I'm not going to try to hunt down every rabbit running loose on this thread, but I am gonna fire off a few shots:
The Church is at fault here-- Yes, it is. It has made a mockery of marriage for the past 50 years, embracing no-fault divorce, tolerating adultery and a host of sexual sins. It has embraced feminism, egalitarianism. It has embraced (even promoted) the functional break-up of the family. It has widely endorsed an anti-God educational system and has sought to entertain instead of enlighten. It has become materialistic, worldly and has created an unholy alliance with political parties. All of which is true- none of which diminish the wickedness of the recent victories of the sodomite agenda.
The Republican Party is at fault here-- Yes, it is. It has made a mockery of marriage for years. (Insert pics here of Newt Gingrich & Mark Sanford). Yet these unsavory characters are promoted by Christians because we feel that it is imperative that our favorite adulterers appear more righteous than the other side's assorted perverts. It has very little remaining vestige of anything remotely righteous, yet it remains the great idol that we look to for deliverance.
Sodom's sin was inhospitality-- Yes, it was. Inhospitality is the summation of all the violations of the command to love one's neighbor, and given that the Sodomite has been given over to the basest of desires toward violating God's Law & order, it's entirely consistent that a Sodomite culture be described as a lazy, selfish, inhospitable, unmerciful one. Every culture given over to the basest of degrading passions have exhibited these traits. In spite of what the media tells us, in it is no way loving toward one's neighbor to act upon homosexual desires toward him. To commit sodomy is to hate others.