Bathroom Bills Endanger Queer Kids

technically... it could also mean that there is only 1.... .. or even none..... ....just anything but 2...
The irony is that your choice between believing in "nonbinary" versus not believing is itself a binary choice. :unsure: ;)
And, per the great sage and philosopher Doctor Geddy Lee, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice". 😁
Thanks for the ear worm.

Clearly he isn't a Calvie...
"I will choose free will..."
Thanks for the ear worm.

Clearly he isn't a Calvie...
"I will choose free will..."

Maybe not a Calvie, but definitely a Freebird, as material like A Passage to Bangkok' proved! 🤘lol
It's the idea that there isn't just 2, but rather there are many different genders.
In referrin to the murdered in the bathroom, Smellin said "they". Was there a multiple murder in the bathroom by those girls?
What is non binary? And was there more than one person killed in that bathroom?

You're not allowed to ask those questions. ;)

"Non-binary" means that the person identifies himself or herself as neither, or not solely, male or female. Like any other form of transgender identity, it has no objective existence. There is neither a spectrum of gender between male and female, nor is there any third sex that would not fall along that spectrum.

Non-binary people frequentliy use they/them pronouns (i.e. request or demand that other people use they/them pronouns when conversing about them). The rationale is that "they" or "them" is the "gender-neutral" pronoun in English. This is only partly true: in recent decades those pronouns have largely replaced the generic "he" when speaking of persons of unspecified quantity or sex. However, Nex Benedict was one person having a known sex. She's a she.

This leads to some linguistic confusion, as in this particular case, in which a non-binary person was in a fight with a group of people. Both parties use plural pronouns, making it difficult to write coherent sentences in which you can tell them apart. It also leads to confusing sentence constructions like: "Nex Benedict was a nonbinary child. They were beaten, viciously in a high school bathroom of Owasso High School." "Were" is a plural verb. There was one of her.
In referrin to the murdered in the bathroom, Smellin said "they". Was there a multiple murder in the bathroom by those girls?
Smellin' wins the narrative corruption award on this one. No one was murdered in a bathroom. There is even a large question as to whether or not a "murder" took place at all. Not that he cares about what actually happened to that young person. Not as long as the promotion of the trans nonsense keeps going forward.
"Coming judgement" is a personal opinion you hold that others don't so it really doesn't matter to others and certainly isn't motivation for them.

I too believe they won't experience judgement for being queer. Only a shallow, petty deity would create folks a certain way only to judge them for it, IMHO. There IS biblical hermeneutic that lies outside this "judgement" assertion.
God created them "that way?" Don't think so. The Bible is quite clear that these people were allowed to become that way because they refused to acknowledge God and his way.
Only a shallow, petty deity would create folks a certain way only to judge them for it, IMHO.
Where is the line that separates being made "queer" and being made pedophile?

Your position makes no sense if you don't also give a pass to the pedophile, or the necrophile for that matter. Let's toss in beastiality while we are at it. Anyone else we should be aware of how God "made" them?
One way to end it....if they've not had reassignment surgery, though this doesn't change whom they are genetically, they should be using the bathroom that corresponds to the sex they were born as.
In referrin to the murdered in the bathroom, Smellin said "they". Was there a multiple murder in the bathroom by those girls?
No. He used "they" as a singular pronoun because he is not free to use the proper English pronoun.
And, per the great sage and philosopher Doctor Geddy Lee, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice". 😁
Never followed Rush. Geddy Lee singing is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Where is the line that separates being made "queer" and being made pedophile?

Your position makes no sense if you don't also give a pass to the pedophile, or the necrophile for that matter. Let's toss in beastiality while we are at it. Anyone else we should be aware of how God "made" them?
I've got an idea. Let's start listing religious clergy and workers who have been arrested for acts of pedophilia vs. those trans folks and drag queens and let's see which group is more dangerous to sexual predation.

I will start with just one state: Florida and ONLY Southern Baptists, not other denominations or church independents. Once you list your 50 trans/queens who have been arrested, I will send you another list.

I've got an idea. Let's start listing religious clergy and workers who have been arrested for acts of pedophilia vs. those trans folks and drag queens and let's see which group is more dangerous to sexual predation.

I will start with just one state: Florida and ONLY Southern Baptists, not other denominations or church independents. Once you list your 50 trans/queens who have been arrested, I will send you another list.

You did not answer his question. That is intellectually disingenuous and you know it. You blamed God for creating people with sin (then judging them for what he allegedly is responsible for), clearly implying that LGBTQ issues/sins are something people are born with. Sub was asking you why it’s acceptable to blame God for “queer” sins in our society and what’s the difference between those LGBTQ sins and others that people could likewise say “I was born that way”.