Black Anthem at Superbowl

What is the "Black Anthem" is it a recognized national anthem or a political commentary? That determines whether I stand or ignore.
Also, if there is a "Black Anthem" will there be a "White Anthem"? What about an "Asian Anthem"?

As an aside, my alma mater, Lewis Clark State College, keeps a close relationship with the local tribal agency which carries themselves as a nation of sorts. Because it is tribal and not racial, whenever they carried their standard along with the American flag, I stood out of respect for both our flag and their standard, an ornate staff with a pair eagle feathers attached to the top.
The song "Lift Every Voice and Sing" was written by James Weldon Johnson in 1900. He was the head of the NAACP at the time and it quickly was adopted as their theme song. Over time it began to be called the "Black National Athem"

Representative Jim Clyburn proposed legislation in congress to make it the black national anthem, but I don't think it has ever been brought to a vote.

I believe it is widely considered a gospel song and it praises God, so I have no problem with it. It's a far cry from the woke stuff we hear sung and read today. Throughout history many African American in this country practiced bible Christianity. Until modern times the Baptist church was the center of the black culture in this country.

I stand for the Canadian anthem when its played for baseball, hockey and baseball.
"Lift Every Voice and Sing" is a hymn about God delivering black people from slavery and bringing them into the Promised Land of freedom, and therefore they need to remain faithful.

On at least a couple of points, that ought to go over real well with the Communists that have taken over the civil-rights movement...
The song "Lift Every Voice and Sing" was written by James Weldon Johnson in 1900. He was the head of the NAACP at the time and it quickly was adopted as their theme song. Over time it began to be called the "Black National Athem"

Representative Jim Clyburn proposed legislation in congress to make it the black national anthem, but I don't think it has ever been brought to a vote.

I believe it is widely considered a gospel song and it praises God, so I have no problem with it. It's a far cry from the woke stuff we hear sung and read today. Throughout history many African American in this country practiced bible Christianity. Until modern times the Baptist church was the center of the black culture in this country.

I see your point and agree that it's a good song.
But it's not a National Anthem, uniting a people under a flag in our country.
It seems very polarizing and is one more way to fragment our country into many pieces.
Why not have an anthem for the Mexicans and the Indians?
What about the Chinese, Italians and the Irish who were oppressed in our country?
Would you stand?
not only would i not stand.... i would refuse to attend any event where it was going to be played or performed.... ..i even stopped watching virtually all pro sports on television over the kneeling during anthems nonsense a few years ago.... ..i don;t even keep up with the scores or the standings anymore for those sports....
It depends. Are those playing the "Black National Anthem" insinuating that THEY have a country that is separate from MY country? I would have a serious problem with this. Perhaps this is the beginning of a "Separatist" group or something like Hamas or whatever?

The "Star Spangled Banner" is OUR National Anthem and is inclusive of all ethnicities and cultures that call this nation home! We should all stand together and sing it together as "One nation, indivisible!"

I just listened to it and don't hear anything objectionable or intentionally antagonistic. I can appreciate the song on its own merits. I got a question regarding what they are referring to as "true to our native land" though. I hope they consider the United States as being their native land rather than Africa! Unless you are a first generation immigrant, the United States is the only land you have ever known. I am of European (German) descent but I have no allegiance to Germany nor has any of my relatives who emigrated here (in Galveston and Indianola) in 1848!
I would do the same out of respect for whatever country happens to be represented. I almost have "Lupang Hinirang" memorized now! :cool:
I would politely stand at attention even for North Korea, Russia or China. Not for their regimes but for the office of a nation.
Why not have an anthem for the Mexicans and the Indians?
What about the Chinese, Italians and the Irish who were oppressed in our country?

Don't give 'em any ideas. They'll never get to the game for all the singing.
It depends. Are those playing the "Black National Anthem" insinuating that THEY have a country that is separate from MY country? I would have a serious problem with this. Perhaps this is the beginning of a "Separatist" group or something like Hamas or whatever?

The "Star Spangled Banner" is OUR National Anthem and is inclusive of all ethnicities and cultures that call this nation home! We should all stand together and sing it together as "One nation, indivisible!"

I just listened to it and don't hear anything objectionable or intentionally antagonistic. I can appreciate the song on its own merits. I got a question regarding what they are referring to as "true to our native land" though. I hope they consider the United States as being their native land rather than Africa! Unless you are a first generation immigrant, the United States is the only land you have ever known. I am of European (German) descent but I have no allegiance to Germany nor has any of my relatives who emigrated here (in Galveston and Indianola) in 1848!
The NFL is a business. Why can't they run their business as they choose? (This would include allowing players to pray at midfield.)
sure.... the NFL can do business as they choose.... but originally their business was the business of entertainment.... which has morphed itself into a left leaning social and political action business.... ... and it;s my business not to do any business with that kind of business... which not only includes refusing to watch their lame games on television.. ... (which new rules have made more and more woosified with every season).... but also refusing to do business with their sponsors and donors that share their social and political beliefs .... ....... ... and i say this as someone who grew up an avid oakland raider fan....
I see your point and agree that it's a good song.
But it's not a National Anthem, uniting a people under a flag in our country.
It seems very polarizing and is one more way to fragment our country into many pieces.
Why not have an anthem for the Mexicans and the Indians?
What about the Chinese, Italians and the Irish who were oppressed in our country?
The Poles already have the beer barrel polka.