Protest Sunday at FBC


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Mar 8, 2017
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I'm being told that there is a peaceful sit in protest being planned for this Sunday at First Baptist to call attention to the covered up sexual abuse that has gone unacknowledged. Has anyone heard about this? I will let you know as I hear more details.
A "sit in"? Usually, such a "peaceful" from of protest is designed to disrupt normal operations. If they are planning to disrupt Sunday services, not only are the protesters stepping out on thin ice legally, but such a protest will only serve to exacerbate the issue they are purportedly trying to address.
I'm being told that there is a peaceful sit in protest being planned for this Sunday at First Baptist to call attention to the covered up sexual abuse that has gone unacknowledged. Has anyone heard about this? I will let you know as I hear more details.
Hyles would have had them dragged out into the street.
From what I can see on the Facebook event, they don't seem to be planning to go inside the church. Looks like they will be holding signs outside the main entrance.
Are there current abuses being swept under the rug? I havent followed this.
Are there current abuses being swept under the rug? I havent followed this.
No, The HBOMax Documentary "Let Us Prey" which focuses on abuses of women in the IFB apart from FBC Hammond with a focus back to Hammond as they called Jack Hyles the "Founder" of the Independent Fundamental Baptist churches and the ties through college and conferences. Preacher Boy atheist Eric Skwarczynski has been pressing and got someone to get a documentary done to tell the victims stories. IMO they are being used but none the less a protest is being planned to once again call out FBCH for the abuses from people who had some kind of secondary and tertiary ties to Hammond as well as a probable rehash of the Pre Wilkerson era.
I am no fan of Wilkerson, FBCH/HAC, or anything resembling their flavor of "Funny-Mental-ism" but I have to give him credit where credit is due! It seems to me he is even willing to sit down and talk with some of those protest - just not in a "Public Forum" situation where everything would likely turn into a circus. I can't say I blame him for this. He did not even once try to excuse the past behavior of those affiliated with FBC/HAC. I am also encouraged at the news that many current FBCH members plan to stand in solidarity with the protesters. May Christ be glorified!
I am no fan of Wilkerson, FBCH/HAC, or anything resembling their flavor of "Funny-Mental-ism" but I have to give him credit where credit is due! It seems to me he is even willing to sit down and talk with some of those protest - just not in a "Public Forum" situation where everything would likely turn into a circus. I can't say I blame him for this. He did not even once try to excuse the past behavior of those affiliated with FBC/HAC. I am also encouraged at the news that many current FBCH members plan to stand in solidarity with the protesters. May Christ be glorified!
I'll have to see if he meets with the ladies ............
I am no fan of Wilkerson, FBCH/HAC, or anything resembling their flavor of "Funny-Mental-ism" but I have to give him credit where credit is due! It seems to me he is even willing to sit down and talk with some of those protest - just not in a "Public Forum" situation where everything would likely turn into a circus. I can't say I blame him for this. He did not even once try to excuse the past behavior of those affiliated with FBC/HAC. I am also encouraged at the news that many current FBCH members plan to stand in solidarity with the protesters. May Christ be glorified!
I made this statement before actually watching "Let Us Prey" and was hoping to give Wilkerson and FBCH the benefit of the doubt. Seeing how Nanette was treated when she went into FBCH to talk to Pastor Wilkerson, I hereby retract this statement. As far as I am concerned, "Pastor" Wilkerson and the staff at FBCH are unregenerate scum and I pray for God's judgment to truly fall on that place! Those who are genuine believers (if there are actually any) need to stand up, speak out, and LEAVE!

May Dave Hyles get his - one way or another! And may anyone who has been instrumental in his coverup get theirs! If I were an angry father of one of his victims, the man would no longer be breathing. Just saying.

I actually attended Faith Baptist Wildomar during the very time that this young lady was being raped and this sleazebag was a youth pastor! I was up there for a youth conference with teens from my Church in San Diego! I had also been to the Victory Home for Girls when they were in Ramona, CA, was there when Mike Palmer was actually berating and belittling the girls before we got up to sing and preach to them and yes, I heard all about the "Get Right" room, just did not know how treacherous it actually was! I guess I never realized how close I actually was to all this mess! I think I am going to be sick now.
She showed up with cameras. It was basically a stunt.
All they had to do was say "Pastor Wilkerson would be happy to sit down and talk with you but without cameras or other recording devices." Wilkerson could've (and should've) easily returned her call and told her such if he was truly sincere in his public statement prior to the protest! They intentionally and deliberately blew her off and was hostile towards her when she went in person! I didn't hear Nanette being confrontational until towards the end and even the, she was being quite gracious given the circumstances.

Wilkerson knows they seriously messed up and he was simply doing damage control! I am certain the statement he read was written (or at least reviewed and edited) by Dave Gibbs himself!

This will look really bad when the lawsuits come! I hope they get a class-action lawsuit going which will take FBCH/HAC for everything they got! The place needs to be shut down!

I was especially pleased at the way she called them out on their fake "We Love You!" If they actually loved her, they would have been the one reaching out to her and doing whatever they could to make things right!
When your under lawsuit, under no circumstances are you to meet with the plantif without your lawyers and theirs for that matter.

She came armed with a camera crew. No top exective of any company, organization or church would have taken that meeting.

At this point there was no use to meet with her. What were they suppose to do or say, its been 50 years.

Not implying FBCH has handled this situation correctly in the past, but at this point what is Wilkerson suppose to do.

The answer is for the police to be called every time there is credible suspicion or an accusation. Cooperate fully and let law enforcment do their job.
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If any of the victims or their families would have called the police, at the time, Dave Hyles would likely have been tried and convicted instead of just quietly leaving town.
All we can hope for at this point is that never again will a pastior feel he can just sweep such abuse under the rug.

I am pleased some of these evil men are finally being tried and convicted for acts they committed and can only hope this will serve as a deterrent against future abuse everywhere..

Parents you must be involved and aware of everything that goes on with your children. You need to know where they going and who they are with at all times. You must foster a relationship of open communications with them. Thery must know they can always come to you, even if they mess up. You should be who they turn to first and you must not fail in your obligation to protect them. In the event they feel they can't come to you they should be taught who to turn to. I hope I would have had the self control to just call the police, but I suspect i would have responded far more directly to protect my child.
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