Can a Christian Be a Know Nothing?

"We must not identify the gospel with any political system or make Christianity to be synonymous with any form of government, however noble. Christ stands alone, above and outside of every ideology devised by man. He does not join any of our parties or take sides with any of our great men except as they may come over on His side and try to follow Him in righteousness and true holiness. Then He is for them, but only as individuals, never as leaders of some political faction. The true Christian will be loyal to his country and obedient to those in authority, but he will never fall into the error of confusing his own national culture with Christianity. Christianity is bigger than any country, loftier than any civilization, broader than any human ideology." - A.W. Tozer
"We must not identify the gospel with any political system or make Christianity to be synonymous with any form of government, however noble. Christ stands alone, above and outside of every ideology devised by man. He does not join any of our parties or take sides with any of our great men except as they may come over on His side and try to follow Him in righteousness and true holiness. Then He is for them, but only as individuals, never as leaders of some political faction. The true Christian will be loyal to his country and obedient to those in authority, but he will never fall into the error of confusing his own national culture with Christianity. Christianity is bigger than any country, loftier than any civilization, broader than any human ideology." - A.W. Tozer
I agree with Tozer’s statement and still totally disagree with your stance on finding a morally pure candidate! Which you are yet to identify by the way.
I agree with Tozer’s statement and still totally disagree with your stance on finding a morally pure candidate! Which you are yet to identify by the way.
Again you either misread or misunderstood my posts and point. Next you will claim that I said that you can’t vote for Mr. Trump.

Since you agree with Tozer I find it interesting that you don’t see any of what he was speaking about lurking in the church. The reason I say that is because if you did I don’t think you would have such a hard time understanding what I have written.
Again you either misread or misunderstood my posts and point. Next you will claim that I said that you can’t vote for Mr. Trump.

Since you agree with Tozer I find it interesting that you don’t see any of what he was speaking about lurking in the church. The reason I say that is because if you did I don’t think you would have such a hard time understanding what I have written.
There's no misunderstanding your agenda. It's an old liberal tactic to appeal to virtue in an attempt to guilt good, yet simple, people into voting in despotism by degrees, because the one who would make them free to live and worship according to their conscience has feet of clay.

Trump is more moral than you, because you would stand by in your self righteousness and allow your neighbor to be oppressed, when Trump is walking through hell in love for his. And doing so much better in the Second Great Commandment than you stands to reason he's closer in the First one than you are as well. Those two commandments are very much like one another. (I have that on good authority.)

Tozer was no where saying that Christians have no civic duty, and should not be active in politics and all its processes, and should have no party loyalty or affiliation when that party is the party of real justice, and freedom for the Christian. You know what I see in that quote? I see a reproof of your insistence to hold those serving in political offices to the standards of an ecclesiastical one.

What are you doing there? mixing state and church? Really, Mumbles? You should be ashamed.
Again you either misread or misunderstood my posts and point. Next you will claim that I said that you can’t vote for Mr. Trump.

Since you agree with Tozer I find it interesting that you don’t see any of what he was speaking about lurking in the church. The reason I say that is because if you did I don’t think you would have such a hard time understanding what I have written.

I have yet to see anyone here espouse so called Christian Nationalism.
We understand how things are, we understand what politics can and cannot do.
You, like many progressives, accuse the other side of the argument of what you have done.
You accuse us of misplaced priorities any loyalty.
We know Trump can’t bring in the kingdom.
We know our problem isn’t in the people we vote but in the sinfulness of their nature.

All said and done, as dual citizens of the U.S. we vote….sadly we often much choose from the lesser of 2 evils. So peddle your Christian Nationalist arguments to actual Christian Nationalists.
Does John MacArthur worship Donald Trump? There are some on this forum who would make such an accusation to those who would even show their support for one candidate above another and speaks out on the issues that face our nation. What is at stake is the very freedom God has allowed us to enjoy and the protection of Christians and non-Christians alike to express their beliefs unhindered by government censorship.

Dinesh D'Souza presents what I believe is a scriptural response to those who believe Christians should bury their heads in the sand and not speak out on those politicians who should or should not run our country.
You accused me of worshiping Donald Trump when you stated I heard the voice of a god.
No one mentioned MacArthur in this thread until you came along. It looks like you're just using threads to post off-topic copypasta.
No one mentioned MacArthur in this thread until you came along. It looks like you're just using threads to post off-topic copypasta.
Ransom, can you take no personal responsibility? You were wrong in accusing me of worshiping Donald Trump. Instead of admitting you are wrong (I don't worship Donald Trump) you post this nonsense. I could probably find numerous posts where you insert some name that wasn't mentioned in the thread beforehand. Many Christians who bury their heads in the sand try to imply any Christians who would dare support someone for President or other political offices are worshiping a political party or some man. That simply isn't true.
Ransom, can you take no personal responsibility?
Nothing to do with me. I hadn't been participating in this thread. You didn't mention me in your MacArthur post either. I'm just an excuse for you to justify posting off-topic macros.
You were wrong in accusing me of worshiping Donald Trump.
You aren't doing much to disabuse me of that idea.
Personally, I feel that the only political figure worthy of worship is Justin Trudeau who has proven to be almost omnipotent.
A close second would be Fidel Castro…who may or may not be Trudeau’s father. 😊