scripture confirmation. They have been subtly teaching that all along but now are out and out teaching that. Latest Outreach call had discussion near the end about this. And in reference to past visions DE has had - I'm sorry, but I do not believe God gives pornographic visions to people. He is Holy.
And by scripture confirmation - I do not mean "by faith at random" which I believe to be bibliomancy.