Best and/or Worst

Binaca Chugger

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2013
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Someone shared earlier a story about being left behind in N. Chicago and having to find their way back through the night.  This got me thinking what was your Best or Worst moment at HAC?  We all have memories that are humorous and worth sharing.  These can either be direct contradictions, or just a memory.  One item per post.  Keep 'em clean and keep 'em coming!

Here's one to get us started:

Best: Dr. Evans' lecture on Martin Luther - never got old no matter how many times I heard it.
Worst:  Math lesson on why pointy 4's are demonic, but open 4's are godly.
Best: "Get on the bus, and stay on the bus."
Worst: The bus.
Best: Dr. Evans songleading
Worst: Dr. Jorgensen singing
Best: The mozzarella sticks in Liberty Square
Worst: Dining Hall food - any of it.
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.
Best: Those staff members who worked a second or third job to make their bills because they really believed they were making a positive impact in our lives.

Worst: Those security members who believed they had a right to impact the daily events of our lives.
Best: Binaca
Worst: Discovering Binaca had alcohol (27%!) and giving it up for Jesus!  (Should that be a best?)
I'm laughing to much this morning!!
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.

...that and the Pastors' School service in which Paul Johnson quoted Revelation were the two best services I've ever been to in my whole life.

The worst would probably have to be the Div 1 nightbus in which the preacher cursed at us, and told us to get the ______________ off the bus if we didn't agree with Bro. John. For the life of me, I still cannot understand how John Francis sat there, allowing that to happen, and never said a single word about it.
Best:  When Dr. Hyles walked into the chapel on Wednesday as the chapel speaker.
Worst:  When Jim Jorgensen or Judson Mitchell walked into the chapel any day as the chapel speaker. 
Best:  The first time I called an idiot at HAC a Hacker.
Worst:  The day they outlawed the word Hacker at HAC.
Best:  The day I joined the Youth Ministry at HAC.
Worst:  The day I joined the Bus Ministry at HAC.
Best:  When Joe Combs walked out as chapel speaker.
Worst:  Looking back wondering when he went bad.
Best - What I made of it.
Worst: What I made of it.

My environment has never determined the best and worst times of my life. It has all been on me. I assume full responsibility for both!
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.

...that and the Pastors' School service in which Paul Johnson quoted Revelation were the two best services I've ever been to in my whole life.

You are so right.  That was an amazing service.  Something special happened that night that was not just part of the program.  In fact - it was the first time I said AMEN!
Best: Zealous soul winners
Worst: Zealous security guards
Best: Graduation Day
Worst: Registration Day
Best: The bus ride back from Great Lakes Naval Base.  Absolutely crazy, fun and wild - Unless your on fire!
Worst: Division meeting watching people scream ONE! or FIVE! at each other for 30 minutes straight.