My Story

Joshua4missions said:
rsc2a said:
Simple question: Why compare those ideas with scripture?  Why do you accept scripture more than those ideas?

<~~~ values Scripture

Because I seek the Christianity that Christ and the apostles spoke of. One where we love one another and lift each other up. One where we work together and do not separate ourselves from others of like faith because of the biased opinions of denominations. I do not seek to believe something because I am told to. I seek a life modeled only by what Christ originally intended for His church.

How do you know that is found in those 66 writings you call "Bible"?
I believe the Bible to be true.  I also think virtually everything from AiG is garbage.

The only reason I asked the question is to understand how deeply you looked during this search.  I personally believe if the Bible is to be your standard,  you should first examine why that is so, what this will actually mean (to be the standard... how... of what) and not by simply reading apolegetics that you already agree with.

To start simply,  have you looked at the arguments for a broader canon, and if so,  are you comfortable with your reasons for rejecting one?
I wish you all the best on your search.  May God guide you as you continue to seek after Him.  :)