Dr. Huk-N-Duck
See what you did? You hurt Smelly’s feelings and now he took his dolly home to play.
I'm smellin' somethin', and it ain't coffee!
See what you did? You hurt Smelly’s feelings and now he took his dolly home to play.
I'm smellin' somethin', and it ain't coffee!
Um, yes the Bush video. And the court ruled after the fact he was liable as a sexual predator.
Where does your moral compass come from? Basic principles of morality exist in every cultural society you can point to. Not only that, everyone agrees on these basic principles. EVERYONE agrees it is wrong to lie, cheat, steal, or to commit murder including those who have never had a Christian missionary darken their path!The treatment of others, particularly those who are oppressed.
I don't need a Bible to tell me that murder or raping a child is wrong. Atheists don't either.
Smellin' Coffee used to be a "Calvie" too believe it or not! I know this because I used to be a "Free Willy" when I first came aboard here and we have had more than a few arguments over this!Anyway, welcome back. Deconstructed. Interesting term and concept. I'm a Calvinist, so you never were constructed, just architected.