What books, if any are you reading, or have you read in the past year

I read Life and Death in Shanghai years ago. It's excellent. I highly recommend it.
Finished The Jungle Book this week. That was fun.

I grew up with the Disney version, so I was expecting a lot more Mowgli than there actually was. Which is fine. I was familiar with "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," too, so I was happy to see it was part of the collection as well.

Maybe I'll get around to The Second Jungle Book in a little while.
when i first started reading rudyard kipling books many years ago... i got carried away and binge read them from cover to cover seldom taking a break.. ...plus they are the kind of stories i can read multiple times and still enjoy them every time i read them........

finally i got a message saying the book i have been waiing for since last year.... the continuation of douglas preston/lincoln childs cabinet of dr leng.... . the angel of vengeance has finally been released... ...barnes and noble has the regular version of it now... .. but i ordered the double signed deluxe library version with the clear dust jacket.... and they said it is in the mail... .... it will be difficult but i;ll wait until it gets here.....
4 more months and then the second part of the book i posted
a picture of up above .. the cabinet of dr leng.... comes out
.... .
angel of vengence ... ... i hate it when authors do this...
i would rather they just wrote and published a really long book
.... all at once... .. then i can read it in sections if i want to or
become obsessed and read it all the way through in a week

of long days and sleepless nights.. ... but it would be my
choice.... ....i would not have to wait a year and half.....:cautious:

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Love that title!
Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey. It is our textbook in an apologetics class I am taking but I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone just for reading.
Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey. It is our textbook in an apologetics class I am taking but I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone just for reading.
WHAT!?!? You is readin' books written by wimmins!? What kind of compromisin' lilly livered pinko are you? Next thing you gonna tell us is you is learnin' pastoral ministry from one of them wimmin dat likes other wimmins! 🤬
WHAT!?!? You is readin' books written by wimmins!? What kind of compromisin' lilly livered pinko are you? Next thing you gonna tell us is you is learnin' pastoral ministry from one of them wimmin dat likes other wimmins! 🤬
Hey, if the KJV Only crowd can sing the praises of Gail Riplinger... 🤣

Seriously, it is a really great resource! Her material is quite relevant to today's culture and everything going on in the modern Church. I am trying to get some of our deacons and elders to get this book and "audit" the course along with me.
my collection of douglas preston lincoln child books has increased..... .. the book i have been waiting for finally came in today..... the angel of vengeance.... . ..😊.... later tonight when the house gets quiet i;ll start reading it.... it came with trading type card of artwork depicting what some of the main characters are supposed to look like... .. but i'm filing them away for now... i have my own ideas of what i think they should look like.... and those are the images i have in my head when i am reading.. ..
my collection of douglas preston lincoln child books has increased..... .. the book i have been waiting for finally came in today..... the angel of vengeance.... . ..😊.... later tonight when the house gets quiet i;ll start reading it.... it came with trading type card of artwork depicting what some of the main characters are supposed to look like... .. but i'm filing them away for now... i have my own ideas of what i think they should look like.... and those are the images i have in my head when i am reading.. ..
You'll be up all night.
Pierced for our transgressions: authors,
Steve Jeffery
Michael Overy
Andrew Sach
Just finished: The Uplift War by David Brin.
Just started: Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.
Just startedfinished: Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.

Brilliantly written, but not entirely what I expected, given its reputation as a book about a fanatic out for vengeance against a giant murder whale. It's about 1/3 action, and 2/3 whale facts. But the lack of plot is made up for by the fascinating characters.
Brilliantly written, but not entirely what I expected, given its reputation as a book about a fanatic out for vengeance against a giant murder whale. It's about 1/3 action, and 2/3 whale facts. But the lack of plot is made up for by the fascinating characters.
It's a fascinating story, though. I've watched several different movie versions.

Love the first paragraph.
The Coddling of he American Mind.
Communion with God - John Owen
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment -Jeremiah Burroughs
From heaven he came and sought her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective
Father, Son and Holy Spirit -Bruce Ware.
Riding for the Brand -Louis L'Amour
my collection of douglas preston lincoln child books has increased..... .. the book i have been waiting for finally came in today..... the angel of vengeance.... . ..😊.... later tonight when the house gets quiet i;ll start reading it.... it came with trading type card of artwork depicting what some of the main characters are supposed to look like... .. but i'm filing them away for now... i have my own ideas of what i think they should look like.... and those are the images i have in my head when i am reading.. ..
You have the most fascinating book reading tastes.
You have the most fascinating book reading tastes.
thanks..... that particular series of books by that team of authors is one of my favorites .... one of my friends saw one of their older books in my backpack years ago and started reading it herself... "still life with crows"... .. she was so amazed by it she told her dad about it.... he read it and then went out and bought the entire set of all their books up to that time... .. then ..like me... started buying the new ones as soon as they came out...... .... i have always hoped more of their books would be made into movies... but unfortunately only one of them ever was.... their first book called.."relic"... and also unfortunately the producer of that movie did a horrible job of portraying what was in the book and what the book was all about.... ...since then others have been written that would make an even better movie...but movie makers don;t want to try...