I Told You So

59% of American Jews are opposed to Trump's plan to "clear out" and take over Gaza, while 17% support it. This should settle the matter once and for all, especially for those who regard the Jews as, in some sense, "God's chosen people."

who cares what "american jews" think where israel is concerned?......most of them are ultra liberals who vote democrat.. ... being a jew in america does not make someone an israeli - nor does it give them any special insight where hamas and facing radical islamists is concerned..... most american jews have never even been to israel.... ... .... . . it;s the opinions of real israelis who actually live and work within range of hamas rockets that matter.... and most of them fully support trump and his ideas for what should be done in gaza......... .
who cares what "american jews" think where israel is concerned?......most of them are ultra liberals who vote democrat.. ... being a jew in america does not make someone an israeli - nor does it give them any special insight where hamas and facing radical islamists is concerned..
Thank you! I see people (even on the FFF) making this comment quite frequently, and I’ve always wondered why the thinking process of a Jewish American has any bearing on the thought process of Jews in Israel. No one ever says, “the Americans of Irish descent think…” or let’s poll African-Americans about a situation in Djibouti, Africa.” How ridiculous! 🙄
Thank you! I see people (even on the FFF) making this comment quite frequently, and I’ve always wondered why the thinking process of a Jewish American has any bearing on the thought process of Jews in Israel. No one ever says, “the Americans of Irish descent think…” or let’s poll African-Americans about a situation in Djibouti, Africa.” How ridiculous! 🙄
If what the residents in the area think is what really matters, why didn't it matter in 1947?

It was what the Jews that lived elsewhere were thinking that mattered the whole time.

When the Zionists were in favor of leaving Palestine under international control, it was for the purpose of an eventual independent Jewish state.

It's the same in regard to the Gaza strip. They're happy to have the international collaboration in cleaning it up and purging the Palestinians. But the prize is their eventual expansion.
If what the residents in the area think is what really matters, why didn't it matter in 1947?
well why don;t you jump in your little time machine - go back to 1947 and ask president truman that question?...... none of us were around back then so how should we know?........... all i know is that it matters now....

but if you want an opinion on why something i wasn;t there to witness happened in 1947.... i would think what the palestinians at the time wanted didn;t matter much to truman because palestinians had supported hitler just a few years before... .... in fact they were on the side of nazi germany throughout the entire war and even before that... ..... .

so i;ll ask the same question... ... why should we have cared what palestinians thought in 1947?... .. and why should the people working towards insuring u.s. security around the world today care what people like you think now?...

It was what the Jews that lived elsewhere were thinking that mattered the whole time.

When the Zionists were in favor of leaving Palestine under international control, it was for the purpose of an eventual independent Jewish state.

It's the same in regard to the Gaza strip. They're happy to have the international collaboration in cleaning it up and purging the Palestinians. But the prize is their eventual expansion.

prior to the october 7th terror attacks and the palestinian calls for the extermination of israel that followed - israelis were happy to leave gaza under palestinian control - as long as they could control it while acting peacefully....... but when you launch missiles into someones country then invade and start killing women and children it tends to change a persons mind about you.......

would you be happy to tolerate a vicious dog in your neighbors yard if it continually jumped the fence and attacked your children?....... and how would feel if those neighbors laughed and cheered while their dog was on the attack? ....
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Okay, okay, let's assume for the sake of argument (or to avoid an argument) that expelling all the Palestinians from Gaza is a great idea, that America has the unilateral right to do this, and we don't care what American Jews think, and we don't have any problem with sending the Marines to carry it out.

Where are we going to put all these Palestinians? President Trump has stated that we are not going to recompense them for lost real estate in Gaza - is that fair? Are we going to pay their relocation expense? Are we going to pay to construct or purchase housing for them in their new location? Where are we going to put them? Egypt, Jordan, Spain, Ireland and Norway have not agreed to accept them - how about Greenland? It this going to be any cheaper than our adventures in Afghanistan or Ukraine?

We can debate and fantasize about this all we want, but the bottom line is, this whole idea is impractical, and we really don't have the right to make it happen, and it shouldn't happen. Would we want anything like this done to us?

