I love Alayman's quote because it represents moralism as opposed to biblical morality.
Genuine, biblical morality has been modified to include smoking, music, gambling, drinking.
The Bible is absolutely silent on smoking. It never addresses the styles of music as one being bad and another good. Gambling... show us some Scripture on that. While drunkenness is not even debatable, drinking with moderation is not a biblical sin.
Why are we focused on these? Why is it that a 1980s Christianity is being used as the standard for biblical living?
Why not focus on some real issues!
Lazy, Flaunting, Judging Christians have created their own freedom from the demands of Scripture while they are expecting others to abide by man-made, cultural rules.
Imagine a world of churches where real sins, such as these, were handled by the loving and gentle spirit of Christians.
Sure, why not? I mean, the FFF mantra is "We're FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee", and demands that culture determine such matters of morality, moral relativism being their compass.
Cigarettes are great.
AC/DC for our worship music.
Gambling RULES!
Liquor up, Luther did!!
Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die!!!
Genuine, biblical morality has been modified to include smoking, music, gambling, drinking.
The Bible is absolutely silent on smoking. It never addresses the styles of music as one being bad and another good. Gambling... show us some Scripture on that. While drunkenness is not even debatable, drinking with moderation is not a biblical sin.
Why are we focused on these? Why is it that a 1980s Christianity is being used as the standard for biblical living?
Why not focus on some real issues!
- Laziness - 2 Thess 3 speaks about the pernicious sin of idleness. Some are on the forum all day long while they should be preparing for their sermons that evening.
- Flaunting your "Christian" lifestyle - Matt 6 speaks about flaunting the fact that you don't listen to AC/DC, you don't smoke, you are a teetotaler.
- Judging - Matthew 7 makes it clear that judging people on non-issues while you have your own obvious, undealt with, faults is of the devil
Lazy, Flaunting, Judging Christians have created their own freedom from the demands of Scripture while they are expecting others to abide by man-made, cultural rules.
Imagine a world of churches where real sins, such as these, were handled by the loving and gentle spirit of Christians.