Schaap Released 05/04/2022

I seriusly doubt that.
He has to register as a sex offender and is not to be around children. I hope that some idiot pastor announces that Schaap is “ministering” there and some half-cocked fella becomes fully-cocked! That would end the problem real quick and just!
I think we need to do a better job on defining our terms.
1. He was not convicted of pedophilia. He was convicted of taking a minor across state lines to violate that states laws concerning sex with minors. He violated the Mann Act. He did not commit pedophilia. I wish people would get this straight because as vile and wicked and blasphemous as he is pedophilia is a whole nother rung on hell's ladder and it is best to understand when one is a pedophile how much worse that is. Although Schapp is about as vile a person as there could be considering the blasphemies he used to justify himself.
2. He is a registered sex offender and that is a lifetime designation.

3. He will be on probation and supervison for 5 years once he is released.
You are right about that. I will adjust my wording, going forward.
Schaap sexually exploited a minor, who has no legal capability to consent to such an act. At this point, the technicality of whether it's pedophilia or ephebophilia is entirely academic. He abused his pastoral authority to rape a young girl. He's a scumbag.
Thank you! I could not agree more!
🤯... i;m literally in shock right now..... alayman... one of the greatest
wordsmiths on the fff... didn;t know the word toxophilite?

ok.... well... to be fair.... i had already been one for many years and had no idea what it meant..
until i saw them bring out the dedication plaque at the koko-head archery range.... and on it the
person being honored was referred to as a toxophilite... . so when i went home i looked it up... ..
. then i ended up liking the sound of it so much i incorporated it into my email adress.... ...

and by the way.... ..... to keep this thread at least a little bit on topic..... . i looked up that book
by john r rice by typing in his name and bobbed hair.... and look what i found....... you
think schaap ever read this?....... ..... was it ever used at hyles anderson?.... it looks like
something from the world war one era.....

View attachment 3197
Rice was so wrong on so many things on so many different levels.
No. Gen Pop. They like to put pedophiles there, as even most murderers don’t like child molesters! I hope he suffered, in kind, there!
Well he survived apparently. He always claimed to be a tough guy especially in the youth conference video that was on YouTube (it's been taken down) where he chastised kids for wanting to go to the bathroom during the middle of service and used homophobic slurs and claimed he fight anyone who disagreed with him.
Well he survived apparently. He always claimed to be a tough guy especially in the youth conference video that was on YouTube (it's been taken down) where he chastised kids for wanting to go to the bathroom during the middle of service and used homophobic slurs and claimed he fight anyone who disagreed with him.
He's a wimp, IF I weren't a Believer I would use the world's language to describe exactly what a sissified piece of crap he is. He was always scared of me. He was in a minimum security nothing of a prison. He would have cow towed and done whatever he needed to do to survive and if pressed I don't doubt he would compromise what little manhood he had left in that pathetic puny barney fife body of his.
He's a wimp, IF I weren't a Believer I would use the world's language to describe exactly what a sissified piece of crap he is. He was always scared of me. He was in a minimum security nothing of a prison. He would have cow towed and done whatever he needed to do to survive and if pressed I don't doubt he would compromise what little manhood he had left in that pathetic puny barney fife body of his.
Truth be known he was probably someone's punk just to survive.
I could NEVER take Dave Hyles seriously in ANY type of ministry!
Schaap sexually exploited a minor, who has no legal capability to consent to such an act. At this point, the technicality of whether it's pedophilia or ephebophilia is entirely academic. He abused his pastoral authority to rape a young girl. He's a scumbag.
I had that -- ephebophilia -- when I was a teenager. Chronophilia is also a condition I experience from time to time. So, what?
I had that -- ephebophilia -- when I was a teenager. Chronophilia is also a condition I experience from time to time. So, what?
If you don't know, we can't help you.
If you don't know, we can't help you.
Don’t waste your time with this troll. FYI - this is the same guy who in Jan 2018 said: “If God says do it, it is evil,” in a thread called “Coming Out Agnostic.”
Don’t waste your time with this troll. FYI - this is the same guy who in Jan 2018 said: “If God says do it, it is evil,” in a thread called “Coming Out Agnostic.”
I thought the dung-for-brains looked familiar.
And he sounds like an atheist, not an agnostic…not that it matters much at that point.
If I remember correctly, Route_70 is a HAC grad, or at least attended there for a while, and is now an atheist. I also recall that he had a sister that worked in the HAC offices, but I might be thinking of someone else on that one.
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If I remember correctly, Route_70 is a HAC grad, or at least attended there for a while, and is no an atheist. I also recall that he had a sister that worked in the HAC offices, but I might be thinking of someone else on that one.
His quote from January 13, 2018:
“I et my concept of good and evil from God.

If God says do it, it is evil”

Subsequently, FSSL banned him from the forum for a month.
If I remember correctly, Route_70 is a HAC grad, or at least attended there for a while, and is no an atheist. I also recall that he had a sister that worked in the HAC offices, but I might be thinking of someone else on that one.
Back when the FFF had a specific forum just for nonbelievers Route_70 was probably the most frequent poster, and he did go to HAC, with Smelling if I remember correctly.
route 70 always came off to me as a guy who at least thought of himself as a christian once... but then came to believe he got a raw deal from God and now has a chip on both shoulders because ot it.... .he was not alone either... .. there were others on the forum back then who fit that profile... most all of them raised in strict fundamentalist families..... and all together i think it was that entire group my sister as thinking about when she posted that there seemed to be a short step between religious extremism and non-belief.... ironically some of the more prolific fff members from years back who eventually went apostate, were still professing to be fundamentalist christians at the time she said that....