Should Christians Eat Whataburgers???


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
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I mean, really...there's already McYuks, Booger King, Hawww Deeeezzz, and Dayree Kuhween! ;) Why would anyone want to eat one of these greasy things? LOL Even WinDees has a better burger! Sonic isn't too bad either. Does your salvation depend on what booger you eat?
Ever since I began monitoring my blood sugars, which are currently well under control PTL, I have discovered that fast food of any sort is my mortal enemy. I can be behaving myself and stop in for a burger, (or if I'm in Nebraska, a Runza) the next morning, my blood sugars will be high.

Fast food is a thing of the past for me. And you know what? I don't miss it very much.
In-N-Out Burger - with fries and a strawberry shake.... when you have had the best you
don;t need the rest..... and if i am going to eat my way to acid reflux and type 2 diabetes
i am at least gonna to do it right..... enjoying the journey that got me there.... :cool:

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Remember in the late 70s McDonald's being accused of importing beef from Australia it having kangaroo 🦘 meat in it?
kangaroo would still be better than what one of the homeless guys a while back...( ahem... excuse me)... urban outdoorsmen... claimed was in a mcdonalds hamburger now..... sawdust.... ...he;s the only guy on the street i ever saw turn down a free mcdonalds burger when we were taking them to the groups we minister to on saturday mornings.... .. .... ..

actually it was a sausage biscuit he turned down.... but he said sawdust was in all the meat mcdonalds serves with the exception of the chicken nuggets and the filet-o-fish..... . ......i didn;t tell him but if he wants either one of those 2 things he will have to go in there and get them himself.... ..we order sausage biscuits by the bagfull and they are relatively cheap.... but the other stuff there is not.... .
kangaroo would still be better than what one of the homeless guys a while back...( ahem... excuse me)... urban outdoorsmen... claimed was in a mcdonalds hamburger now..... sawdust.... ...he;s the only guy on the street i ever saw turn down a free mcdonalds burger when we were taking them to the groups we minister to on saturday mornings.... .. .... ..

actually it was a sausage biscuit he turned down.... but he said sawdust was in all the meat mcdonalds serves with the exception of the chicken nuggets and the filet-o-fish..... . ......i didn;t tell him but if he wants either one of those 2 things he will have to go in there and get them himself.... ..we order sausage biscuits by the bagfull and they are relatively cheap.... but the other stuff there is not.... .
Did he wear a tin foil hat too?
it;s there.... precisely a quarter pound right between the bun on the left and the lettuce/tomato....:sneaky:. ..of course you can always have more if you order a double..... but the single one is just the right size for me..... 🍔.. ... been a long time since i had one though.... not since the last time i was in california.... we don;t have an In-N-Out here in hawaii yet, and by itself it;s not reason enough for me to consider flying back to the u.s. mainland again..... .
Did he wear a tin foil hat too?
not literally..... but a lot of guys out there are considered tin foil hatters.....many of them are mentally ill and suspicion is rampant on the streets..... one guy even use to go around town and write his conspiracy theories on the walls of bustops and payphone booths with a supersize felt tip marker.... .. the city tried to get around and wash it all off but they couldn;t keep up with him.... . eventually he stopped and now what was on the walls has either faded or been painted over....and the phone booths are gone.... ...but it kept people walking down the sidewalks and waiting for busses entertained for a while..... that was quite a few years ago...
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Ever since I began monitoring my blood sugars, which are currently well under control PTL, I have discovered that fast food of any sort is my mortal enemy. I can be behaving myself and stop in for a burger, (or if I'm in Nebraska, a Runza) the next morning, my blood sugars will be high.

Fast food is a thing of the past for me. And you know what? I don't miss it very much.
I know how you feel. My blood sugar is way out of control after eating ANY type of fast food. We seldom "grab a burger" anymore for that very reason along with the outrageous costs of fast food these days. This morning, without eating out, my blood sugar was 126. It's been high all week long, but that could be due to the fact that I made a huge cheeseburger, tater tot casserole! Thankfully tonight will be the last of it. I'm still working to get my sugars under control again. For the past few years they've been out of control...since I had the Wuhan Flu, Fauci's Folly, etc. My wife and I don't miss it either, Brother.
Remember in the late 70s McDonald's being accused of importing beef from Australia it having kangaroo 🦘 meat in it?
I worked for Mickey D's in 1977, and the owner/manager of the store I worked in on Court St. in Pekin, Illinois said it was a true "rumor." There WAS something about that "burger" that was strange. I stopped eating at McYuks after that. I wouldn't even eat fries from there. To this day I find it hard to eat burgers from there.
TBH, I'd just as soon fry my own hamburger at home. We're not fortunate enough to have In-n-Out or Whataburger. I have been known in a pinch to go to White Castle and grab a sack of sliders, though. Beats eating cat, I suppose, plus our two kitties would be quite upset if they became the soup du jour.
TBH, I'd just as soon fry my own hamburger at home. We're not fortunate enough to have In-n-Out or Whataburger. I have been known in a pinch to go to White Castle and grab a sack of sliders, though. Beats eating cat, I suppose, plus our two kitties would be quite upset if they became the soup du jour.
A side of kitty klaws and a kitty litter shake with that? ;)
TBH, I'd just as soon fry my own hamburger at home. We're not fortunate enough to have In-n-Out or Whataburger. I have been known in a pinch to go to White Castle and grab a sack of sliders, though. Beats eating cat, I suppose, plus our two kitties would be quite upset if they became the soup du jour.
So many cats... So few recipes...
I mean, really...there's already McYuks, Booger King, Hawww Deeeezzz, and Dayree Kuhween! ;) Why would anyone want to eat one of these greasy things? LOL Even WinDees has a better burger! Sonic isn't too bad either. Does your salvation depend on what booger you eat?
is there some reason a Christian would not eat at


i don't have them near me.
is there some reason a Christian would not eat at


i don't have them near me.
neither do we.... in fact i have never even seen one......

and.... sorry.... there is a lot more i want to reply to in many of the threads here.... . but a room mate and me have to go grocery shopping... .. we have a shopping list and orders from the boss........ be back laters....
After Mrs abcaines and I got back from our trip to the South this summer, my supervisor asked me if we went to Whataburger. We had plenty of opportunities to do so and I even seriously thought about it but it never happened.

We did visit In N Out in Dallas. First time I have visited In N Out outside of California.