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  1. Justice1976

    Do you remember when.....

    I heard Joe Combs say that it had been weeks since he had sinned. The import being (so he said) that while we aren't sinless, it shouldn't be an every day thing, as it is with me and later we found out, as it was with him.
  2. Justice1976

    The Girl(s)

    Very good analysis. True to (my) form, I'm about a decade late to this party, but after reading some recurring themes from multiple posts in this forum, I offer the following: 1. I always thought the "counseling" aspects of the Hyles ministry were very suspect. He made much of how many hours a...
  3. Justice1976

    Child Evangelism/Baptism

    I think children can be saved at a very young age and if they are, they should be baptized. But here's the other side of that issue and it's my testimony. When I was eight or nine years old, I walked an aisle at church at the invitation and made a "profession of faith." A few weeks later I got...
  4. Justice1976

    David Baker arrested

    Neither do I. Retrospectively, the IFB movement that I knew in the seventies and early eighties, wasn't nearly as big a deal as we thought. I mean 99% of Americans today would have no idea who Jack Hyles was, or what an Independent Baptist was.
  5. Justice1976

    David Baker arrested

    I realize that this is small stuff, but it stuck with me the past few years. My best friend heard of the "Red Barn" ministry of Dave Hyles and sent a donation of $100 to Dave Baker's Church, who was acting as a repository for donations. The church cashed the check. My friend called the church...
  6. Justice1976

    David Baker arrested

    Think of the most provocative manner of dress or behavior that a woman could conduct herself with a minister. There is still no excuse for that minister to engage with her in a sinful manner. In fact, THAT'S precisely supposed to set a real minister apart from others. It's the RESISTING of...
  7. Justice1976

    Favorate Thing From Box Lunches of the Past

    I don't know anything about that. I don't even remember pickles. But it struck me a few minutes ago how very low my expectations were for something to eat when I was a teen, as opposed to today. I guess I've gotten spoiled. I thought I was fed pretty well out of the HAC cafeteria back in the...
  8. Justice1976

    Guns and the HAC Culture

    My state foes My state does not register firearms, even to this day.
  9. Justice1976

    Guns and the HAC Culture

    Good question on the married student’s house. I honestly don’t know. But I do recall going inside another married student’s house, so I guess I should be punished 😁
  10. Justice1976

    Guns and the HAC Culture

    It was a legal, private transaction between two adults. I didn't do anything wrong.
  11. Justice1976

    Where are they now? part 1

    If I'm not mistaken, Eddie Paul pastors a church in Missouri. You can find him on Youtube.
  12. Justice1976

    Guns and the HAC Culture

    It was about 1980, so I was over 21 years old. I was working in a plant in East Chicago and I had a revolver that I wanted to sell to a co-worker. We met in the parking lot and the guy examined it and decided he wanted to buy it. While making the transaction, an anonymous classmate of mine who...
  13. Justice1976

    Favorate Thing From Box Lunches of the Past

    I suppose it's the great American staple, but the only thing that I can remember from a HAC sack lunch was pb&j sandwiches. And in my memory, they were pretty good! Thanks to the young ladies who made them!
  14. Justice1976

    Your Favorite Chapel Songs

    Sound the Battle Cry
  15. Justice1976

    "Greats" Memories

    I only heard Dr. Rice preach in the last five years of his life. He was almost completely deaf and even though he wore hearing aids, couldn't really hear what he was saying. That was why it was hard to follow him.
  16. Justice1976

    Deaths Of HAC Students

    How tragic.
  17. Justice1976

    Dear Roommate,

    Ed Reese was a good accordion man! I am reminded of an episode of the Drew Carey Show many years back. Drew played the accordion and wanted to get in a rock band. He said "Everybody knows you can't have a decent band without the rock accordion." Trivia Fact: The first instrument that three...
  18. Justice1976

    "Greats" Memories

    I didn’t know the Rices but always felt that they walked the walk.
  19. Justice1976

    Dear Roommate,

    I don’t remember that dance. You would have to demonstrate!;) However, I don’t remember any dancing in the boys dorms. Even though we know that King David danced, that would have been considered far too unspiritual for all of the consecrated young men of HAC to participate in.
  20. Justice1976

    "Greats" Memories

    In 1977, I had completed my first year at HAC and was home for the summer. I heard that Lester Roloff was going to be preaching at a church about thirty minutes from where I lived. My dad and I went to this church, which wasn't even an IFB church, but Lester was there with a singing quartet of...