Pastor Steve Viars removed for not meeting the qualifications for being an elder.

Bob Jones VI

Active member
Sep 16, 2024
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Although not a fundamentalist, he has spoken in many Fundamentalist churches and colleges and has been a ldader in the Biblical Counseling movement for many years. He spoke at Maranatha in a counseling class when I was there.

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest problems of MEGA churches. Men are exalted to a level they should not be. Even John Piper agrees that this is a huge problem.


“Five weeks ago today, Kris Viars sent every pastor and deacon an email informing us that she left the home with [their son] Andrew to an undisclosed location and requested help confronting Steve for his unloving treatment toward her. To our knowledge, there was no physical violence or sexual immorality,” the church explained in a prepared statement Hutton forwarded to MinistryWatch.

Do you think there will be more to this story?

Although not a fundamentalist, he has spoken in many Fundamentalist churches and colleges and has been a ldader in the Biblical Counseling movement for many years. He spoke at Maranatha in a counseling class when I was there.

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest problems of MEGA churches. Men are exalted to a level they should not be. Even John Piper agrees that this is a huge problem.

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“Five weeks ago today, Kris Viars sent every pastor and deacon an email informing us that she left the home with [their son] Andrew to an undisclosed location and requested help confronting Steve for his unloving treatment toward her. To our knowledge, there was no physical violence or sexual immorality,” the church explained in a prepared statement Hutton forwarded to MinistryWatch.

Thank God she got had enough sense to ask for help and got out