Current State of HAC

Memories of past scandals may also make it difficult to recruit.

I would imagine that after the previous two pastors, the phrase, "and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves" rattles around in not a few brains .
I went the early years I would never go back .....I don't listen to the preaching.
Many parents like and trust Wilkerson. They also still agree with the philosophies that are taught and practiced there.
Obviously, these parents are what we would consider today as ULTRA conservative. I went to HAC almost 50 years ago and I guess we were ultra conservative, even for those times.

But parents sending their children there today may also reflect a dearth of colleges to send their kids that adhere to a traditional set of values. Even places like Hillsdale (which is very hard to be admitted) and Liberty (which frankly, is trending leftward) are still very expensive.

But sending a child to HAC would require a lot of soul searching to come to the conclusion that it is the best of a family's alternatives.
Obviously, these parents are what we would consider today as ULTRA conservative. I went to HAC almost 50 years ago and I guess we were ultra conservative, even for those times.

But parents sending their children there today may also reflect a dearth of colleges to send their kids that adhere to a traditional set of values. Even places like Hillsdale (which is very hard to be admitted) and Liberty (which frankly, is trending leftward) are still very expensive.

But sending a child to HAC would require a lot of soul searching to come to the conclusion that it is the best of a family's alternatives.
I think Pensacola Christian College continues to benefit from the enrollment struggles of other Conservative Christian colleges. Their academics seem to be as good as any Christian college and their student satisfaction rate is very high. Their enrollment seems to be generally flat for the past 5 years at around 4600 students.
If you were suggesting a christian colleges for a young man who was preparing for full time ministry (pastor, asst pastor, evangelist, missionary, christian school teacher) what schools would make your list for him to consider.

How many of you would recommend a secular degree from a public university over focused ministry training.

Would your list vary for a young lady preparing for full time ministry.
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I think Pensacola Christian College continues to benefit from the enrollment struggles of other Conservative Christian colleges. Their academics seem to be as good as any Christian college and their student satisfaction rate is very high. Their enrollment seems to be generally flat for the past 5 years at around 4600 students.
My kid might be going to PCC in a couple years. She’s visited and seems to like it. She’s planning on doing nursing, and apparently they have a top notch nursing program with a high NCLEX passage rate in Florida. We’ll see…a couple more years to think about it, otherwise it’ll be commuter school. Liberty U is out of our price range.
My kid might be going to PCC in a couple years. She’s visited and seems to like it. She’s planning on doing nursing, and apparently they have a top notch nursing program with a high NCLEX passage rate in Florida. We’ll see…a couple more years to think about it, otherwise it’ll be commuter school. Liberty U is out of our price range.

If she is considering pursuing nursing, you could also look into the School of Nursing at Maranatha Baptist University. We had a young man at our church that explored that opportunity last year; apparently, they were ranked the number one nursing program in the state of Wisconsin for the past two years.

(I also know, as our Christian school took a trip up there for a campus visit last fall, that they are quite willing to disburse scholarships for students to help defray the increasing cost of collegiate education.)
If she is considering pursuing nursing, you could also look into the School of Nursing at Maranatha Baptist University. We had a young man at our church that explored that opportunity last year; apparently, they were ranked the number one nursing program in the state of Wisconsin for the past two years.

(I also know, as our Christian school took a trip up there for a campus visit last fall, that they are quite willing to disburse scholarships for students to help defray the increasing cost of collegiate education.)
I have a friend with a daughter who went to Maranatha. It is a really good school from what I heard. In our case, I think she’s wanting to stay either in Florida or near. I’m willing to stretch to Georgia and Alabama, but her mom wants her to stay in state somewhere, so most likely she’ll go to PCC or just commute to a state school. I’d like her to go away for a year at least and do some maturing and then decide if she wants to stay at PCC or live at home and commute.
My kid might be going to PCC in a couple years. She’s visited and seems to like it. She’s planning on doing nursing, and apparently they have a top notch nursing program with a high NCLEX passage rate in Florida. We’ll see…a couple more years to think about it, otherwise it’ll be commuter school. Liberty U is out of our price range.
PCC's nursing program has always been held in high regard. I remember back in the 80s, it was well spoken of amongst both the Catholic and the Baptist hospitals in the area.
When Mrs. abcaines and I visited PCC Campus Church on a Wednesday night this past summer, I was kinda surprised to hear the speaker link the story of Elijah hiding from Jezebel to clinical depression.
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I would say that if you absolutely INSIST upon an IFB Bible College, WCBC is likely your best bet. At least they are now accredited giving you options when you are no longer willing to "toe the line" and jump through whatever hoops they require for you to remain in their favor.

