Can a Christian Be a Know Nothing?

Personally, I feel that the only political figure worthy of worship is Justin Trudeau who has proven to be almost omnipotent.
A close second would be Fidel Castro…who may or may not be Trudeau’s father. 😊
All devilspawn of Karl Marx.
There's no misunderstanding your agenda. It's an old liberal tactic to appeal to virtue in an attempt to guilt good, yet simple, people into voting in despotism by degrees, because the one who would make them free to live and worship according to their conscience has feet of clay.

Trump is more moral than you, because you would stand by in your self righteousness and allow your neighbor to be oppressed, when Trump is walking through hell in love for his. And doing so much better in the Second Great Commandment than you stands to reason he's closer in the First one than you are as well. Those two commandments are very much like one another. (I have that on good authority.)

Tozer was no where saying that Christians have no civic duty, and should not be active in politics and all its processes, and should have no party loyalty or affiliation when that party is the party of real justice, and freedom for the Christian. You know what I see in that quote? I see a reproof of your insistence to hold those serving in political offices to the standards of an ecclesiastical one.

What are you doing there? mixing state and church? Really, Mumbles? You should be ashamed.
Wow! I am all those things?

And again you paint me with a brush of your choosing rather than with what I am.