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., told reporters “there’s probably a couple of kinks in that slinky” and predicted "obviously it’s not going to happen, I don’t know under what circumstance it would make sense even.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said the U.S. has “no business” occupying Gaza, adding “I thought we voted for America First.”

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said “I don’t know that I think it’s the best use of United States resources” and that he doesn’t believe the U.S. should send troops to Gaza.

Okay, okay, let's assume for the sake of argument (or to avoid an argument) that expelling all the Palestinians from Gaza is a great idea, that America has the unilateral right to do this, and we don't care what American Jews think, and we don't have any problem with sending the Marines to carry it out.

Where are we going to put all these Palestinians? President Trump has stated that we are not going to recompense them for lost real estate in Gaza - is that fair? Are we going to pay their relocation expense? Are we going to pay to construct or purchase housing for them in their new location? Where are we going to put them? Egypt, Jordan, Spain, Ireland and Norway have not agreed to accept them - how about Greenland? It this going to be any cheaper than our adventures in Afghanistan or Ukraine?

We can debate and fantasize about this all we want, but the bottom line is, this whole idea is impractical, and we really don't have the right to make it happen, and it shouldn't happen. Would we want anything like this done to us?

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., told reporters “there’s probably a couple of kinks in that slinky” and predicted "obviously it’s not going to happen, I don’t know under what circumstance it would make sense even.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said the U.S. has “no business” occupying Gaza, adding “I thought we voted for America First.”

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said “I don’t know that I think it’s the best use of United States resources” and that he doesn’t believe the U.S. should send troops to Gaza.

I thought I heard him say something to the effect that "somebody ought to take over Gaza" and send the (so-called) Palestinians back where they came (the various countries around them - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Etc.). Such would be better for the (so-called) Palestinians and everyone else in the region. Gaza ought to be a beautiful resort with a great deal of economic opportunity.

I thought it was something more like the United States "managing" the region, not a military conquest or takeover. Most of this would occur via treaties and the cooperation of the surrounding nations who would likely benefit from Gaza's economic development. I could be wrong.

I understand that it is all a far-fetched "pipe dream" but then so is hope for any real peace in the region! "Palestine" will not be happy until Israel is eliminated and they have completely taken over the region and even then, they are nothing but a bunch of angry, discontented people and "Palestine" will remain the failed state that it is and a haven for marauders and terrorists! We would need to go over there every few years or so and "bomb the crap out of them" in order to keep them in line!

As far-fetched as President Trump's plan may sound, I believe it is likely the only REAL solution to genuine peace in the region.
Okay, okay, let's assume for the sake of argument (or to avoid an argument) that expelling all the Palestinians from Gaza is a great idea, that America has the unilateral right to do this, and we don't care what American Jews think, and we don't have any problem with sending the Marines to carry it out.

Where are we going to put all these Palestinians? President Trump has stated that we are not going to recompense them for lost real estate in Gaza - is that fair? Are we going to pay their relocation expense? Are we going to pay to construct or purchase housing for them in their new location? Where are we going to put them? Egypt, Jordan, Spain, Ireland and Norway have not agreed to accept them - how about Greenland? It this going to be any cheaper than our adventures in Afghanistan or Ukraine?

We can debate and fantasize about this all we want, but the bottom line is, this whole idea is impractical, and we really don't have the right to make it happen, and it shouldn't happen. Would we want anything like this done to us?

in the first place.... if it happens.... (and it won;t happen if arab nations step up and offer to take responsibility... insure the peace and handle gaza themselves)..... but if it becomes necessary to move palestians out of gaza it will be temporary while gaza is being rebuilt.... and it won;t be u s marines that do it... (your fantasy).... it will be israeli troops that over see it....... palestinians will be returned to gaza when gaza is rebuilt and rebuilt in a way that does not support terror operations......

secondly.... from the days of the first gulf war palestinians in gaza and all over the world have danced in the streets every time americans have been killed in terror attacks...... they have stated over and over they won;t rest until israel is totally destroyed... and they have added that when that is done they will focus on destroying the united states..... ...... so you won;t find many people who care what you think america doesn;t have the right to do... ...especially among people whose family members died in those attacks or died in the wars against terror.... or among those with family members serving in the military there now..... .

thirdly..... let the countries who have been supporting terror attacks launched from gaza take in the palestians..... ..make it in their best interest to do so.... thankfully there is someone in the white house now who knows how to make that happen....

