Not funny but true memes.

I'm saying the things of God are spiritually discerned. The natural man, despite his cognitive development, cannot know the things of God, 1 Cor 2:14.

Are you saying the spirit of an infant is an infant itself?

What about those who meet their fate in an embryonic stage of development? Are their spirits embyros?
Ok well, they are dead in their trespasses and sins.

So are you saying, bc they are spiritually dead as infants they are going to hell?
Calvinists believe no person chooses to be saved before they are quickened by the Spirit, so in that respect their logic is consistent with what they believe the soteriological process looks like, regardless of age.
Yeah, I should’ve used another word than choose.
Their own guilt, or Adam's imputed to them.

Ignorance does not absolve one of guilt. Many of the sacrifices in the Levitical system were for unintentional sins. They still required atonement and forgiveness.
So do all infants go to hell?
As I have said many times, we can't know the ultimate fate of any infant. Whatever God does is right. Show some trust.
So ur speculating? Ok. I choose to trust that he doesn’t send any infant to hell.
There's a journalistic adage known as Betteridge's Law, which states that the answer to any headline ending in a question mark is "no."

The same is almost universally true of any rhetorical question beginning with "So you're saying..." or something similar.
I have never followed John Piper very much but I saw this video on his beliefs concerning infant salvation. There must be a strong divide in Covenant theology beliefs concerning this subject.

I have never followed John Piper very much but I saw this video on his beliefs concerning infant salvation. There must be a strong divide in Covenant theology beliefs concerning this subject.

What happens to infants who die?

What happens to anyone when he dies? His spirit is separated from his body. Now I'll ask again, but you'll ignore the question...tell me about those spirits. Is the spirit of an old man an old man itself? Is the spirit of an infant an infant itself?

And how do you know?
What happens to infants who die?

What happens to anyone when he dies? His spirit is separated from his body. Now I'll ask again, but you'll ignore the question...tell me about those spirits. Is the spirit of an old man an old man itself? Is the spirit of an infant an infant itself?

And how do you know?
I agree with John Piper when he talks about the principle in Romans 1 where Paul argues that all people know God and they are without excuse because they do not honor him or glorify him as God. They all have access to knowledge because they can look at the things he has made and they see his power and deity and they suppress that knowledge. If you do not have access to the knowledge that causes you to be held accountable they will not be held accountable.

I can imagine going to a funeral where someone has lost an infant and the pastor starts “speculating” that the little one may be burning in hell and will be held accountable for the works that followed it sin Adam committed.
I agree with John Piper when he talks about the principle in Romans 1 where Paul argues that all people know God and they are without excuse because they do not honor him or glorify him as God. They all have access to knowledge because they can look at the things he has made and they see his power and deity and they suppress that knowledge. If you do not have access to the knowledge that causes you to be held accountable they will not be held accountable.

I can imagine going to a funeral where someone has lost an infant and the pastor starts “speculating” that the little one may be burning in hell and will be held accountable for the works that followed it sin Adam committed.
Would you please just answer my question?
I can imagine going to a funeral where someone has lost an infant and the pastor starts “speculating” that the little one may be burning in hell and will be held accountable for the works that followed it sin Adam committed.
The "little" thing about that life is in the grave, neither in heaven nor in hell. My first words of comfort would be to offer the truth that the life they knew briefly was never really their child to begin with, and is a child no longer, and that the greatest part of their grief is their mistaken notions about that life as it exists "now," and also the loss of what they imagine their lives would have been with that child had he grown up with them, and that it is only their imagination, for no one knows what a day will bring forth.

Therefore, they must always...ALWAYS...look to Christ for their comfort, because Christians find comfort when they can trust in His sovereignty when, according to outward appearances, their lives seem to be the most miserable.

If I were a pastor every one would already know my thinking on the subject, and those who who needed their ears tickled and could only find comfort in a god who must conform to their imaginations and their carnal sense of justice would be attending elsewhere. Of them I would say, let the dead bury their dead.
The "little" thing about that life is in the grave, neither in heaven nor in hell. My first words of comfort would be to offer the truth that the life they knew briefly was never really their child to begin with, and is a child no longer, and that the greatest part of their grief is their mistaken notions about that life as it exists "now," and also the loss of what they imagine their lives would have been with that child had he grown up with them, and that it is only their imagination, for no one knows what a day will bring forth.

Therefore, they must always...ALWAYS...look to Christ for their comfort, because Christians find comfort when they can trust in His sovereignty when, according to outward appearances, their lives seem to be the most miserable.

If I were a pastor every one would already know my thinking on the subject, and those who who needed their ears tickled and could only find comfort in a god who must conform to their imaginations and their carnal sense of justice would be attending elsewhere. Of them I would say, let the dead bury their dead.
Just my opinion, so take it with the appropriate grain of salt, but if you ever think about pastoring, don’t.