traditonal archery... the warbow in history and into today.....

i have a bunch of these whistling arrow heads mounted on different kinds of shafts..... .
when i first got them i was as excited about them as the guy in the video is.... .. not so

much now.... they are still fun to play with but have very little practical use in modern times.
.. .. i guess they would be a good way of sending messages and alerting other people in the

woods or fields around you if you were out there trying to hide and survive a zombie apocalypse
.... or some other world wide upheaval......


the head unscrews from the base so you can clean out all the mud and dirt that collects inside
...... and that happens every time it hits the ground... ... which is one of the drawbacks to using
them.... ... still they can be a lot of fun.... especially if shot at night and mounted on an arrow that
also has a bright lighted nock..... but altogether both those things and these whistlers are expensive

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i have always loved bottle rockets... .one of my favorites of all fireworks... . in fact
i have gotten in trouble with them more than once... . but it;s a good thing i didn;t
know about the possibility of making these rocket arrows back in those days or
there is no telling how much trouble i would have gotten into.....

archery myths.....

i;m really glad he made this video.. .. myths about traditional archery abound..
i have to deal with them all the time when i;m at the archery range... usually
answering ignorant questions and statements made by compound bow archers ..:rolleyes:
.... but there are many more myths i hope he covers in future videos.... .i;ll
write more about this later too.... probably add it into this same post as an edit...

roman ferrata... the plumbata improved....

we still haven;t tried making these ourselves yet... . but it;s definitely in the plans
.... one reason we have not done it yet is they have no real application for hunting...
they would be simply for recreation.. ..kinda like the old lawn darts people in my
dads generation played with several decades ago. .... and that;s how we would use
them too.... but one never knows........ :sneaky:


i;ve always hated crossbows.... . and i;m pretty sure the maker of this video does
too.... . but these days people can;t seem to get enough of them.. especially after
seeing daryl dixon in walking dead take out zombies with one....... so here goes... .
a video on one of the most powerful and feared crossbows of the medieval period.
... a true monster of medieval technology....

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so.... if you watched the previous video you saw a demonstration of one of the most
powerful - as well as most dangerous to it;s user - crossbows in history... . it was a
true weapon of war and was seldom used for anything else....... ...

but this next video is about the lightweight cross from the same era of history.....
it was also used in war as a defensive weapon.... and is actually the one seen
most often in medieval movies today being used in both defensive and
offensive roles.....


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