What are you listening to right now?

i have heard music historians say that... since he was deaf when he wrote it.... they
believe the underlying rhythm of this piece by ludwig van beethoven is the very heart
beat of beethoven himself. ... ..

well,.. my training is in medical matters, not musical.. and i submit that if what they say
is true, then beethoven was probably suffering a cardiac arrhythmia and having palpitations
when he wrote this...


and ... by the way... if i had to guess at what kind of cardiac arrhythmia he was having...
i would say a 2nd degree - mobitz type 2 AV block.... with ST elevations..... :unsure:
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a completely different composition by vangelis named for el greco..... but this
one was actually first.... inspired by the el greco museum.. the previous el greco
soundtrack was written for the movie.. made in europe... about the artists life ..

A song about Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and Hillary Clinton! :)