Bathroom Bills Endanger Queer Kids

Never followed Rush. Geddy Lee singing is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Ironically "Free Will" was the last song Geddy recorded with his trademark screech. Apparently it was at the top of his range.and quite challenging to sing.
I've got an idea. >
Changing the subject isn't an idea.

But I did want to add to the list that I started. Gluttons, drunkards, liars, cheats, thieves, murderers, adulterers, fornicators ... are they all exempt from judgement since God "made them that way"?
So does busting some man's head for going into the womens restroom 🚻🚺! Ooopppss! He was the janitor....nice try, considering that he had no cleaning equipment. 🙄
i wrote about a similar incident i witnessed once several years ago on the old fff....where a self described transgender man walked into the womens restoom at a major shopping mall here and refused to leave.... only it wasn;t that poor misguided mans head that got busted.... he got mobbed by a group of girls and kicked in some very sensitive places.... when police and paramedics arrived he was lying in the floor crying and holding those places.... .when asked his name he whimpered and gave police a womans name... but his drivers license clearly identified him as a male with a mans name...... ....that kind of thing happened guite a few times back then here and the offending trans was usually arrested..... but since then all things related to the alphabet soup persuasion have been declared "normal" and it would be the women trying to force him out of the wrong restroom that would be arrested..... ....
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i wrote about a similar incident i witnessed once several years ago on the old fff....where a man walked into the womens restoom at a major shopping mall here and refused to leave.... only it wasn;t that poor misguided mans head that got busted.... he got mobbed by a group of girls and kicked in some very sensitive places.... when police and paramedics arrived he was lying in the floor crying and holding those places.... .when asked his name he whimpered and gave police a womans name... but his drivers license clearly identified him as a male with a mans name...... ....that kind of thing happened guite a few times back then here and the offending trans was usually arrested..... but since then all things related to the alphabet soup persuasion have been declared "normal" and it would be the women trying to force him out of the wrong restroom that would be arrested..... ....
Yep...the whole wide world has gone crazy!
Yep...the whole wide world has gone crazy!
yep.... the thing i remember most about that incident is that guy showed no evidence of having been through any treatments to turn him female.... not by way of surgery or medications either one... plus he had about a weeks worth of fuzz growing on his face.... ....but today he would be free to walk right into any womens restroom and anyone trying to stop him would face arrest... all thanks to the woke agenda and reckless executive orders of democrats.......

i believe the answer to all this is to do away with public restrooms altogether.... . install restrooms as a set of private rooms with locking doors that anyone can enter but only one at a time..... would be more expensive than the way it has always been done but it would solve much of this problem... .. still... democrats and wokesters will never go for it because they thrive off the controversy stirred up by stories like the one in the o.p.... that.. and they also get a thrill out of the idea kids raised to observe laws of decency are being subjected to perversion and have no way to escape it......
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Affirming 'Care' Endangers Queer Kids
“’Standard of care’ is a legal term, not a medical term, and represents ‘the benchmark that determines whether professional obligations to patients have been met.’ Failure to meet the standard of care is medical negligence, which can result in significant consequences for healthcare providers,” it said.
The low-barrier gender-transitioning of youth consists of “medical malpractice” that violates the Hippocratic Oath and “causes harm without justification, and its victims are some of society’s most vulnerable people,” the report added.
Nex Benedict was a non-binary student who as required by law, use the restroom of their birth sex which was a girls' bathroom in the school they attended. It was there they were beaten up by a group of girls, causing their death. The school broke up the attack but never called police or even the hospital for medical cars.

News sources have been leaving out the details of the student being non-binary and the alleged motivation for the bullying and eventually their murder. It took the mother of the victim's friend to report it to news sources as the school and media has tried to keep it under wraps.

As one who has a few trans friends, I fear for their safety and I know they obviously fear for their own. They are being targeted simply for existing as they are.

I fear for the young, ‘real’ girls who face sexual assault in THEIR rest rooms.

Let's not forget there is biblical record showing Joseph (Old Testament) David, Jonathan and plausibly John were queer.

By the way, if you are using Scripture, context matters so rather than presuppose context based on bias, it is generally a good idea to deal with the issue of biblical narratives are not univocal, meaning they cannot be inerrant. And even if they COULD be inerrant, there is no way anybody in our generation could possibly have an inerrant hermeneutic. Romans 1 has absolutely nothing to do with consensual same-sex relationships as we would recognize in our culture.

