David Eells: Unleavened Bread

f.y.i. I've put Zach on ignore. But let me clarify one statement:

I said, "your oppressors aren't monitoring you too closely, because you seem awfully free to interact with a forbidden religion based in the Great Satan," meaing based in the U.S. If anyone is drawing attention to him, it's him.

I've referred him to bona fide Christian missions. If it were my intention to control him, or expose him, I would affirm all his illusions. I wouldn't defer to anyone.

I've done my due diligence. My conscience is clear.

But you all need to ask yourselves why he ostensibly asks for help from an obscure forum with maybe twelve people on it at any given time, then throws a tantrum when his ego isn't stroked.

@HukNduck , this is truly my last post. 😜 I'm going to have Zach withdrawals for days!
We are not afraid of Easter, my dear. Even if you wanted to, you and your fish friend could be repelled. We have trained for these things and have become immune. Do you know what they are? If you do something or cause the death of someone, we will go to heaven and you will go to hell.
We are not afraid of Easter, my dear. Even if you wanted to, you and your fish friend could be repelled. We have trained for these things and have become immune. Do you know what they are? If you do something or cause the death of someone, we will go to heaven and you will go to hell.
We live in hell on earth and we want to go to heaven
We will not beg you, and we will not tell you, please, I believe that there is no team between you, David, and ISIS
The Bible, for you, is a collection of slogans that are said, and because you do not know the faith with us, you may be born a true Christian, and you have read a lot, but you do not know the meaning of the word God.
We are not afraid of Easter, my dear. Even if you wanted to, you and your fish friend could be repelled. We have trained for these things and have become immune. Do you know what they are? If you do something or cause the death of someone, we will go to heaven and you will go to hell.
Zechariah, thank you for visiting the forum. At this point, your posts are not helping. Please stop with the talk of death.
زكريا، أشكرك على زيارتك للمنتدى. في هذه المرحلة، مشاركاتك لا تساعد. من فضلك توقف عن الحديث عن الموت.
Why don't you criticize the person who caused all this?
Zechariah, thank you for visiting the forum. At this point, your posts are not helping. Please stop with the talk of death.
Why don't you criticize the person who caused all this?
The second question is a Christian husband and wife
But the husband suffered from a psychological illness
He was violently attacked
Due to his psychological condition, he was absent for a year and a half
It was said that the mentally ill man died or was killed
The woman became a widow
So one of the believing brothers decided to marry her in order to support her and her children, and the marriage took place
After a few months, the first husband returned with a mental illness, and the woman also became pregnant by the new husband
we do

In my country (Canada), if a man who has gone missing is officially declared to be dead, then his wife is considered a widow, and she is legally free to marry another man. However, if her first husband turns up alive, then her second marriage is annulled (declared never to have taken place). She hasn't sinned with the second husband, that marriage was legal, but now she has learned she was still married to her first husband.

Yemen's laws will not be the same.

We are in a country that allows polygamy and also encourages polygamy

That would certainly complicate the situation I just described, which means you would need a full understanding of your own laws before making a judgment.

Christians believe that one man and one woman alone is God's will, but we also recognize that polygamy is legal in some parts of the world. A man with three wives who becomes a Christian is still legally married to three women, and he still has responsibility for them as members of his household, and shouldn't act too hastily to get rid of two of them. As others have said, he should not be permitted to have even more wives.

He must also not be allowed to become a leader in the church, because St. Paul says that is only for one-woman men (1 Timothy 3:2).
I can't speak for everyone but I do like Derek Prince Ministries.

I would be wary of Derek Prince. As Charismatic personalities go, he was pretty tame--almost mainstream Pentecostal.

However, he was into "deliverance" ministry, falsely claiming that Christians could be possessed by demons that were the cause of their physical, psychological, or emotional ailments.

He was also one of the founders of the so-called "shepherding movement," a radical form of discipleship in which members were required to have a mentor or "shepherd" who had the power to make major decisions for the member such as where to live, whom to marry, and so forth. You just got out of an abusive, controlling cult. Don't join another one.

Besides, Derek Prince has been dead 20 years. He's too busy giving an account to his Creator to help you now. Find another ministry where the living can serve the living.
@zechariah Here in the US, we have a custom when people are arguing and the argument gets too intense, we change the subject so people get their minds off of what they are arguing about and can calm down. Huk was trying to do just that with you. Huk does a lot of fishing so he was trying to be a friend by bringing up fishing as a way to help you calm down after Ekk said those terrible things to you.
Besides, Derek Prince has been dead 20 years. He's too busy giving an account to his Creator to help you now. Find another ministry where the living can serve the living.
Interesting. Never heard of the guy until he was brought up in this thread. I did a search and found his ministry's website. Red flags starting popping up right away.

Being part of CC, I hear them emphasize the fact that Christians can't be possessed by demons but never gave much mind to where that teaching came from. Now I know.
Being part of CC, I hear them emphasize the fact that Christians can't be possessed by demons but never gave much mind to where that teaching came from. Now I know.
For those who are more Scripturally literate than me (which is probably everyone on the forum), I’ve always wondered about this very thing. I also grew up hearing that a Christian cannot be demon possessed, but I also recall consistently hearing that a Christian can be demon influenced. I understand the difference between possessed and influenced, however, in reality is there really any tangible difference between the two? Isn’t a possessed person also influenced? It seems like a fine line, or does this not make sense?
He was also one of the founders of the so-called "shepherding movement," a radical form of discipleship in which members were required to have a mentor or "shepherd" who had the power to make major decisions for the member such as where to live, whom to marry, and so forth. You just got out of an abusive, controlling cult. Don't join another one.
From what I have read, Derek Prince seems to have backed off from that position.
For those who are more Scripturally literate than me (which is probably everyone on the forum), I’ve always wondered about this very thing. I also grew up hearing that a Christian cannot be demon possessed, but I also recall consistently hearing that a Christian can be demon influenced. I understand the difference between possessed and influenced, however, in reality is there really any tangible difference between the two? Isn’t a possessed person also influenced? It seems like a fine line, or does this not make sense?
The teaching is that a believer cannot be possessed as in owned but a believer who is dabbing around in the world can come under oppression, as in harassment. I suppose the strongest case for this comes from the first chapters of book of Job.
Being part of CC, I hear them emphasize the fact that Christians can't be possessed by demons but never gave much mind to where that teaching came from. Now I know.
Actually, the bio on the Derek Prince Ministries website gives a lot of insight...

DP was definitely Pentecostal which would explain why his doctrine on the matter would be familiar to Chuck Smith and why he would teach against it.