I fully sympathize with not wanting to send your kids to universities where they will undoubtedly be inundated with their radical leftist "woke" ideals but a "circle the wagons" isolationist approach (along with an "indoctrination" into the "fundamentalist" world view) is not a solution that will last the test of time unless you want your kids to become fodder for the next "Preacher Boys" podcast!

I'd like to see institutions promoting a solid Christian Worldview as a foundation to whatever vocational training and education they may have to offer. You will have your faith challenged wherever you find yourself so you had better prepare yourself for it!
I don't trust Wilkerson when he praises the calfornia pastor Treiber . Treiber never said a word about the abuse of young teens. I don't forget
When Mrs. abcaines and I visited PCC Campus Church on a Wednesday night this past summer, I was kinda surprised to hear the speaker link the story of Elijah hiding from Jezebel to clinical depression.
I guess I'd have to hear the message in order to comment intelligently but who wouldn't fall into despair when involved in such continual spiritual warfare? Not saying we should knock and ridicule clinical depression which often has to do with our diet and unnatural environment but I believe there is sufficient information if the preacher would just stick to the text!

Seems that "Fundy" types always fall into the respective ditches on either side rather than looking at what is obviously in front of them!
I guess I'd have to hear the message in order to comment intelligently but who wouldn't fall into despair when involved in such continual spiritual warfare? Not saying we should knock and ridicule clinical depression which often has to do with our diet and unnatural environment but I believe there is sufficient information if the preacher would just stick to the text!

Seems that "Fundy" types always fall into the respective ditches on either side rather than looking at what is obviously in front of them!
I have heard such a message from various evangelical churches. It surprised me to hear such a message coming from a pulpit at Campus Church. I wouldn't say there was anything that heretical; I thought it was rather well balanced though I remember hearing some stuff I didn't agree with... Can't recall... I found the notes from that night during a recent house cleaning. I tossed them figuring I wouldn't be referring to them in the future. I thought the speaker used quite a bit of what some hardliners would call psychobabble.
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PCC's nursing program has always been held in high regard. I remember back in the 80s, it was well spoken of amongst both the Catholic and the Baptist hospitals in the area.
I’ve always heard this as well. I don’t know a lot about nursing school, but from what I understand, their students have a very high passage rate on the nursing board exam, and also have a special accreditation for the nursing school.
I would say that if you absolutely INSIST upon an IFB Bible College, WCBC is likely your best bet. At least they are now accredited giving you options when you are no longer willing to "toe the line" and jump through whatever hoops they require for you to remain in their favor.

I fully sympathize with not wanting to send your kids to universities where they will undoubtedly be inundated with their radical leftist "woke" ideals but a "circle the wagons" isolationist approach (along with an "indoctrination" into the "fundamentalist" world view) is not a solution that will last the test of time unless you want your kids to become fodder for the next "Preacher Boys" podcast!

I'd like to see institutions promoting a solid Christian Worldview as a foundation to whatever vocational training and education they may have to offer. You will have your faith challenged wherever you find yourself so you had better prepare yourself for it!
For us, it really boils down to money. Our goal is to avoid any loans, or at least a very minimal amount of loans. Unfortunately, that means most Christian colleges are out of the question. PCC has a good accredited nursing school, so it’s either that or she’ll need to live at home and commute to state university. We also have a very good Catholic university near us that I’m considering, but she’d be a commuter there as well. If I could financially swing it, I’d send her to Liberty University…that’d be my first choice, or possibly Samford University in Alabama as a close second choice. Regardless, I just can’t swing $50,000 a year in tuition and room & board.
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I worked for my tution when I was in college and worked summers when I was home. I had no debt that was 1975.
I worked for my tution when I was in college and worked summers when I was home. I had no debt that was 1975.
I did the same in 1975. I worked full time and went to school full time during my junior and senior years at LBC. As a matter of fact for me to graduate on time with 4 yr degree I had to attend both summer sessions between my jr and sr years. To be full time during summer sessions you had to take 6 hrs per session. Summer time was also our busy time at work, my days started at 4 pm and normally I got off at midnight. Well except during summer time. I would not get off work until 4 am some days, classes started at 8 am and was done at 1 or 2 pm. I remember one day I did not finish work until 7 am. I would get home after classes and have a chance to sleep for a couple of hours. Oh to be young again. When I graduated in 1975, I also had no debt.
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