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  1. Smellin Coffee

    So, What Does One Do After Getting Out of a Cult?

    This is solely from my experience, for whatever it might be worth. I suggest to try to locate an interfaith spiritual community (a church, a message board, a group of podcasts, etc.) that exists to build up one another. If one is able to find a therapist that is experienced in religious trauma...
  2. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    Information to do with as one chooses: The term "Son of God" was a term used among pagan religions and this is probably where the biblical penmen picked up the term to apply to the Jesus story. The Western Zhou Dynasty (1000 years earlier) along with Alexander the Great (around 360 BC), etc...
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    Sorry dude. I ain't your dance monkey. :P
  4. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    Why do we have different denominations and even salvation/atonement teachings from sincere, biblical scholars who disagree? There is no biblical unilateral position throughout history or even in our culture. Apparently it wasn't made clear to thousands (millions?) of people...
  5. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    Pagan origins, for starters. Making violence salvific, another. Making God an abuser is a third reason. :)
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    Hermeneutic is initially seen through cultural lenses, whether that culture is ethnic, religious, regional, familial, etc. A kid growing up JW won't have the same theology as the Catholic or Evangelical kid. When he studies the Bible, he sees the lens he was given. I too try to look at the...
  7. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    My life be like:
  8. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    My position? None of the above. :) These Theories are based on individual hermeneutic (which is generally cultural in origin). To deny the legitimacy of Liberation Theology (for example) is to legitimatize primarily White hermeneutic, damning Latino and Black theologies. This is blatant racism...
  9. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    Appreciate the civil response, particularly when others on here tend to reply with snarkiness (myself included, at times). :) Jeremiah: Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices, and eat the flesh. For in the day that I brought your ancestors...
  10. Smellin Coffee

    Black Anthem at Superbowl
  11. Smellin Coffee

    Black Anthem at Superbowl

    The NFL is a business. Why can't they run their business as they choose? (This would include allowing players to pray at midfield.)
  12. Smellin Coffee

    Atonement Theories

    1. Ransom Theory (Origen) -- Jesus's death was a ransom given to the devil in exchange for humanity's freedom. 2. Moral Example Theory (Socinius) -- Both Jesus's life of self-sacrifice, and his martyrdom, were examples for his followers to emulate. 3. Moral Transformation Theory (Abelard) --...
  13. Smellin Coffee

    Allright allright! We'll recognize 'gay' marriage. Can everyone just be happy now?

    Glad to see you are against corrective lenses and artificial limbs for those born as amputees. ;) FYI, Isaiah is a part of the Nevi'im which makes up part of the Tanakh, one of the divisions of the Hebrew Bible. Remember how Jews would do their best to keep the law to the letter? Then why...
  14. Smellin Coffee

    Allright allright! We'll recognize 'gay' marriage. Can everyone just be happy now?

    And there it is. It is always about you and YOUR privilege and never about the care of (or at the very least, kindness toward) another individual. :)
  15. Smellin Coffee

    Allright allright! We'll recognize 'gay' marriage. Can everyone just be happy now?

    I would guess what happens would depend whether or not the one who disagrees is acting with hostility or not. In the 3 redneck plants that I work for within our company, some plant folks aren't too keen on the trans or even gay fellow employees so as long as the matter doesn't become a point of...
  16. Smellin Coffee

    Allright allright! We'll recognize 'gay' marriage. Can everyone just be happy now?

    " Do trans women have periods? Many trans women have periods. Some trans women don’t have uteruses, so they won’t bleed as part of a monthly menstrual cycle. But the hormonal experience of menstruation can still be very real. Some trans women undergo gender-affirming treatment in the form of...
  17. Smellin Coffee

    Allright allright! We'll recognize 'gay' marriage. Can everyone just be happy now?

    I didn't take the link as stating that. The introductory sentence says, "ICO Staff can support trans colleagues or individuals who are transitioning by;" It was a memo about what one can do to support one who is transitioning, not a mandate to control individual thinking. It is true trans...
  18. Smellin Coffee

    Dems Advance Legislation to Neutralize 2nd Amendment

    This gets tricky for sure. While militias are free to assemble and free to bear arms, there is harm when they are used to usurp a form of non-legitimate authority over unarmed citizens. Not sure where the lines should be drawn as militias have become somewhat of a public menace; an obstruction...
  19. Smellin Coffee

    "His Only Son"

    If you think that is what is what I am inferring, ya might want to look up what Universalism entails. There are systems of belief that believe judgment is egalitarian in result or perhaps believe in no judgment for anyone. I have no need for "justification". I is extremely sad that "fathers" of...
  20. Smellin Coffee

    "His Only Son"

    That's the trait of matured mustard seeds. ;)