Is This Standard HAC Preaching?

IFB X-Files

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2013
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Dark side of Zarus 3
A year and a half ago, we went home for my mother's funeral.  While there, my home church was having a revival.  I had never heard of the evangelist, but since we were there, we attended all the services (I believe there were 4).  The very first service I was impressed with how loud he was.  He liked to take the handheld mic and eat it.  As he "preached" one thing occurred to me...he never used any scripture in his message.  Oh, well, he DID have an opening text which had nothing to do with the message.  I wrote a note to my wife saying "Baptist Joel Osteen?"  She didn't get it till I told her afterwards.  The next message we heard he did give an opening text, then quoted a verse in his message.  That was it.  You didn't even need to take your Bible.

Fast forward to now.  He has been back to my home church.  I got ahold of his 4 messages.  I picked one at random and sure enough, one passage read, one verse quoted and that's it.  At  least this message the verse applied to what he was saying.  I wanted to see if the first time it was just an anomaly, but it appears this is his style.

The man is a HAC grad.  I won't give his name.  If you listen you might recognize his voice and he does mention his own name.  He also believes the Beebe/Hyles heresy of "you can only get saved out of a KJB".  He wrote a booklet about it.  He and I have discussed it.

To his credit, he is very polite and personable.  He puts out a daily devotional that is very good.  He's a good man.  He has a good testimony as far as I know.  However, I will flee from this type of "preaching".  I would never go to hear him again.  Yet his calender is filled.  I don't understand it (Actually I do, it just sounds modest to say I don't understand it).  To me, his style represents all that is wrong with FBCH and HAC.

If you listen and think I'm out of my green skull, that's ok.  So I ask, is this standard HAC preaching today?  I pray it's not.


I'm sorry you lost your mom....I didn't recognize who it was... it's not the norm in my church... you and your family are welcome anytime at my church...
I pretty sure I recognized his voice - meaning that, if he is who I think he is,  I have heard him two or three times.  Once at a church we were visiting in another state.  To my knowledge or remembrance e has never preached in my home church.

I didn't care for his preaching a whole lot the first time I heard him.  The last time (in another state/church we were visiting), I still didn't care much for it. 
I had to listen for about 12 minutes until he mentioned his name. This is exactly the type of preaching to which I am accustomed. I used to think it amazing how much they could glean from one story or verse...but you start to realize nearly the same concepts are gleaned from every story in the Bible.
I don't really know if this is standard fare or not but it is kind of what we have been taught. I had a couple of classes at hac where they would periodically ask students to preach for 3 - 5 minutes. Now you had to get up and read a verse and immediately start to scream, holler, spit, stomp, pound something, etc. or they would set you down. One teacher even said, "Now if you get up here and start to teach the Bible I will sit you down."
BALAAM said:
I don't really know if this is standard fare or not but it is kind of what we have been taught. I had a couple of classes at hac where they would periodically ask students to preach for 3 - 5 minutes. Now you had to get up and read a verse and immediately start to scream, holler, spit, stomp, pound something, etc. or they would set you down. One teacher even said, "Now if you get up here and start to teach the Bible I will sit you down."

What a joke.

I am sure we could all list dozens of people who would have been sat down, and who influneced our lives tremendously.
BALAAM said:
I don't really know if this is standard fare or not but it is kind of what we have been taught. I had a couple of classes at hac where they would periodically ask students to preach for 3 - 5 minutes. Now you had to get up and read a verse and immediately start to scream, holler, spit, stomp, pound something, etc. or they would set you down. One teacher even said, "Now if you get up here and start to teach the Bible I will sit you down."

I seem to remember something like that.  But we ain't in school anymore.

I guess I'm naive to think that preaching should be filled with God's word.  On the flip side, it's much easier to come up with a message if all I need is one verse.
I knew the name without listening to the sermon.  Funny thing, he only preaches sermons other people have already preached.  He is a very good imitator.  When JH was alive, he bragged about how much he resembled JH.  When he was with JS, he started sounding just like JS.  Then he moved and started preaching and imitating his pastor's sermons and style.  I have no idea what he is going to do now.  A rather proud and arrogant fellow who preaches the sexism that he "finds" in the Bible along with alot of other oddities.

Yes, it is the method we learned in Hammond.  Bro. Hyles was our example.  He picked a verse, dug out a nugget and preached the nugget, not the verse.  JH was better at it than most.  JH basically preached lessons he learned over a lifetime of teaching, preaching, counseling and watching others.  The imitators do not have such basis upon which to proclaim truths and wind up preaching hteir fancy much more than JH ever did.  The result is typically a cheap imitation of a sermon from yesteryear or wild heresy.  Either way, I am not impressed.
Let me throw in that the person preaching is not the issue.  That's why I never posted his name.  I only gave the background so you understand where I am coming from.

Others have posted that this "style" is what was taught at HAC.  Do most HAC pastors preach this way?

