I am posting this because I know Aleshanee's father was an underwater welder...

thanks for posting that.... :cool:

if these girls had any idea what kind of painful and disabled future would await them if they actually did manage to become a commercial salvage and rigging diver - underwater welder and saturation diver... (coz if you are employed to do one of them you will end up doing all of them..). - they would not even be joking about it....

ever so often when the dive barge is in port, i go with my dad there just to sit around with other retired divers...smoke cigars and talk story...... .... (well.... he does the talking and cigar smoking - i don;t usually even stay in there with them.. i make extra money cleaning - resupplying and preparing the decompression chamber if they had to make use of it... or running errands to bring back food for them).....

but every one one of these retired divers has some kind of medical or physicial problem that is directly related to diving - the injuries they might have received - and the extreme conditions they were subjected to... (my dad included - and he only did it part time on an as needed basis)... ... ..and it;s more than just the extreme conditions alone - it;s the duration of time they are exposed to those conditions without adequate time or chances to recover.... ... ..it;s a job where dying on the job is not uncommon... but living for very long after retirement is..... ..we made him give it up years ago when he had a minor heart attack at age 47.... we were not going to wait for him to have a bigger one - especially when diving wasn;t even his primary career.....

i think before these girls take their ideas any further they should volunteer some time at an old seamans carehome or hospital that specializes in treating injured divers.... ....just the number of missing fingers from mooring chain accidents should be enough to convince them it;s not for them.... but if that doesn;t work then any long time diver could take them around and show them much worse....
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Please let your dad he is not forgotten. I forget his name on the fff but it was always good to talk to him.
Please let your dad he is not forgotten. I forget his name on the fff but it was always good to talk to him.
thank you.... i will....:). .....he has always been great to talk to.... his name on the old FFF was DeepSix.... ..taken from his dive career..... then when he retired from diving he started that spoof account under the name EmptyDiveSuit.... ...he still has his old mark 5 canvas and rubber dive suit - minus the mark 5 helmet which he didn;t own himself.... (the company he worked for supplied those when needed)...... ...but he does have his old mark 21 helmet which he actually put me in a few times not too long ago and attached to a set of scuba tanks .... trying to see if i could handle breathing compressed air and going under water that way...... ...but i couldn;t handle it.... .it was just like trying to breathe through a regulator.... .panic set in every time....
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