Judaism has a pretty good idea behind the context of particularly what we would consider the Old Testament. Most (ultra-conservatives excluded) recognized there were up to 8 genders on the Talmud.

  1. Zachar, male.
  2. Nekevah, female.
  3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
  4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
  5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
  6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
  7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
  8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.
Hyles not only did a number on you psychologically, you are poorly educated.
Bummer times 2.
The medical examiner's report is in, and Bwnedict's death has been ruled a suicide.

"A toxicology report from the medical examiner's office showed that 'the probable cause of death resulted from Diphenhydramine and Fluoxetine combined toxicity.'"

Those are Benadryl and Prozac, if you're curious.

Well, so much for Smellin's sanctimonious scolding. She wasn't beaten to death by "transphobic" students, nor was her death caused by any injuries sustained during that fight--which she started.

The medical examiner's report is in, and Bwnedict's death has been ruled a suicide.

"A toxicology report from the medical examiner's office showed that 'the probable cause of death resulted from Diphenhydramine and Fluoxetine combined toxicity.'"

Those are Benadryl and Prozac, if you're curious.

Well, so much for Smellin's sanctimonious scolding. She wasn't beaten to death by "transphobic" students, nor was her death caused by any injuries sustained during that fight--which she started.

That seems an odd drug combo especially if one is intent on killing themselves. If I was thinking of trying to off myself, Benadryl would not quite top my list of resources. If this girl had access to Prozac, it was obviously prescribed to her unless she had access to someone else's Rx. IDK... do people on Prozac know something like, don't take with Benadryl?
IDK... do people on Prozac know something like, don't take with Benadryl?
Prozac is well-known to have suicidal ideation as a side effect, especially in younger people. And according to Pfizer's MSDS for Benadryl, the oral LD50 is 10 mg/kg. I'm no pharmacologist, certainly. Is it plausible that someone thinking suicidal thoughts might overdose on whatever medication is at hand?
Prozac is well-known to have suicidal ideation as a side effect, especially in younger people. And according to Pfizer's MSDS for Benadryl, the oral LD50 is 10 mg/kg. I'm no pharmacologist, certainly. Is it plausible that someone thinking suicidal thoughts might overdose on whatever medication is at hand?
Could be.

One of the side effects of Prozac is restless and insomnia. Benadryl is sometimes used as a sleep aid and could have been available to her. I guess Benadryl does account for 3% of OD deaths.

I'll take 50 mg of Benadryl at night if my allergies are bothering me. One night, when my allergies were really bad, I ended up taking upwards of 150 mg over the course of six hours. I was an absolute zombie the next day.

So I guess it's easier to OD on it than I thought. Combine that with having prozac in the bloodstream...

It's a "safe" OTC... I've seen people give it to dogs, so, it's never struck me as the go to for someone wanting to off themselves.
That seems an odd drug combo especially if one is intent on killing themselves. If I was thinking of trying to off myself, Benadryl would not quite top my list of resources. If this girl had access to Prozac, it was obviously prescribed to her unless she had access to someone else's Rx. IDK... do people on Prozac know something like, don't take with Benadryl?
Prozac is well-known to have suicidal ideation as a side effect, especially in younger people. And according to Pfizer's MSDS for Benadryl, the oral LD50 is 10 mg/kg. I'm no pharmacologist, certainly. Is it plausible that someone thinking suicidal thoughts might overdose on whatever medication is at hand?
some doctors actually prescribe prozac and benadryl together... the prozac is taken once a day in the morning... and the benadryl is given at night to help counter the restlessness prozac can cause..... but it;s precise doses of each and not anywhere near a lethal dose... ..... like ransom said it;s likely this girl just overdosed on whatever she had the most of..... and if she did like most overdosers do she would have emptied both bottles and taken all of what she had... ....
The medical examiner's report is in, and Bwnedict's death has been ruled a suicide.

"A toxicology report from the medical examiner's office showed that 'the probable cause of death resulted from Diphenhydramine and Fluoxetine combined toxicity.'"

Those are Benadryl and Prozac, if you're curious.

Well, so much for Smellin's sanctimonious scolding. She wasn't beaten to death by "transphobic" students, nor was her death caused by any injuries sustained during that fight--which she started.

Ya...Smellin's theory is just like him...SMELLIN!!! LOL