Agenda 47: A strong conservative plan

The only thing I’ll say is that I pay 25% in taxes every payday.
Cut the BS, brah. You're claiming 25% is witheld from your check. Is that your federal income tax only, or your total withholding, which also includes payroll taxes, state and local taxes, elected extra witholdings and other things like insurance premiums, which aren't taxed, cafeteria plans, and HSAs, etc.

When it comes to federal income tax the only thing that matters for the "average every day American" is the Schedule 1040.

Let me tell you how I have benefitted from the Trump tax cuts. Since 2017 my annual gross income went up approximately $20k. His corporate tax cut enabled companies to raise wages and compete for workers with my skill set. I'm in a higher tax bracket now. I file as single and have no dependants and nothing to itemize. I pay more individual income tax now than I ever have...BUT, due to the doubling of the standard deduction, my adjusted gross income is less than what it would have been in the same situation prior to 2017, and the amount of taxes and also the tax rate is less than what it would have been.

If you were an "average every day American" yourself, you wouldn't have needed that explanation. If you're claiming that the 25% is federal income tax only, and you haven't elected to have any additional witheld, that means your adjusted gross income is estimated to be between $100.5K and $191.9K.
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Cut the BS, brah. You're claiming 25% is witheld from your check. Is that your federal income tax only, or your total withholding, which also includes payroll taxes, state and local taxes, elected extra witholdings and other things like insurance premiums, which aren't taxed, cafeteria plans, and HSAs, etc.

When it comes to federal income tax the only thing that matters for the "average every day American" is the Schedule 1040.

Let me tell you how I have benefitted from the Trump tax cuts. Since 2017 my annual gross income went up approximately $20k. His corporate tax cut enabled companies to raise wages and compete for workers with my skill set. I'm in a higher tax bracket now. I file as single and have no dependants and nothing to itemize. I pay more individual income tax now than I ever have...BUT, due to the doubling of the standard deduction, my adjusted gross income is less than what it would have been in the same situation prior to 2017, and the amount of taxes and also the tax rate is less than what it would have been.

If you were an "average every day American" yourself, you wouldn't have needed that explanation. If you're claiming that the 25% is federal income tax only, and you haven't elected to have any additional witheld, that means your adjusted gross income is estimated to be between $100.5K and $191.9K.
Why would I be lying? There’s no benefit to do that.

Look just because I’m voting for Trump again doesn’t mean I need to be in love with him.

The problem is a lot of people look at him like people looked at Jack Hyles lol
Why would I be lying? There’s no benefit to do that.

Look just because I’m voting for Trump again doesn’t mean I need to be in love with him.

The problem is a lot of people look at him like people looked at Jack Hyles lol
what is it with you tds guys and your fetish for making comparisons between trump supporters and scophants of hyles?.... you are the third ex-victim... ex-follower.. (or whatever you want to call it)... of hyles who has done that here..... ... ....... no... you don;t have to love trump to vote for him.... and you don;t have to let trump or hyles either one live rent free in your heads either - and yet both of them do..... ......what;s up with that?...... get over it......
Why would I be lying?
To dis Trump. That's why.

If your taxable income is between $100.5K and $191.9K, based on the 25% tax bracket you claimed, that means you're grossing a lot more, and you wouldn't be getting a weekly paycheck. It would be a monthly one.

You are not paying 25% in federal income tax...not if anything else you've asserted is true. You may have a quarter of your gross pay witheld, but it isn't in federal income taxes.

When it comes to federal income taxes, your paystub's meaningless. End of story.

Tell us about your 1040s. I'm not asking for your social security number. What was your gross income, adjusted gross income, and your taxable income in 2016, and how much federal income tax did you owe? What were they in 2023?
what is it with you tds guys and your fetish for making comparisons between trump supporters and scophants of hyles?.... you are the third ex-victim... ex-follower.. (or whatever you want to call it)... of hyles who has done that here..... ... ....... no... you don;t have to love trump to vote for him.... and you don;t have to let trump or hyles either one live rent free in your heads either - and yet both of them do..... ......what;s up with that?...... get over it......
I just thought it was a good comparison bc to many Trump can do no wrong. For example, name 3 things Trump is absolutely wrong about.
To dis Trump. That's why.

If your taxable income is between $100.5K and $191.9K, based on the 25% tax bracket you claimed, that means you're grossing a lot more, and you wouldn't be getting a weekly paycheck. It would be a monthly one.

You are not paying 25% in federal income tax...not if anything else you've asserted is true. You may have a quarter of your gross pay witheld, but it isn't in federal income taxes.

When it comes to federal income taxes, your paystub's meaningless. End of story.

Tell us about your 1040s. I'm not asking for your social security number. What was your gross income, adjusted gross income, and your taxable income in 2016, and how much federal income tax did you owe? What were they in 2023?
To dis Trump? I don’t hate the guy he’s never done anything to me. I actually like him, I really do. He’s a gangster and he doesn’t hide it or doesn’t apologize for being who he is and I respect that. Kinda like Sammy the Bull.

Listen, we’re r gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. Was the economy better under Trump? Yes, 100%. Did our dollars go further? Yes, 100%. Have we seen inflation rise to an all time high? Yes, 100% I agree with all that.

You’ve seen an increase in pay and that’s great. All I’m saying is that I work a lot of hours, I’m away from my wife and kids a lot actually more than a lot and for Trump to say he’s helped me? Whatever.

