Jesus' Resurrection

Smellin Coffee

Well-known member
Jan 29, 2013
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Jesus’ resurrection is the staple of Christianity and its doctrines. Having been a devout Christian for 5 decades, I certainly understand its importance to the Christian faith. Without a literal bodily resurrection, there is no biblical inerrancy and no salvation (I Cor. 15).

Personally, I no longer find certainty of the resurrection (Sorry Lee Stroebel – I LOVED your books back in the day). However, I have reclaimed its importance whether or not Jesus’ resurrection was a literal event.

Jesus spoke over and over supporting non-violent resistance against empire: the empire of both religion and government (in empire they are joined at the hip). Turning the other cheek, the giving of both coat and tunic, the travel of an extra mile, the irritancy of the mustard seed, the parable of the hidden talent, etc. all had significance about empire, exposure of its power yet peaceful resistance against it.

The ultimate was Jesus’ crucifixion. Rome saw him as a threat with the following he garnered on his donkey-ride to Jerusalem. His disciples saw him as a conqueror as there were at least 3 religious zealots within his crew (Simon, Judas and Peter) who sought Jesus to violently overthrow the Roman government.

When the religious and governmental powers united in viewing Jesus as an existential threat, they used him as a political-religious scapegoat: an example to squash any attempt to overthrow their power structures, their empire. They believed his death meant their continued oppressive powers.

Jesus death was to have cleared the threat. However, the resurrection is about new life and renewed love. His death cleared the stage and the spirit of love eventually became the tool of resistance: the acceptance and ministry to those who are victims of empire. This was exemplified at Pentecost – the (comm)unity of foreigners without colonization and the social altruism which met the needs of all – those who were impoverished at the hands of empire.

So for me, it matters not whether Jesus experienced a bodily resurrection. I won't argue either for or against it because it is irrelevant to me. What does matter is the lesson it teaches, offering the peaceful resistance against the powers of religion and government by accepting and helping those the empire oppresses.
What does matter is the lesson it teaches, offering the peaceful resistance against the powers of religion and government by accepting and helping those the empire oppresses.

"Maybe it didn't happen, but it's important that we learn this lesson from it." LOL.

When you came on here and wagged your sanctimonious finger and scolded us with lies about Nex Benedict dying of transphobia, was that how you "help those the empire oppresses"?

How embarrassing for you.
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"Maybe it didn't happen, but it's important that we learn this lesson from it." LOL.

When you came on here and wagged your sanctimonious finger and scolded us with lies about Nex Benedict dying of transphobia, was that how you "help those the empire oppresses"?

How embarrassing for you.
LOL! Like Jesus used only actual historical events in his teaching...

Oh, Nex was bullied for being queer. That had bearing in his/their death, whether that was from apparent suicide or other means. Had Nex not been bullied, it is presumed he/they would still be alive.

I'm willing to accept the death wasn't a result of the fight. Are you willing to accept Nex was being bullied for his/their non-binary lifestyle?

So no embarrassment for me as I am willing to admit that I was initially wrong in my assessment.

According to body camera video from a police interview at the hospital, Nex said three students "jumped" him after he threw water on them because they were bullying him and his friend for the way they dressed.

Nex had reportedly told his mom that he faced bullying at school because of his gender identity.

Sue Benedict told The Independent that Nex started being bullied at school after Oklahoma's Republican governor, Kevin Stitt, signed a bill in 2022 that forbade trans and nonbinary youth from using bathrooms concurrent with their gender identities.

Oh, Nex was bullied for being queer. That had bearing in his/their death

So which is it, his or their? The truth is, neither. Dagny Benedict was a girl. There is no such thing as being "non-binary." That is a delusion believed by fools.

You're surrendering your intellect to fashionable nonsense. You're the very picture of one "tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes" (Eph. 4:14).

I notice you don't even try to persuade us your idiocy is true. Just another Pharisee trumpeting his righteousness in public, because it's more important to play the clown by saying the right nonsense and gaining the approval of the right people.

You talk like a fool, you only impress other fools, and you lack the sense not to scold us for not pretending to be fools with you.
Typical SJW hijacking and then re-inventing biblical Christianity to push their social agenda!

Your theology is no different from that of Martin Luther King whose accomplishments are commendable but he was a theological heretic!

Now, the million dollar question is what do governments do when they hijack Christianity and fashion it according to their likeness? HINT: Their message really has little difference from yours. They just happen to mete out "social justice" with the sword and may God help anyone whom the government deems to be a threat to their agenda!

Bring it back around full-circle and perhaps you will understand the doctrine of human depravity which is the very reason for the necessity of the gospel message and for spiritual regeneration!

Christ arose bodily with many infallible truths. Without the bodily resurrection, there is no hope for anyone and Christianity is an evil hoax! If you do not believe in Christ's literal resurrection or the authority of the scriptures, you are better off following Buddah or Hinduism!
Jesus spoke over and over supporting non-violent resistance against empire:
Jesus defined marriage as the union of one male and one female, thereby invalidating the vanities of your chosen companions, and much of your thinking.

There's a lesson for your learning.
I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him [that is, Christ]: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic–on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg–or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse…. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come up with any patronising nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to. —C.S. Lewis
"I have left my religious conversion behind and settled into a comfortable state of atheism. I have come to think that religion has caused more harm than any other idea since the beginning of time." Larry Flynt

Death Approaching (A Plea to the Unsaved)

“Come, friend, I will talk to you personally again – young man, we shall soon grow old, or perhaps, we shall die before that time, and we shall lie upon our bed – the last bed upon which we shall ever sleep – we shall wake from our last slumber to hear the doleful tidings that there is no hope; the physician will feel our pulse and solemnly assure our relatives that it is all over!

“And we shall lie in that still room, where all is hushed except the ticking of the clock, and the weeping of our wife and children; and we must die. O! How solemn will be that hour when we must struggle with that enemy, Death! The death rattle is in our throat – we can scarce articulate – we try to speak; the death-glaze is on the eye: Death has put his fingers on those windows of the body, and shut out the light forever; the hands well nigh refuse to lift themselves, and there we are, close to the borders of the grave! Ah! That moment, when the spirit sees the destiny; that moment, of all moments the most solemn, when the soul looks through the bars of its cage, upon the world to come!

No, I can not tell you how the spirit feels, if it be an ungodly spirit, when it sees a fiery throne of judgment, and hears the thunders of almighty wrath, while there is but a moment between it and hell. I cannot picture to you what must be the fright which men will feel, when they realize what they often heard of!” (Charles Spurgeon)
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