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., told reporters “there’s probably a couple of kinks in that slinky” and predicted "obviously it’s not going to happen, I don’t know under what circumstance it would make sense even.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said the U.S. has “no business” occupying Gaza, adding “I thought we voted for America First.”

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said “I don’t know that I think it’s the best use of United States resources” and that he doesn’t believe the U.S. should send troops to Gaza.

like you - they all seem to have gotten blown away by the rhetoric and completely misunderstood how trumps negotiates or operates...... they are imagining extremes and reacting to worst case scenarios that won;t happen if the arab world gives up it;s fetish for controlling the rest of the world through terror.....
prior to the october 7th terror attacks and the palestinian calls for the extermination of israel that followed
Way more than that…they’ve been calling for the complete annihilation of Israel for years. I’ve noticed Ekk never gets upset about that point (for some strange reason) 🤔
because palestinians had supported hitler just a few years before... .... in fact they were on the side of nazi germany
More precisely, it was the Ottomans. And their alliance with Germany was probably more about defeating the British Empire than anything , just like our alliance with Communist Russia was about defeating the Axis powers.

When the Ottoman Empire was divided into Arab States, why was Palestine not given to sole Arab rule?
Good luck getting Egypt, Jordan, Syria or any other nations to take in millions of non-citizens that they do not want to accept. If we Americans do not want to take in millions of illegal migrants that the Latin American countries want to dump on us, then why should we expect other nations to do what we are not willing to do, and how can we force them to do so?

As I understand it, the motivation for our taking over Gaza is to help provide better safety and security for Israelis. I'm not sure why this is an American responsibility, but assuming that it is, our involvement in forcible expulsion of unwilling Gazans (and yes, that will take a war, whether the fighting is done by American or Israeli troops) may be counter-productive in terms of safety for Israelis, by stirring up more rage and violent efforts by the Palestinians to get revenge on Israel.

palestinians will be returned to gaza when gaza is rebuilt

President Trump has stated that Palestinians, once they have been "cleared out" from Gaza, will not be allowed to return. I suspect that Gazans are aware of this, even if they don't read the New York Post.

More precisely, it was the Ottomans. And their alliance with Germany was probably more about defeating the British Empire than anything , just like our alliance with Communist Russia was about defeating the Axis powers.

When the Ottoman Empire was divided into Arab States, why was Palestine not given to sole Arab rule?
Correction... I was confusing the WWs. I shouldn't post while at work. Anyway, the Ottomans were allied formally with Germany in WWI, but fast forward to WWII where a people would naturally collaborate with the enemies of their oppressors. Yet no one in Palestine was goose-stepping to Deutschland Uber Alles.
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If we Americans do not want to take in millions of illegal migrants that the Latin American countries want to dump on us, then why should we expect other nations to do what we are not willing to do, and how can we force them to do so?
I have an idea, just get the U.N. to mandate it like the League of Nations did a hundred years ago.
And all the "Christians" said "Amen!"

t will be israeli troops that over see it.

Financed and equipped by America.

And all the "Christians" said "Amen!"

Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., told reporters “there’s probably a couple of kinks in that slinky” and predicted "obviously it’s not going to happen, I don’t know under what circumstance it would make sense even.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said the U.S. has “no business” occupying Gaza, adding “I thought we voted for America First.”

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said “I don’t know that I think it’s the best use of United States resources” and that he doesn’t believe the U.S. should send troops to Gaza.

Clearly they're antisemitic.
Way more than that…they’ve been calling for the complete annihilation of Israel for years. I’ve noticed Ekk never gets upset about that point (for some strange reason)
When one's land is promised to another people by a foreign government, it would seem to be the understandable reaction.