The Worthless Thread for Specifically Increasing Post Numbers

IFB X-Files said:
16KJV11 said:
IFB X-Files said:
16KJV11 said:
IFB X-Files said:
It's 7:05am and hoping it hits 50 degrees before we start our garage sale.  Ya'll come now, ya hear.
Where do you live?

Too late!  It's over!
Rats, I was hoping that you had the original Hyles Church Manual for sale.

I have the "trinity" of Hyles' books for sale:  Church, SS, and Visitation manuals.  But I'm sure you couldn't afford my asking price.
You'll pay me to take them, right?
Baptist City Holdout said:
Sunday posts should count double.

They should, but only if you give your entire sack lunch away on the bus and pass out during night church due to low blood sugar.
Posting just in case I don't have time to post later
IFB X-Files said:
Teri in NC said:
IFB X-Files said:
...I will be eating free all across the valley.

Aim High.  Air Force.

Thank you for your service.


No thanks are needed.  Your government let me keep my ship underground at Area 51 while I help them design their stealth body styles.  And they let me keep the photos I took.  That's thanks enough.


Teri in NC said:
IFB X-Files said:
Teri in NC said:
IFB X-Files said:
...I will be eating free all across the valley.

Aim High.  Air Force.

Thank you for your service.


No thanks are needed.  Your government let me keep my ship underground at Area 51 while I help them design their stealth body styles.  And they let me keep the photos I took.  That's thanks enough.


IFB X-Files said:
My 3 stomachs are very full from the noon feeding, and yet, I must make room for another feeding tonight.

Yup. You are babtis all right!
Baptist City Holdout said:
these posts aren't very long, so it takes longer to fill a page.
Very true, but I'm going to do my part to inflate my posts, much like RAIDER did when he gave attendance for his sunbeam class back at HAC!
This thread is proof that HACkers, even old HACkers go on guilt trip because of peer pressure.  Truly worthless ! ::)