Remember also that GOD IS SOVEREIGN and any true revival COMES FROM GOD! It is not based upon some formula or methodology and whether we have "Done everything right" so God is duty-bound to send revival!According to David they need to get right with God because there was contemporary music.
Kevin wonders why revivals aren't happening in churches that have it all right.
Maybe the churches and people who think they have it all right really don't.
I believe revival can and does take place among individuals and sometimes it has an affect on others around him or her but God is in charge of where or how far a revival will go.
Kent Brandenberg raises some good points about Jack Hyles and I have seen him a good number of times. He does know how to "Work a room!" But most of the time, the auditorium is filled with Hyles sycophants who swoon over anything he says. How would Jack Hyles fare in an auditorium of people who have never heard of him?