I’m genuinely happy for you (although I don’t know you) I’m not the only one that works this much but the point is…I do. And for Trump to say he’s given the biggest tax break in American history….ok
I just thought it was a good comparison bc to many Trump can do no wrong. For example, name 3 things Trump is absolutely wrong about.
1. Donald Trump is wrong about wanting to compromise on abortion.

2. Donald Trump is wrong about not needing forgiveness from God.

3. Donald Trump is wrong in uncalled for personal attacks in tweets.

Name three things Kamala Harris is wrong right about.

She believes:

A woman has the right to kill an unborn child up to the time of birth.

2. She wanted to eliminate all private health insurance (though she did backtrack after much backlash).

3. She has pledged to decriminalize border crossings.

4. She wants to grant amnesty to those who have broken our laws by entering the country illegally.

5. She wants to ban fracking and make us dependent on our enemies for our energy needs.

6. She joined defund the police activists in calling for a “reimagining of public safety.”

She has supported eliminating cash bail so criminals can be released to commit more crimes.

8. She supports confiscating legally purchased firearms through a mandatory buyback program.

9. She sides with Hamas terrorists, not Israel, and she will not preside over or attend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's joint address to Congress on Wednesday.

10. She supports mutilating children and Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) announced its endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency.

There is a stark contrast in the policies of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It is disingenuous to say otherwise.
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1. Donald Trump is wrong about wanting to compromise on abortion.

2. Donald Trump is wrong about not needing forgiveness from God.

3. Donald Trump is wrong in uncalled for personal attacks in tweets.

Name three things Kamala Harris is wrong right about.

She believes:

A woman has the right to kill an unborn child up to the time of birth.

2. She wanted to eliminate all private health insurance (though she did backtrack after much backlash).

3. She has pledged to decriminalize border crossings.

4. She wants to grant amnesty to those who have broken our laws by entering the country illegally.

5. She wants to ban fracking and make us dependent on our enemies for our energy needs.

6. She joined defund the police activists in calling for a “reimagining of public safety.”

She has supported eliminating cash bail so criminals can be released to commit more crimes.

8. She supports confiscating legally purchased firearms through a mandatory buyback program.

9. She sides with Hamas terrorists, not Israel, and she will not preside over or attend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's joint address to Congress on Wednesday.

10. She supports mutilating children and Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) announced its endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency.

There is a stark contrast in the policies of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It is disingenuous to say otherwise.
Perfect answer.
1. Donald Trump is wrong about wanting to compromise on abortion.

2. Donald Trump is wrong about not needing forgiveness from God.

3. Donald Trump is wrong in uncalled for personal attacks in tweets.

Name three things Kamala Harris is wrong right about.

She believes:

A woman has the right to kill an unborn child up to the time of birth.

2. She wanted to eliminate all private health insurance (though she did backtrack after much backlash).

3. She has pledged to decriminalize border crossings.

4. She wants to grant amnesty to those who have broken our laws by entering the country illegally.

5. She wants to ban fracking and make us dependent on our enemies for our energy needs.

6. She joined defund the police activists in calling for a “reimagining of public safety.”

She has supported eliminating cash bail so criminals can be released to commit more crimes.

8. She supports confiscating legally purchased firearms through a mandatory buyback program.

9. She sides with Hamas terrorists, not Israel, and she will not preside over or attend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's joint address to Congress on Wednesday.

10. She supports mutilating children and Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) announced its endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the presidency.

There is a stark contrast in the policies of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It is disingenuous to say otherwise.
I agree with you.
I just thought it was a good comparison bc to many Trump can do no wrong. For example, name 3 things Trump is absolutely wrong about.
it was a sick and disgusting comparison that reveals nothing more than just how far cultists like jack hyles got into your head... .. they seem to have done a tap dance on your brain that is still resonating through your skull...... i;ll say more about that later when i have time.... .. but here i will try to stick to the subject....

what biscuit said is true... .. and i never denied trump was a very flawed individual.....and probably unsaved.... but he has also moved in the right direction over the past several years ..and with time and prayer ..and good advise from conservative christians...will move even further in the right direction and in time may come to a saving knowldge of Christ ..... .. near death experiences tend to open peoples eyes in that way... sometimes.....

.... but what i don;t understand is the willingness of so many who are apparently conservative christians themselves.. ..and who claim they want to see a continuation of a free america under a republican form of government... to bring about..and allow.. the very things listed under the 10 beliefs of kamala harris... thus helping the enemies of freedom destroy the country - just for the priviledge of sounding off all pious and holier than thou - condemning trump for his flaws... at a time when those of us on the same side of things should be standing together........

now as far as naming 3 things trump is absolutely wrong about .. i could name many more... but since you ask it that way i will limit my response to only 3.... trump seems to believe that all conservative christians posses the wisdom and intelligence to understand what i just posted in the previous 2 paragraphs.. .. but in the case of at least 3 of you here trump is absolutely wrong..... are the kind of self mutilating dim-bulbs sadly unable to exercise or enjoy freedom without destroying not only yourself - but also those around you... and thus you deserve 12 more years of biden.. harris... or whatever godless left wing tyrrant steps in to take their place....
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One reason Elon Musk has flipped to the Republicans is the woke crowd (nearly all Democrats) has destroyed his son. In his interview with Jordon Perterson, he also said he was threatened with prison because he didn't hire asylum seekers and then he was also threatened with prison if he hired anyone who is not a permanent resident. The same lawfare used against President Trump.
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