It also raises the question as to why this type of motivational speaking is so popular.  Why do IFB churches wish to have this in their pulpits?

That method of preaching seems to be true to form, for hac.  I have a concern about a preacher that is just an orator, not a preacher of the bible.  If he is just reading a verse, that doesn't have much to do with sermon and then reads one from memory, he is wasting his time or to lazy to study and rightly divide the word of truth himself.

I am not a great orator, I studied from a pastor that was a HAC grad, now that i have an expository pastor that reformed himself from his hac background but I have relearned how to truly study and fill a sermon with meat not filler.
IFB X-Files asked:
It also raises the question as to why this type of motivational speaking is so popular.  Why do IFB churches wish to have this in their pulpits?

Personally speaking, if it is the only type of preaching that you ever hear, then how do you know it is not the only type of preaching that there is? The IFB world is very insular, and in my own case it is only in the last year that I have opened up and sought wisdom from outside our narrow little world.
Binaca Chugger said:
I knew the name without listening to the sermon.  Funny thing, he only preaches sermons other people have already preached.  He is a very good imitator.  When JH was alive, he bragged about how much he resembled JH.  When he was with JS, he started sounding just like JS.  Then he moved and started preaching and imitating his pastor's sermons and style.  I have no idea what he is going to do now.  A rather proud and arrogant fellow who preaches the sexism that he "finds" in the Bible along with alot of other oddities.

Yes, it is the method we learned in Hammond.  Bro. Hyles was our example.  He picked a verse, dug out a nugget and preached the nugget, not the verse.  JH was better at it than most.  JH basically preached lessons he learned over a lifetime of teaching, preaching, counseling and watching others.  The imitators do not have such basis upon which to proclaim truths and wind up preaching hteir fancy much more than JH ever did.  The result is typically a cheap imitation of a sermon from yesteryear or wild heresy.  Either way, I am not impressed.

I remember saying something similar on the old forum..... He is as unoriginal as it gets. His early years he sounded and signed exactly as Dr. Hyles down to the coughing and throat clearing.

Sounds like he is now listening to Tom Williams' sermons.
In all fairness, this guy is not a graduate of HAC.  In fact, he has not graduated from any Bible college, unless someone has given him a doctorate. 

(And that may be the case...I have noticed the "Dr." in front of his name in some publications.)
And I imagine one of the sermons was, "I consider myself happy." Amazing this is ttrue to form ofr most HAC grads and followers if not grads. i knew of whom you spoke even before the part about the daily devotional came along.

Amazingly enough when JS taught Homiletics each point was required to be supported by a scripture reference.

This type of preaching lifts the emotions anbd tears down any truth that may escape the speaker's mouth.
Years ago I heard David Otis Fuller preach in a church outside of Madison, WI. He was chastising the people and said that if you went out of this church and didn't care who made fun of you and didn't care what anyone said about you that you would turn that town upside down. One of the Maranatha students said Amen! Fuller turned on him like a cat and said, "Why don't you do it then? You can't stand being called names!"

It never occurred to me that Dr. Fuller never turned Grand Rapid upside down either.

Same can be said of AD. He didn't knock down the walls of Martinsburg, VA and take the city and so far I haven't heard any walls falling around Longview.
BALAAM said:
Years ago I heard David Otis Fuller preach in a church outside of Madison, WI. He was chastising the people and said that if you went out of this church and didn't care who made fun of you and didn't care what anyone said about you that you would turn that town upside down. One of the Maranatha students said Amen! Fuller turned on him like a cat and said, "Why don't you do it then? You can't stand being called names!"

It never occurred to me that Dr. Fuller never turned Grand Rapid upside down either.

Same can be said of AD. He didn't knock down the walls of Martinsburg, VA and take the city and so far I haven't heard any walls falling around Longview.

Heard stories of him going on tour for the college and correcting pastors and their churches?

The funny thing is people keep having this guy come? When I got to hear him back in my college days I had heard people say good things about him,... Then afterwards I remember thinking, "I don't get it?"
Bravo said:
The funny thing is people keep having this guy come? When I got to hear him back in my college days I had heard people say good things about him,... Then afterwards I remember thinking, "I don't get it?" 

That's it.  Why...WHY do churches continue to support this style?  I believe its because there's a lot of pastors who don't want to have real, biblical preaching and by supporting this kind, they can say we had a "meeting" but that's about it.
When I hear this style of preaching now, it turns me cold. It comes across as so phony and hyper spiritual. It may not be, but it comes across like the preacher is the ultimate Christian and everyone having the privilege of listening to him is unworthy of his presence. Of course this is an exaggeration, but  to me the style comes across as extremely arrogant.  I took Homiletics from Les Smith and really enjoyed his classes. He never tried to mold people into being a "little" Jack Hyles. He was more concerned with the content of your message than how many times you yelled.  Schaap taught homiletics at a different hour and had a larger class, but he would have guys yell and scream a phrase over and over again until he thought they got it right. Don't know how homiletics is taught now or by whom.