I'm in the midst of reading it and found the following that explains why he didn't leave. I'm sure there's more.
I can understand. I believe the first time I heard Bro. Hyles in chapel, he shouted, "DON'T QUIT! DON'T QUIT" as he pounded the pulpit. Years later, I heard him shout from the pulpit in Hammond, "King Jack rules here!" It must have been every preacher boys' dream to have that much power over a crowd.
"The rule was that those who leave and say they are coming back never do. Hence, they are failures. I was not a failure, nor was I a quitter. These things were drilled into us day after day. If we could not make it at TBC we would never make it in the ministry.
Further, we were under the false notion that Longview Baptist Temple's brand of Christianity was the faith once delivered to the saints. LBT was the remnant. We were the only ones left in a world gone liberal. If LBT and what she stood for died, Christianity died. If we ever wanted to be used of God at all, we had to finish TBC and leave with Gray's approval.
Even more, our brand of fundamentalism, Gray's brand of fundamentalism, was the only branch of "Christianity" in which we could ever minister and be approved of God. Gray was heir to the throne in our wing of "fundy-ism." If Gray did not approve of us, our ministry was doomed to failure.
I desperately wanted God's approval and God's blessing on my ministry. Therefore, I must have Gray's approval and Gray's blessing on my ministry. The two things were one and the same. To think otherwise was tantamount to treason. The will of the man of God was the will of God. I must finish what I started. It's scary, now, when I think about it, to what degree we were brainwashed. All of these things are the ear-marks of a cult or cult-like religion.
So I went back. The first Sunday night, I walked forward at invitation and joined the church once again. After the invitation, as Gray read the decisions off that had been made, he came to mine. "James Spurgeon is coming tonight to join our church by letter from Open Bible Baptist Church in Waterflow, New Mexico. Amen? Where is he?"
Several people pointed to the section where I was sitting.
"There he is," said Gray. "You know what they say, a bad penny always returns."
It was an omen."