T-Bone said:
Well as for the Sunday thing....Everyday is the "Lord's Day"...but I will go with Paul on this...one esteems one day higher than another, while others see all days the same, let both live them as unto the Lord (paraphrase). So I won't judge another on their choice to esteem Sunday above other days, nor will I accept their judgment of me as I see everyday as special unto the Lord.
I'm not absolutely dogmatic about the Lord's day attendance thing, but pretty firm with it. Having said that, and not merely wanting to quibble, but genuinely curious, wouldn't such a view about the matter serve as a slippery slope in the matter of church attendance at all? In other words, using the same argument you put forth, couldn't somebody essentially say, we are all the church (universal) and I esteem every day given to me by Him, worshipping Him in a variety of ways as I give to the poor, visit the sick, pray, read my Bible daily, etc, etc, etc, so I don't need to visit an organized institution on a given day to attend church (because after all, I *am* the church)?