Hm. Perhaps in your own mind. Like everything else.
All of the most respected pastors in the IFB or in KJV churches similar to the IFB either respect Ruckman (paid homage to him in their own writings), studied under him at one point, or ignore him completely.
Nobody except idiots, saboteur hirelings from other denoms, or the occasional fringe IFB outcast actually bothers to attack him, because they all know about his genius whether they agree with him or not, and they have this thing called a brain that's capable of grasping that 2 or 3 minor, or even non-doctrinally related, positions he held that might have been odd can't outweigh that: like trying to use a blueberry to tip the scale of a bowling ball on the other end.
Perhaps they never learned their times tables and dropped out of elementary school, so they aren't capable of weighing this obvious scale out for themselves.
"Not true". Uhuh. Think Sam Gipp, James Knox, etc. And btw the largest Baptist channels on YouTube are of pastors who graduated from PBI.
You do realize YouTube channels reach exponentially more followers than Joel Osteen's megachurch, right.
Yeah. As usual. The tree house kids club is blasting off again.