What are you listening to right now?

After spending 4 1/2 hrs on I-24 E yesterday outside of Nashville because of an overturned tanker truck that spilled 9000 gallons of petrol on the highway, this song kept coming to mind! It took 7 hours to get back home from my wife's PT and doctor's appointments...UGH!
What unspeakable things have they done to that classic song to make it sound that way? I had to go look up the original as a palate cleanser:

I couldn't get the original version to load in for some reason. So, I opted for the country version...not really fond of it, but, hey, in a pinch, it'll do!
spooky version of the zelda forest temple music.... i still haven;t fixed my nintendo gamecube yet...
and i am really missing chilling out by playing it in my free, with
nothing else to do, time....:cautious:.

I've heard this more than I ever wanted to hear it. Five engagements before my marriage, seven "churches" and at least 10 friends' homes...but, I've had to tell others the same thing.
