Dr. Huk-N-Duck
Yup, hence my reticence to get involved.I think we're being mocked and made fools of.
Yup, hence my reticence to get involved.I think we're being mocked and made fools of.
What do you know about this guy and minis
FSSL - I have been following this since you originally posted it in 2020. I don't have any advice at this time that answers you but want to say I am in the same boat. Only mine is a loved one. There have been many false prophecies, dreams, accusations, commanding angels and now living in "alternate" timelines. I have been praying - almost every second - that my loved one will finally recognize the many false teachings about this cult. Since I have not been successful yet - I do have faith it will happen. I have refuted these false teachings with scripture over and over but I either don't get any response or other twisting of scripture is the answer I receive from them. I pray for my loved one, will pray for your friend and for all who might possibly be snagged into this "end times bride" false teaching. They do believe they are the "specialer" group to be Christ's Bride and usher Christ's return. That is what is used to try and not lose people - telling them they won't be the bride if they leave.Pray for me as I help a friend get out from under their influence!!
I don't know about Voice of the Martyrs. I've heard their radio broadcasts.Do you mean that they have missionaries in the country where I live?
For the record, I never said you’re a liar or deceiver, so I’m not willing to go as far as Ekkelesian in that regard, but there are just some oddities that don’t add up for me. For one, on several occasions I’ve seen you write something like “we’re a group of Muslims.” That alone gives me pause. You don’t say “ex-Muslim” or “former Muslim.” I’d think a Christian would never refer to himself as a Muslim (present tense language). That’s just one example, but it’s possible there’s a language translation problem coming to play that is part of my confusion. I’ll give you that.@HukNduck @Ekklesian
I am not a deceiver or a liar
I am not a deceiver, a liar, or trying to make fun of anyone
Everything I did was just a joke, I was laughing
I'm not a fraud and I don't need you
If my presence bothers you because I am an oppressed Arab and you think that I have become an outcast and no longer have anyone.
This is your view of us, but we live with dignity and honour
In general, we no longer want anything from you
I believe that previous experience explains how to deal with Arabs
thank you all
Muslim or agent David Ant has been trying to mock us since the first day we found him hereI think we're being mocked and made fools of.
You can't understand everythingFor the record, I never said you’re a liar or deceiver, so I’m not willing to go as far as Ekkelesian in that regard, but there are just some oddities that don’t add up for me. For one, on several occasions I’ve seen you write something like “we’re a group of Muslims.” That alone gives me pause. You don’t say “ex-Muslim” or “former Muslim.” I’d think a Christian would never refer to himself as a Muslim (present tense language). That’s just one example….
Very Western of you.just kidding
You are inciting murderVery Western of you.
Very Western of you.
I keep your post and know that it is incitement to murderVery Western of you.
Huk, he may be alluding to a vitriolic post I made then deleted.Muslim or agent David Ant has been trying to mock us since the first day we found him here
And also you accuse me of lying
And you want to describe me as a deceiver and a liar, see what you say
What do you think I say you will send me pork
When you say that I live my life freely, do you want to draw attention to my presence here? Do you want to incite my murder?
Are you working with David to get rid of us?
Or are you a double agent?
Yup. Your body count is through the roof. Could build a staircase to the moon with Eells's murder victims.You are inciting murder
That's fine. I saved the entire thread to my hard drive.I keep your post and know that it is incitement to murder
I don’t know what he’s talking about. He keeps saying you’re trying to have him murdered, for crying out loud!Huk, he may be alluding to a vociferous post I made then deleted.
Suffice it to say I don't think Zach is for real. That is my own personal appraisal. To me, he seems more like an opperative for Eells or the Islamic guvmint, if he even is in the East.
We are men who do not cryI don’t know what he’s talking about. He keeps saying you’re trying to have him murdered, for crying out loud!
Here's that post. I deleted it because I was jabbing him with a ham. Felt guilty. But the feeling's gone now.This is my brother's comment @Ekklesian
He is inciting to kill me
And here's another reason I think that...
The petulant and infantile reactions any time any hint of criticism comes your way. I'm not speaking for this forum. I'm speaking for myself.
It's not because you're Arabian or oppressed. It's because you don't behave like someone who hungers after the knowledge of Christ. You always have some reason NOT to download a real Bible in your own language, or to delay reaching out to real missionaries.
And the body count is just through the roof. Heck...if we could stack them up we could build a staircase to the moon.
And.........your oppressors aren't monitoring you too closely, because you seem awfully free to interact with a forbidden religion based in the Great Satan.
Go stack marbles, Zach. I don't think you're for real. I think it's very possible you're an opperative either for David Eells, or the Islamic government.
OH! Merry Christmas! Forward me your address, and I'll send you a ham.
Keep what you wantThat's fine. I saved the entire thread to my hard drive.