David Eells: Unleavened Bread

What do you know about this guy and ministry?
I never heard of him before. I went out to his website and kind of sounds like Wesleyan theology with some conspiracy theories thrown in.
Never heard of him. According to this anti-Eells web site, he is allegedly not sound on the doctrine of the Trinity.

David Eells | Test All Things

From the same web site - Eells is accused of having unsound views on Christ's atonement.

The False Gospel of David Eells | Test All Things

A different web site - accuses of Eells of being abusive and making false prophecies.

Unleavened Bread Ministries (UBM) Warning (culteducation.com)

Yet another web site - more of the same, Eells is abusive and made a prediction about Planet X that didn't come true.

UBM Freedom: Hope and healing after life in a Bible based cult: Unleavened Bread Ministries IS a cult (unleavenedbreadministriesfreedom.blogspot.com)

A lot of people definitely think Eells is a weirdo - he appears to be a "Rebel Without Applause." I'll refrain from making any wisecracks about him being a "slippery" fellow.
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Nary a statement of faith on his Web site--no clear indication of what they believe. Red flag.

On the other hand, lots of goofy stuff about prophecy and eschatology. The numerological interpretation of the Columbia disaster was especially entertaining.
(Some goofy stuff from Eells' web site (I have edited these excerpts)

This vision could mean that the President after Clinton falls at the same time as the nation falls (Mystery Babylon, the UN/USA), and that the final President (the one after Bush) would be a puppet communist President placed over the USA until Christ returns at Armageddon.
  • What to look for:(1.) Bush is president. - GREAT CONFUSION!!!
    (2.) Great problems for the country and believers.
    (3.) An outpouring in response to persecution.
    (4.) Historic events in the Mideast.
    (5.) A great destruction in the US. I wish I could be more specific. In the dream I saw a man who looks a great deal like Gore who presided over the destruction.

Vision received by Dumitru Duduman on Nov. 29, 1996. . . . "We won't say exactly, but it probably means that in another three years a great massacre will occur."

Al Cuppett - 04/17/2006

Subject: Catastrophic weather event(s) prophesied for Alabama; plus other prophetic events elsewhere. . . .

During the middle of our conversation, which I will detail below, I suddenly remembered what they did to Judge Roy Moore and the Ten Commandments last year. It was then that the hammer of reality fell upon our conversation. . . .

At some point, the USA will be "rent in the middle"; and be advised Dan Bohler and John Mark Poole have also prophesied this. The "rend" will be from "South to North". Brother Poole said the Mississippi River will reroute and come out through Alabama, instead of its current path to the Gulf. I acknowledge Bohler and Poole, but when Bob says it, the Father has spoken. It shall happen!

[Comment by Illinoisguy: There are a lot of people in fundamental Baptist churches who are "prophecy buffs" and are attracted to web sites like this one by David Eells that purport to provide inside information on the future. A lot of Baptists are followers of a similar "ministry," the "Tomorrow's World" web site and magazine. This is an anti-trinitarian offshoot of the original Herbert Armstrong "World Tomorrow" and "Worldwide Church of God" cult. The mainline WCG movement has repudiated all of Armstrong's heresies and adopted Trinitarianism, but splinter movements are still putting out their heresy, and using prophecy baloney as bait to attract Baptists to devour their teachings and maybe even send money].
What do you know about this guy and ministry?
This is straight up a CULT. Numerous people have died because David Eells forbids his followers to receive medical attention. He also is having an affair with a married follower. I can list many many things he has done that a Christian would never do. He twists everything to suit his needs. I'm just grateful my parents finally saw him for the cult leader he is & left
BEWARE of Unleaved Bread Ministries#!!!
This is straight up a CULT. Numerous people have died because David Eells forbids his followers to receive medical attention. He also is having an affair with a married follower. I can list many many things he has done that a Christian would never do. He twists everything to suit his needs. I'm just grateful my parents finally saw him for the cult leader he is & left
BEWARE of Unleaved Bread Ministries#!!!
Hi. I have had a history with thus group. And know alot of the people. I had the same suspicions. I would like to hear more on this.
How did you become an EX follower? My friend is in "hook line and sinker!" :(
There’s a lot involved but, we questioned some things and he of course did his same interrogation of my husband and I. So we left. 8 of us have left the local assembly in the last 2 weeks. They are on a sinking ship. The Lord God Almighty is bringing them down.
There’s a lot involved but, we questioned some things and he of course did his same interrogation of my husband and I. So we left. 8 of us have left the local assembly in the last 2 weeks. They are on a sinking ship. The Lord God Almighty is bringing them down.
Welcome to the forum. Hope you hang around.
Just a quick look at the website and I got the notion that he learned web design and philosophy from Tony Alamo.

Where is this guy based?
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Hi. I have had a history with thus group. And know alot of the people. I had the same suspicions. I would like to hear more on this.
We are the ones who followed him in the Middle East, and now he takes donations in order to help us. He is a liar. He only exploits people. He does not help. On the contrary, he made people take loans in order to print his books. In the end, they were arrested and put in prison.
The same things happened to us
There’s a lot involved but, we questioned some things and he of course did his same interrogation of my husband and I. So we left. 8 of us have left the local assembly in the last 2 weeks. They are on a sinking ship. The Lord God Almighty is bringing them down.
We are a victim of David Ells
We are a group of Muslims in the Middle East who came to the Lord Jesus, but unfortunately the teacher who taught us was David Eales and he caused us a lot of trouble.
I will tell you how his teachings were communicated to us
***----I sent the angel to come to you but I found out he didn't. He was the angel who told me that Monday would be the day of the Satanists' fall and later resurrection. It was said: Put it in stone. he lied. I don't know if he's impersonating an angel I know or not. I'm trying to know from the Lord. I never said you were a liar and neither did I. I would appreciate you talking to me and asking so I can get to the bottom of this. God allowed this for a reason. He just told me his plan is resurrection. Please talk to me. I believe as always you are an honorable man and a hero. Please talk to me. Your servant in Christ David.
I can't mention names for everyone's safety

I spoke to his son about 30 minutes ago. He was in a coma, but he was very clearly inside this body. The body wasn't working, but he's there. I talked to him and asked him what he would choose? He said he would choose to go on and get another body and be filled with the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit so I told him the Lord had already told me that. So he made that choice, and obviously it's not necessary for him to be out for a long time, but it's the best option.

I used to teach the Pope at night, in the middle of the night, which was his day, and I was teaching him about the kingdom, about angels, about carefully converting Catholics to a lot of things, and I would do that in the middle of the night, usually for a few hours or more during the night.

Yes, he handles well and reads our materials. He was surprised by the benefits of the Kingdom of God.
Leaving the above post. It is incoherent. Poster appears to be spamming.