Pastor Bob Gray II apologizes for abuse at Longview Baptist Temple


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Jan 1, 2019
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Pastor Bob Gray repudiates dictatorial manipulative leadership, and says that is no longer characteristic of Longview Baptist Temple, in this 32 minute video. I agree with the video.

Uh, sorry, I don't seem to be able to post the link to the video. If interested, you can go to it directly by googling "bob gray II spiritual PTSD youtube"

Or, click on the line that says "Watch this video on You Tube"
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I know I am responding to this late but I listened to the message and it seems he is hitting on all the right points and I rejoice that they have set to a more Christ honoring position.

I wonder if James Spurgeon has ever made comments regarding this? Hope he is doing alright these days!
I know I am responding to this late but I listened to the message and it seems he is hitting on all the right points and I rejoice that they have set to a more Christ honoring position.

I wonder if James Spurgeon has ever made comments regarding this? Hope he is doing alright these days!
I've tried to reach our brother, but to no avail. I miss his warped sense of humor, and I really appreciated his sending me tapes when I was incommunicado because of severe health challenges many years ago. I didn't agree with every conclusion he came to, but, he was right more often than not.
Now, as far as Bob Gray II, I'm thankful if Longview has truly made these changes, and I don't have any reason to believe they didn't.
I've tried to reach our brother, but to no avail. I miss his warped sense of humor, and I really appreciated his sending me tapes when I was incommunicado because of severe health challenges many years ago. I didn't agree with every conclusion he came to, but, he was right more often than not.
Now, as far as Bob Gray II, I'm thankful if Longview has truly made these changes, and I don't have any reason to believe they didn't.
On another note, I checked out the "Solve church Problems" website from Bob Gray Sr. and it was enough to make me believe everything the "Howling Coyote" wrote about in his "Tales from the Temple" saga! LOL

Seems that Bob Gray II is much more balanced and level-headed and may even be of use for the LORD but still not the Church I would be attending if I happened to live in the area.
As BG Sr has moved on to Florida and is associating with the Neal family, I find it interesting that he is also supporting serial adulterer David Hyles "Biblical restoration" ministry, fallen in grace. Are these the only remnants that will associate with Sr these days?
As BG Sr has moved on to Florida and is associating with the Neal family, I find it interesting that he is also supporting serial adulterer David Hyles "Biblical restoration" ministry, fallen in grace. Are these the only remnants that will associate with Sr these days?
It's very possible that they are the only ones who will associate with him.
Here is the faculty page for Bob Gray's Independent Baptist Online College. Some of the recognizable names are David Baker (Dave Hyles' pastor at Family Baptist Church in Columbia, Tennessee), also James Beller, S.M. Davis, Wendell Evans, Jeff Owens and Tom Wallace. (I am posting this for informational purposes only - not intended as an endorsement of Bob Gray or his "college.)"

I'm curious... seeing as how BGII has acknowledged the abuses committed under his father's administration, is there now a riff between them?
I didn't listen to it...............
Here is the faculty page for Bob Gray's Independent Baptist Online College. Some of the recognizable names are David Baker (Dave Hyles' pastor at Family Baptist Church in Columbia, Tennessee), also James Beller, S.M. Davis, Wendell Evans, Jeff Owens and Tom Wallace. (I am posting this for informational purposes only - not intended as an endorsement of Bob Gray or his "college.)"

I'm curious... seeing as how BGII has acknowledged the abuses committed under his father's administration, is there now a riff between them?
Possibly, I tried to listen to one of his YouTube podcasts and he referred to accepting retirement in Texas and then having it taken away. He also denies suing anyone, but I never heard that he WAS suing anyone before he denied it.
Oh dear. Dared to look and found a typo....

He wan as also an assistant pastor for four years and the principal of a Christian Academy in Texas where he now resides.
Shouldn't a "college" know how to spell, and a person with a doctorate attend an accredited school??!!
Is this man the son of the Bob Gray from Jacksonville, Fl that went to Germany for a while?
Is this man the son of the Bob Gray from Jacksonville, Fl that went to Germany for a while?
No, two different Grays….these Grays are connected to Longview Texas. The one you are talking about was pastor of Trinity Baptist Church and the one in Texas pastored Longview Baptist Temple.
No, two different Grays….these Grays are connected to Longview Texas. The one you are talking about was pastor of Trinity Baptist Church and the one in Texas pastored Longview Baptist Temple.
I used to consider Jacksonville Bob Gray as the "good" Bob Gray until all the allegations of molestation came to light. I believe he was repentant and that his past haunted him the remainder of his life (and ultimately killed him) but things were handled very, very badly (likely from very bad advice from his cronies and the CLA) and have therefore lost all respect for this ministry!

Seems all "Longview Bob Gray" could do is double down with his abusive past and run to Florida to hang out with the rest of the relics that truly need to die off. He has pretty much disowned his son (who is trying to honor the Lord)! He will likely die a lonely, bitter old man and I have nothing but pity for him.
I used to consider Jacksonville Bob Gray as the "good" Bob Gray until all the allegations of molestation came to light. I believe he was repentant and that his past haunted him the remainder of his life (and ultimately killed him) but things were handled very, very badly (likely from very bad advice from his cronies and the CLA) and have therefore lost all respect for this ministry!

Seems all "Longview Bob Gray" could do is double down with his abusive past and run to Florida to hang out with the rest of the relics that truly need to die off. He has pretty much disowned his son (who is trying to honor the Lord)! He will likely die a lonely, bitter old man and I have nothing but pity for him.
I used to know many who "idolized" Bob Gray from Texas. But, most of them have decided to break away and repudiate the man and his ministry. Did he ever do anything good, or right? I don't know. I wasn't a follower. I pick most of my pastoral friends outside of my own church fairly carefully. I seldom listen to outside pastors like Jeffries, Evans, etc. There are always things that seem to pop up in these mens lives that turn all against them, and I just don't want to force myself to limit what I can use from their teachings. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut now and again.