Recent content by Smellin Coffee

  1. Smellin Coffee

    Jesus' Resurrection

    LOL! Like Jesus used only actual historical events in his teaching... Oh, Nex was bullied for being queer. That had bearing in his/their death, whether that was from apparent suicide or other means. Had Nex not been bullied, it is presumed he/they would still be alive. I'm willing to accept...
  2. Smellin Coffee

    Jesus' Resurrection

    Jesus’ resurrection is the staple of Christianity and its doctrines. Having been a devout Christian for 5 decades, I certainly understand its importance to the Christian faith. Without a literal bodily resurrection, there is no biblical inerrancy and no salvation (I Cor. 15). Personally, I no...
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Bathroom Bills Endanger Queer Kids

    I've got an idea. Let's start listing religious clergy and workers who have been arrested for acts of pedophilia vs. those trans folks and drag queens and let's see which group is more dangerous to sexual predation. I will start with just one state: Florida and ONLY Southern Baptists, not other...
  4. Smellin Coffee

    Israel is evil.

    Ah, supporting abuse using the same justification/rhetoric that abusers use. And you wonder why I left "your" Christianity?
  5. Smellin Coffee

    Israel is evil.

    And the United States and Genocide Joe are complicit.
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Fetterman Nails It
  7. Smellin Coffee

    Trump's (Im)moral Behavior

    Nope. Other side showed it was paid for by Club for Growth. Didn't say it was sent BY Evangelicals, only that they are putting a line in the sand that Evangelical morality (holding one's nose and voting for Trump) is no longer considered to be conservative enough. Their expectation is that one...
  8. Smellin Coffee

    Trump's (Im)moral Behavior

    Looks like Republicans who don't condone Trump's hate and sexual proclivities are being called out for criticizing his BEHAVIOR. Which god do Evangelicals politically serve? Seems like the line is being drawn. Got this in the mail today.
  9. Smellin Coffee

    Criminalizing Bus Ministries?

    IF this is true, will churches (of West Virginia) be mandated to check the immigration status of each of their bus ministry riders or risk criminalization? Curious... ACLU of WV @ACLU_WV The House has passed HB 5031 which would...
  10. Smellin Coffee

    "He Gets Us"

    But one would be considered a sadist if one had the ability/opportunity to show mercy on one's son and not send him to eternal flames yet still choose to send him there anyway.
  11. Smellin Coffee


    Which "Scriptures"? The 66-book canon for sure isn't the context of that alleged Petrine writing. And even if it were, it doesn't identify that the Fundamental/Evangelical hermeneutic is the correct one. But carry on.
  12. Smellin Coffee


    You might want to look up what Sodom's real "sin" was what they did to and the neglect of the marginalized along with attempting to sexually assault angels. That sin wasn't consensual homosexual relationships. Now this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant...
  13. Smellin Coffee

    Oppose Your Child's Elective Surgery and Go to Prison

    In the U.S. and across the world, child marriage and forced marriage disproportionately affect girls and women. Some 86% of the children who married were girls, and most were wed to adult men (age 18 or older). The average spousal age of girls who married was four years, whereas when boys...
  14. Smellin Coffee

    Bathroom Bills Endanger Queer Kids

    It will be interesting to see what unfolds: whether or not there will be a civil suit and if so, what evidences are presented. The other thing that still needs to be investigated as to whether or not this is a wrongful death since it seems homicide has been ruled out. The story and presentation...
  15. Smellin Coffee


    Nope. It's a package deal. Not going to argue about this. You wanted reasons, I gave you a myriad of reasons. If you feel differently, fine. You can't take away my personal observations, experiences or feelings on this matter. This is not up for debate. The list was to prove my "freedom" isn't...