Since we are so concerned about division, I would like to point out that the Ruckmanites are the biggest purveyors of division. When I joined a Ruckmanite church years ago, another Ruckmanite pastor immediately started stirring up trouble between myself and my Ruckmanite pastor. I asked the other Ruckmanite pastor why he was doing that, and he said he was miffed because my tithe was going to a different Ruckmanite church instead of his church. A Ruckmanite man and wife then came to me and tried to blackmail me for money, saying if I didn't give them any money, they would go slander me to my Ruckmanite pastor. I refused to give them the money, they slandered me to my pastor who had his congregation vote to excommunicate me, without any notice or reason ever given. I was placed under a lifetime ban on joining any other Baptist church. I ignored their ban as a member of a non-Ruckmanite church, so this pastor and all his Ruckmanite preacher and missionary buddies bombarded my new pastor with phone calls, demanding that he kick me out of my church and extradite me back to the Ruckmanite church. They accused me of plotting to destroy two other non-Ruckmanite IFB churches. The pastors of those two churches said that the charges against me were untrue and that I would be welcome to join those churches. Meanwhile, a Ruckmanite pastor gave one of his cronies, a homosexual arsonist who had burned down an IFB church and had threatened to burn down my house, the address of my new church so that he could come there and harass and intimidate us. You would think that by then I would have learned my lesson to "reject" and "avoid" all Ruckmanites, but no, I foolishly loaned money to yet another Ruckmanite pastor who then immediately vanished and refused to pay my money back.
Ruckmanism is a movement that naturally breeds division, and it breeds arrogance, abusiveness and bullying. Based on their extreme version of dispensationalist antinomianism, they do not emphasize or require holiness and basic standards of Christian morality to be one of their cronies or part of their movement. They admire bad behavior and bullying, as part of their adoration of their much-divorced, much remarried founder who liked to brag about bruising his wife and how much he wanted to slug a Jew.
If you like division and heresy in the churches, Ruckmanism is the movement for you. Notice that they spend most of their time fighting KJV-only preachers who are not Ruckmanites, or else they spend their time fighting each other, like for instance Herb Evans who was an acolyte of Ruckman and then turned against him. These are the kind of troublemakers that Paul was warning about in Romans 16:1-18 and Titus 3:10. But hey, they have so much truth to offer about the 1989 Rapture, women turned into men at the Rapture, UFOs, racism, correcting the original manuscripts with the AV 1611, that I suppose it's worth it to invite them in and let them divide and destroy our churches from within.