The Worthless Thread for Specifically Increasing Post Numbers

What are the odds?

Even this thread is dead.
Will things pick up after Labor Day?
We are simply following our leader!
Just wondering if anyone else reads the tweets from @lloyd legalist? Hilarious!

Your so vain,
You probably think this Psalm is about you.
I preached today at a church and all I got was this lousy ink pen.

Baptist City Holdout said:
patriotic said:
Just because......

We didn't even have to ask why!

I'm just helpful like that.  I often remind myself of an old song RAIDER used to quote, "Others, Lord, yes others...." 
BALAAM said:
Just wondering if anyone else reads the tweets from @lloyd legalist? Hilarious!

Your so vain,
You probably think this Psalm is about you.
