Not quite

Why This Redefinition of Infertility May Surprise Singles and Same-Sex Couples
Same-sex couples and singles of all stripes meet a new definition of infertility from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Same-sex couples and singles, no matter their sexual orientation, now qualify as infertile.
That is, at least, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, whose guidelines now redefine infertility to include anyone who needs “donor eggs, sperm, or embryo to conceive as a couple or individual.”
You read that right: Under this official new definition, any individual who prefers not to reproduce naturally is “infertile.”
The guidelines recently released by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine go on to say that “nothing in this definition shall be used to deny or delay treatment to any individual, regardless of relationship status or sexual orientation.”
Not even biology, which requires a man and a woman to conceive a child, matters when it comes to fulfilling the desires of adults.
This is a massive break with medical science and natural law.
The redefinition goes far beyond ASRM’s desire for inclusive language. It’s designed to get health insurance companies to cover the cost of infertility treatments for those who—by sexual lifestyle or simple preference—don’t satisfy the natural prerequisites for reproducing.